A recent Message From our holy Mother

My beloved children whom I love, my heart will never cease from loving you. My heart is a Cathedral of Love in which my immeasurable love goes out in quest of you. My love is a beautiful love which renews itself continuously with an even more beautiful love for you to be received in. Please know my children that my love is at all times sending an invitation to you because it is wanting, and desiring for you to be with me. My children you belong to me, and I will not rest until you are with me. Know that your pursuits that are separate from Jesus and myself will, in the end, make you very unhappy. In My Love, on the other hand, there is no unhappiness. To be received into my love will be the beginning of a happy ending that will never end. I invite you to entrust your heart and love to My Love. This will establish for us a sworn love, which will be a permanent friendship of shared love and celestial goodness. My children you are precious to me, and this is what I desire for you, say to me what will bring consolation to your heart and to Mine. (June 20, 2024)

Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love

The Continuation of the Roman Catholic Church in the Immaculate Heart of Mary

As the drama of present day unfolds we can clearly see how it is going to play out in regard to the problems in society and the Church throughout the world. The difficulty with society is that it is in an uninterrupted state of moral decline, which is not being prevented from being assumed into the Catholic Church. Unfortunately, the moral deterioration that is entering the Church will lead it to its inevitable collapse. The result of this inevitability is that it will put every good son and daughter of Jesus and Mary in a predicament of where to go, or what direction to turn to unite themselves to the true Body of Christ and for their Salvation. In the not too distant future, the elect be will deprived of the consolation of going to a parish Church and receiving Eucharist. The good news, however, is that a plan has been devised by the Most Holy Trinity specifically to address this crisis for this time in history. Thus, the great hope that we now have before us, which we must turn to, is the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

       Although this is good news, Our Precious Mother is very concerned about Her children because when Pope Francis gets his way with instituting his agenda, Catholic Churches globally will be turned into churches of sin. The result of  this, is that there will be three main sorrows that will pierce our precious Mother's Heart, and they are: 1) Many of Her children will become lost to her because they have accepted churches of sin for their place of worship. 2) Multitudes of good Catholics will flee these churches and be swallowed up by the spirit of the world today, and be lost to Her. 3) The misleading of the youth into believing that same-sex life styles are unions embraced by Jesus, will be the cause of many children being lost to Her. The unfortunate reality of Pope Francis's agenda is that multitudes of true sons and daughters of Jesus and Mary will be pushed out of their churches and entirely orphaned. In just a few years the only alternative for many Catholics will be the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and as part of this intervention Our Holy Mother is making Her Immaculate Heart available to be a place of refuge for her Children for these times. 

       It is no surprise that Jesus will turn His back on any church that has decided to embraced sin instead of Him. We must never forget what it has cost our Precious Savior to cover our sins with His Precious Blood. To look at Jesus Crucified with His entire body bloodied and disfigured from all the wounds is to see the face of sin. Jesus can never have anything to do with a church that casts its blessing upon sin. Though these churches profess to embrace Him, they reject His Word which He cannot separate Himself from. Jesus now turns to his Mother’s Heart where He has built is what Our Precious Mother has called the Cathedral of Love. She has not changed the name of Her Immaculate Heart, but is merely declaring what it has become. It is in this great Cathedral of Love that will be home to the Body of Christ, and it it the place of choice for the Continuation of the Roman Catholic Church. For a world that has no love for Jesus and has fallen in love with darkness, the Immaculate Heart of Mary will become the only place of true worship until the end of time. It is in the Immaculate Heart of Mary that the Roman Catholic Church will continue and be preserved. Furthermore, as our holy Mother states in July 13, 1917 at Fatima: “In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”

Life in the Immaculate Heart of Mary which is the Cathedral of Love

As part of the plan of the Immaculate Heart of Mary being in every way a loving home for her children, a devotion is provided to help them to find their way to her Heart. This is done very simply by each child of Mary saying a prayer that places themselves in the Immaculate Heart of Mary every day. (On the “Devotion page” of this website you will find the prayer for placing yourself in Our Mother’s Heart.) Next, in a very natural way, the child begins speaking with its Mother. In this devotion this is referred to as the “Dialogue of Love” which is heart to heart time with Our Precious Mother. She wants to directly help us in these extraordary times by communicating to us through Her Immaculate Love. Our Dialogue of Love with our precious Mother, works very simply and easily. We can safely say that every individual is not separate from their own love from their heart. The same is true with our Holy Mother, and even more so in a special way. In the Dialogue of Love all we need to do is open our hearts to receiving Her Immaculate Love, and in Her Love there she will be for us. Just begin speaking to her is how you will know that you are person to person with Our Precious Mother. Even before you begin speaking, she is fully aware of what you are about to say to her, and also She, in every respect, considers you her child. So, tell her everything that is on your mind. (Go to the Devotion page to learn more on how to dialogue with our Precious Mother.

       Furthermore, because we live in this age of extremes, to remain outside Our Mother’s Immaculate Heart at this time is to be in a place of peril, those doing so run the risk of losing their Salvation. In the Cathedral of Love we live our life in Jesus’s Love. Its a life where healing, Sacramentality, sanctifying grace, union with the Body of Christ, and in-depth relationships with Jesus and Mary is the rule of the day. Read more about the Cathedral of Love on the next page of this website. 

The Two Loves

Life in the Cathedral of Love (the Immaculate Heart of Mary) is similar to Paradise because an individual is never outside of Love. The two loves that permeate the Cathedral of Love are the Love of Mother and Son. The entirety of this website is a proclamation of these two Loves. They are the last part which is the best part. And, they are for her children of today who have to take refuge in her heart because there is no place for them to go. Numerous volumes will not be able to recount the wonders of these two loves, nor can words capture their splendor. Our Precious Mother’s Immaculate Love is the essence of loveliness that makes this earth paradise. Her Love is like a flower that is stunningly pleasing in every respect, and when we gaze into its center, we are overwhelmed by a fragrant beauty that seemingly has no end. It is seeping with Jesus’s Love and it is the ultimate in loving kindness, and understanding which is affectionate. And, because it is so lovely, it always pulls from our heart an elegant response of respect and love. When Our Precious Mother showers Her Immaculate Love upon her children of the Cathedral of Love, they receive a new charism and become Marylove Companions of the Immaculate Conception. (Read more about this on the Profession to Immaculate Conception page on this website). 

   The second Love in the Love of Mother and Son is no less beautiful by any means. It is Jesus’s Love. In His Love Jesus gives us His Beautiful Self because He is “The Most Beautiful.” Jesus is the totality of the Image of God and therefore in His Love is found every possible beautiful thing. His aim is to restore and build the Image of God in each of us and be for us Our Celestial Love. He is the Master of all Creation yet His love is so sweet; a font of infinite love and mercy. Furthermore He is wonderfully affirming and loves each of us with a tender love. He is surprisingly humble and our cares are His cares. In His Mother’s Heart is where He is most at home. And, He wants to show this to us by lavishing upon us the love that he has reserved for each of us, which is from the depths of the Riches of His Heart, for us to thoroughly enjoy. It is Jesus’s Love and His Mother’s Love is what makes Life Beautiful in the Cathedral of Love.

Fatima Message Being Fulfilled with Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love

In the apparition at Fatima on June 13, 1917, Our Lady speaks to Lucia words that are just now being fulfilled. During the apparition, Lucia asked Our Lady if she would take her and Jacinta and Francisco to Heaven. Our Lady’s response was: Yes, I will take Jacinta and Francisco soon, [however] you are to stay here for some time longer.” And then She went on to say: “Jesus wants to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart.” What Our Lady had in mind for Sister Lucia laid the foundation for a worldwide devotion to Her Immaculate Heart that was to come later. The First Saturday Devotion which Jesus asked Lucia to start while she resided at the St. Dorothy Novitiate House in Pontevedra, Spain, was not the worldwide devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The First Saturday’s Devotion is not a devotion to Our Holy Mother’s Heart, but a devotion for its purposes which is different. The First Saturday Devotion, of course,  has a very important purpose, which is making reparation for sins and crimes against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In making reparation for the sins against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Jesus’s hand of Justice is held from inflicting punishment. And, seeing that reparation is being made for His Mother's Heart, His Heart softens and is no longer motivated toward punishment. The second purpose of the First Saturday Devotion is that it produces Sanctifying Grace for the Sanctification of Mary’s Children. This grace aids individuals to repent of their sins so that they may be washed clean in the Blood of Her Son. Therefore it can easily be established that the First Saturday Devotion is a devotion that is primarily for the purposes of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Devotion that is to come later is the Cathedral of Love Devotion, which is the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary that Jesus wanted to establish for these times. The guideline that Our Lady lays down that defines the devotion to her heart, is that it is to be the way to God through Her Immaculate Heart, as She says on June 13th: “My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God.” This is what is precisely what will be happening when Pope Francis’s agenda goes into effect. Our Blessed Mother’s true children are going to be pushed out of their churches, and will have no where to go. One of the main messages of Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love is that she is making her heart available as a place of refuge for her children so that they will have a place to go to when they are orphaned. She is providing a way for the Roman Catholic Church to continue in Her Immaculate Heart so that the Cathedral of Love will lead her children to God. Therefore Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love is the fulfillment of the apparition at Fatima on June 13, 1917. 

Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love

Our Precious Mother has specifically requested that she wants to be addressed by her children as Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love for Her intervention at this time. This beautiful title alludes to her being the Mother of Jesus's Love and she gives us Jesus and His Love in the Cathedral of Love which is Her Heart. Jesus's Love is the medium in which we have Life in Her Heart. It is through the Cathedral of Love that she administers His Benevolence. And, this is the fulfillment of what we have been waiting for and we can get a glimpse of  how the Immaculate Heart of Mary is going to empower her children to triumph. Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love, the Mother of Jesus's Love, will be the one to answer Her children’s prayer petitions regardless of how great or small. From the time when she made this announcement, Her intervention has been entirely miraculous. And she promises, for those who dedicate themselves to Her as Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love, that this trend will continue. She fully intends to provide for, in a miraculous fashion, every: physical, spiritual, and every other possible need. Under this title she is Our Mother Most Near, who is completely attentive to everything that is going on with each child, at every moment; and this can be attributed to her children living in Her Heart. The ones who live in Her Heart she is going to have the most love for. And with them, she forms an Alliance of Love where, we her children, can rest completely in her care.

       Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love is our good mother who is also our Protectress. The times that we live in have become increasingly dangerous. She has requested a second image for Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love, which is Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love as Lioness. This second image clearly illustrates the miraculous nature of Her intervention for this time. Our Precious Mother would like us to call upon Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love as Lioness in situations where extraordinary, fierce protection is needed, and any other emergency related incidences. For both images use the prayer below to present your petitions. See the image and description of the Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love as Lioness below.

origin and Healings Of Miraculous Image

Our Lady of the Cathedral of love

Miraculous Prayer 

My Dearest Mary,

You are Mother of the Holy Child within your Immaculate Heart,

and Mother of All.

You have announced that Jesus has built a home in Your Heart Immaculate,

for Your children and His Powerful Love;

thus prompting you to exclaim that Your Heart,

has become a Cathedral of Love.

My dearest Lady of the Cathedral of Love and most dear Mother,

I appeal to Your Heart Immaculate from the depths of my heart with confidence,

knowing that through your Heart miracles are promised for my every necessity.

Because this is so, I ask that you please grant:                            _______              .

I am so thankful for this privilege of approaching You, my beloved Mother,

and I thank You sincerely for Your tender compassion.

I promise to tell the world of all help received by You,

and it is my heart’s desire to sing Your praises in thanksgiving,

united to Jesus in the Cathedral of Love forever. Amen.

The Miraculous Lady of the Cathedral of Love as Lioness

Our Holy Mother has requested a second image for Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love, and it is Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love as Lioness. At the place of where Her Heart resides, there is an opening in her side where honey and honeycomb is made available. This concept, mentioned in Judges 14:5–9, alludes to Samson, who encounters a carcass of a lion with a hive full of honey in it. This incident is a prefiguration of Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love for this time. The opening in Her side is where Her Immaculate Heart is located, and the honeycomb and honey represents Jesus’s Love. Jesus’s presentation of His love in this way is an invitation for us to partake of it. The comb and honey is His exquisitely powerful Love which is so dear, and the reason for this Love is for our hearts to become bound to His because of the beautiful work it does in us. The second attribute of Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love as Lioness is Her fierce protection, and this is how She will watch over and protect us. In these times, Mary’s children need fierce protection from the forces that seek to harm them. 

       An example of what makes this present age, a time like no other, is what people are exposed to through visual display screens. This exposure is first of all corrupting, and secondly it is saturated with the devil’s power. Therefore individuals of this age, more than in previous times are subject to assault and oppression by the devil’s power. The temptations are such that Clergy today are thinking that celibacy is impossible. Young people similarly think that marriage is not a consideration, because people do not remain faithful today. And, there are many such examples that can be sited. But this now can be changed. And, it is because of what Our Precious Mother provides through Her Immaculate Heart to counterbalance the destructive forces of today. People need to fulfill their Christian obligations, and Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love provides a shield of protection that will intervene in an extraordinary way as Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love as Lioness. When She is called upon under this title She immediately intervenes and breaks the oppressing power, or any other afflicting, destructive force that are assailing Her child. Call upon Her and say: 

“Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love as Lioness protect me”

or “Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love as Lioness help me”

and She will immediately intervene and make Her presence felt. Be sure to thank Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love as Lioness when she intervenes. 

       The Immaculate Heart of Mary is the only place were her children will receive this shield of protection from the power of the evil one, and it cannot be stressed enough that all of us need to go her Immaculate Heart to take up residence there. This shield of protection protects the Life and Love intended for each of her children in the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

How beautiful is Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love

and Her Child King

How beautiful is Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love,

who is Throne to Her Child King,

who from His Majesty puts forward His proposal;

a beautiful invitation of Honey and Comb,

to quench His longing,

which is to bring fire to our hearts,

and the sustenance of His Precious Love.

When upon this Honey and Comb we feed,

we are melded and inseparable,

into His Likeness,

And it becomes our persuasion,

to sing adoration.

Life in the Cathedral of Love is such as this,

it is shared Beautiful Love,

with Mother and Her most resplendent Child King.

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