Wayside Shrine

THIS WAYSIDE SHRINE IS A PLACE where love is poured out. Here we pour out the contents of our heart, and then Our Lady of the Cathedral Love pours out the contents of her heart thus making this place a holy place. Mary’s heart, which is always on fire with the warmth and love of Jesus, is the place where we present our petitions. The purpose of this holy shrine is to be a place where our petitions are presented and heard. When everything else around us has fallen apart, here is where we can find a compassionate ear. Our Lady said to one day that, "One ray of love from my Immaculate heart is larger than the expanse of the universe for each of you." "This ray of love is so wonderful for you because it is comprised of every possible love that any mother could have had for their children." Mary is forever in waiting to hear our burdens, and for us to follow through with unburdening ourselves. For our part in approaching her heart, we can expect an outpouring consolation from hers. If we listen carefully, here is where we will find solutions to our problems, and the much needed affirmation from her loving heart. When we open our heart to hers, her love is followed by an even greater love which is that of her Son’s. The second purpose of this alcove is to pull hearts into the recesses of Mary’s heart (the Cathedral of Love) to be touched by Jesus. Mary makes it clear to us that she wants to take her rightful place with each of us as our holy and true Mother. It is her desire to make our pathway straight in life by inviting us to remain in her heart at all times. Being in close proximity to her, what is broken will be mended, and an empty heart will be filled again with the love of her Son.

      There isn’t a particular format to follow at this shrine; below are some prayers to help you.

 A Prayer to Experience Jesus’s Love

My dearest Mother of the Cathedral of Love, does not the love of your Heart who is Jesus, seek out those who are exiled, poor, and those in need? My dearest Mother, I know that your Heart cannot but attend to my plea. I am sorrowful, wrought with error, and do not know how to love as I should. I need Jesus’s Love to help me to love, and therefore seek His Love with all my heart. I give my whole heart and life to you. I now ask that you fill me with Jesus’s Love, and fill me to the very depths of my heart. I thank Jesus for his beautiful love and thank you for bringing me Jesus. I ask that I remain in the Cathedral of Love for the rest of my life to grow in his love. Amen.

A Prayer to the Child King

for His Healing Love

My Child King, who reigns in the Cathedral of Love of your Holy Mother’s Immaculate Heart,

I seek you with my whole heart.
And, I welcome from the depths of my heart,
the healing power of Your Love.
My Jesus you know what I need,

and you know of my brokenness both in

body and soul; but, in all humility I would like to ask healing for                                        . I have full confidence in the graciousness of your Healing Love because of how you spoke to the leper by saying: “Of course I will do this for you.” Therefore, my precious one, let the gentleness of your Healing Love rest upon the place of my affliction which I have made known to You. Also, in pouring out Your Healing Love, allow me to experience your peace. My love for You, my King, will never cease, and I will sing praises everywhere about what my Lord has done for me. I thank you my dearest Child King for having responded to

my prayer. Amen.

A Prayer to Receive the Child King's Merciful Love

My dearest Child King enthroned in the Cathedral of Love,

Your compassionate Love makes Your Mother’s Immaculate Heart,

a magnificent font of resplendent Love,

because it is at the same time infinitely loving and infinitely forgiving.

And for Your children who have been christened at this font: 

What a beautiful Love for them to be immersed in;

the full promise of this Love is their sustenance for Life.

I come to your Mother’s font of Beautiful Love,

with a heart full of sorrow for my many offenses.

Amidst my offenses I experience great anxiety,

because they seem to me not repairable.

My dearest Child King, for this I have hesitated in approaching You.

But Your infinite Love and infinite Forgiveness is in itself an invitation.

With a heart bowed low,

I entreat You to welcome me into your embrace,

and in return I will make a gift to you from the depths of my heart.

In perfect resignation I ask,

 that You allow Your Boundless Love, 

to prevail over my heart,

and permit me to experience

every facet of Your Merciful Love. 

My beloved Child King take my sins,

and let me see them dissolved in your cascade of Beautiful Love.

Amidst many tears, I promise never to repeat such offenses.

I vow my heart to Your Love.

And in this way I will be pulled close.

never to be separated from my Celestial Love. Amen. 

The Confidence Prayer

Oh most Holy Virgin Mary,

At Gabriel’s salutation,

The world bends its knee

In anticipation of what you bring to us,

Nestled in the Immaculacy of your heart,

Where Love works in perfect harmony with Love,

In a beautiful exchange of sentiments,

Between Mother and Son,

Where Jesus facilitates,

The wishes of His Mother, 

In the Cathedral of Love,

Which is the Chalice of Jesus’s love. 

And because this is so,

I am confident that it is impossible,

For me not to be assisted by you Mary.

For my part, as unworthy as I am, 

I promise to at all times to prepare my heart.

To receive Jesus from yours,

While living always in the Cathedral of Love. Amen. 


Mother of the Holy Child within Prayer

My dearest Mother of the Holy Child within,

because of the inexhaustible Love,

of He who is so resplendent in your Immaculate Heart,

I am filled with confident anticipation,

that my affliction will be healed.

This I ask of you my Precious Mother,

and of Your Holy Child within,

who is so passionately attentive to the sweet voice,

of His Beautiful Mother who loves Him so much.

I pray thee to implore Him on my behalf,

to heal                                                    ,

If healed I promise to proclaim this marvelous deed,

and I resolve to amen any wrongs that I have committed,

that have caused the heart of my Jesus to grieve. 

This is the least that I can do for the Holy Child,

who resides in your Immaculate Heart.

I am eternally grateful to you my loving Mother,

who has given me Life,

from within your Immaculate Heart,

which is to by my home for rest of my days,

singing your praises in the Cathedral of Love. Amen.

Cathedral of Love Prayer

My dearest Mary,

Obtain for me admission into the Cathedral of Love,

that resides in your glorious Immaculate Heart;

where you have reserved for me a home and a heaven;

a place where my praises may rise to you;

in the company of my Child King;

who casts evermore the splendor of His clemency;

and also a place where my heart can proclaim:

Oh how lovely is the Heart of Mary;

how beautiful is this place where Jesus abides,

and how lovely it is for me to meet Him here.

Oh Precious Mother,

allow me to enter this happiness unending,

where I can bask in the Love of Mother and Son

and live Sacramentality to its fullest. Amen.

I claim

Oh Mary,

I claim for my own,

and love so tenderly,

your adorable Immaculate Heart,

and the Most Holy Trinity,

whom you magnify;

and Jesus Christ,

who is enthroned in the Immaculacy
of your Cathedral of Love.

I profess complete confidence
in your Immaculate Heart

for the reason of His great love for you,

because there is nothing He will not do for you,

including obtaining my Salvation

through your Immaculate Heart. Amen.

Praises of the Cathedral of Love Prayer

Praise be the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Praise be Jesus, the Child King,

who reigns in Your the Cathedral of Love, my home.

Praise be His Most Precious Blood

that flows through Your Heart,

and washes us clean of our offense.

Praise be Your magnificent Fire of Divine Love

that loves all Your children so much.

And Praise be Your wreath of Apple Blossoms of Paradise,

from which we receive your Beautiful Immaculate Love. Amen.

Jesus First

Jesus is Love’s first name,

and my heart’s first choice to make Him mine.

He is all lovers in the Cathedral of love’s first love,

the beauty of whom I am first to find.

(from Our Lady June 17, 2022)

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