Reasons why not Blessing Same-sex Unions

Reasons why not Blessing Same-sex Unions

The Blessing of Same-sex Unions

When a priest casts a blessing on a same-sex marriage he is declaring that the union that is before him is the design of the Holy Spirit. Since same-sex unions are not included in any way in God’s Holy Image, which is His Holy Image that He intends for mankind, it is therefore a transgression or a perversion of His Holy Image. God’s Holy Image is presented to Man as Divine Law. When a priest casts a blessing, he is speaking in the name of the Holy Spirit. And, when he does so he is openly making the declaration that the Holy Spirit’s favor rests upon this union before him. Since the relationship is a perversion of Divine Law he is stating definitively that the Holy Spirit is corrupt. This proclamation from the priest constitutes blaspheming against the Holy Spirit which Jesus spoke about in Mark 3:28–30: “Truly I tell you, people will be forgiven for their sins and whatever blasphemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit can never have forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.’” This statement from Jesus comes from a heart that is Infinitely Merciful. Jesus is saying that there is one sin that is so grave that it cannot be forgiven from His Heart of Infinite Mercy. Therefore those who cast the blessing will be eternally separated from Him. Jesus has to be this severe with mankind because He knows that some men and women will come along in authority and use God for his or her corrupt purposes by falsely fabricating a “Word” that does not come from Him. This is Jesus’s attempt to prevent multitudes of His children from being falsely mislead, and be lost to him for all eternity.

      When a priest casts his blessing on a same-sex union he removes his name from the Book of Life. It is an act of pride whereby man is saying that God is mistaken in His Word; and also that God is mistaken about same-sex unions. Man supersedes God by declaring it holy. Pride separates man from God, but this particular act of pride on behalf of the priest makes his separation from God permanent.

Repercussions of Same-sex Blessings on Church and Society

When a Priest is given the authority to give same-sex blessings and regularly casts the blessing, he inevitably establishes a church body that can never be attached to the Holy and pure bride of Jesus and His Body. Since the blessing that he casts on same-sex couples is an outrage against Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the church body under the care of the priest can never grow in sanctification. The Priest, as Jesus intended, is suppose to be Jesus on earth for His flock. Since the priest has outraged Jesus, the Spirit of Jesus is no long at work in, and through him. Unfortunately the Priest and the flock under his care is handed over to a different spirit which is a spirit of corruption. Every individual who remains under the pastors care does so because he or she is following the same spirit that is at work in their Pastor. The spiritual lives of these Christians are never authentic because only authentic Christianity is built on the foundation of Jesus and His Word. Though these Christians claim to have Jesus as their foundation, which is a complete fabrication. These churches openly bless sin and therefore are churches that propagate sinful living. The unfortunate result of the work of these pastors is that they establish whole communities of people who embrace sinful living for themselves and for others. Horrible consequences are the result of this perverse formation that originates from these pastors. Perverse lifestyles are imposed on innocent children and families, which causes ruin of individuals and the structure of family. Every evil can be now manifested in the area communities and go completely unchecked. Furthermore because of the teaching and practices of these false pastors Salvation is now closed off to their flock and potentially to those who are associated with the members of their churches.

Jesus’s Precious Blood

There is yet another issue that needs to be considered, which is Jesus’s Precious Blood. The declaration that same-sex unions are of the Holy Spirit is not only the unforgivable sin but it is also an outrage against Our Lord’s Precious Blood. Jesus shed His Precious Blood on the Cross for Love of mankind to cover his sins. The ecclesiastical body, by declaring that same-sex is not a sin, Jesus’s Blood is prevented from covering this sin. This is a violation against His Precious Blood, because this declaration effectuates His Precious Blood to act contrary to its Holy Purpose, which is to santify by the coverage of sin. Any act that obstructs the coverage of sin by Jesus’s Precious Blood is mortal because the person remains in their corruption. The Divine quality of Jesus’s Precious Blood is to wash clean individuals so that they may be restored into the true image of God. His Precious blood removes the effect of the evil of sin for those who are washed in it and santified. In order for any person to enter paradise all of their sins must be covered by Jesus’s Precious Blood. Jesus’s Precious Blood is the fulfillment of His Love. If the pastor of any congregation does not believe that same-sex lifestyles is a sin and teaches this doctrine to his flock, he also sins against the Precious Blood by instilling a mentality that has no love or respect for Jesus’s Precious Blood. Those who believe that Jesus’s Blood is not necessary for entering paradise are deceived and will never enter.

The Law of Moses

One of the arguments of the proponents of same-sex lifestyles is that Jesus never specifically addressed the issue of same-sex living when he walk the earth. But truth is that he did address the issue specifically by declaring that he was the fulfillment of the Mosaic Law (Matt 5:17–18). The Mosaic Law is a prefiguration of the Person who was to fulfill it when He arrived and that is Jesus. In it guidelines are given in detail for individuals and families so that they could operate within God’s Holy image for mankind, which is the image of Himself. The Mosaic Law condemns same-sex relations (Lev 20:13), and transgender conduct (Deut 22:5) as part of those guidelines. Jesus chided the Pharisees for not adhering to the Mosaic Law on several occasions and openly declared that He was its fulfillment. To further illustrate Jesus’s embracing of the Mosaic Law, which people forget, is that Moses and Elijah appears with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. Elijah represented the Prophets and Moses the Law and they all appeared together to demonstrate to the apostles that Jesus was the embodiment of both the Law and the Prophets. Proponents of same-sex lifestyles are going to say that Catholic same-sex couples are God’s Children and they are good Christians. The answer to that is that when God knit them in the womb of their mother, He had every intention of being their Father. But those who embrace same-sex or see nothing wrong with it have rejected God as their Father. The Heavenly Father cannot separate Himself from His teaching, if any individual rejects His Holy Word that person rejects Him.

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