Profession to the Immaculate Conception

Profession to the Immaculate Conception

The Blessed Virgin Mary was from the first moment of Her Conception by the grace and mercy of God was perfectly preserved, and immune from all stain of sin for all eternity. This is why Our Precious Mother of the Cathedral of Love is called “The Immaculate Conception.” And, all activity of the Immaculate Heart of Mary originates from Her being the Immaculate Conception. The Immaculate Conception with Her Immaculate Love becomes our sunshine of Heaven on earth, and her rays of protection and strength enables her children to live victoriously in an age that is particularly sinful. All children receive from their parents their likeness, and Her Immaculate Love helps us to receive and to retain Her likeness, and as we remain in Her love, our embrace with Her is never interrupted.

       An essential component of the Cathedral of Love Devotion is for individuals to profess themselves to the Immaculate Conception. This profession is what the world has been waiting for because this is beyond any doubt the way to conquer the spirit of the world. Today, most of the ecclesiastical body of the Catholic Church doesn’t believe that celibacy is possible. They have given up and now are blessing sin rather than standing strong against it. Furthermore, people who are destined to be married refuse to get married because they believe it is impossible for people to remain faithful to one another. Our Holy Mother, whose Heart is restless wanting to stand by her children, is empowering them to prevail over these plagues of today by requesting that they profess themselves to Her Immaculate Conception. She is the Immaculate Conception and the act of consecrating ourselves will effectively preserve us in the graces of faithfulness, purity, divine love, single mindedness, simplicity, humility, chasteness, and modesty. It is this profession prayer that will empower the children of Mary to victoriously in these times. It is through her children, while living in her heart and professing themselves to Her Immaculate conception, that the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph until the end of time, which was stated by our Precious Mother on July 13, 1917 at Fatima.

       When Jesus was Immaculately Conceived into the womb of His Holy Mother, He was greeted by Her Immaculate Heart, and its Immaculate Love. After Jesus’s Conception, His Mother’s Immaculate Love, which was without the stain of sin, became for Him His enclosure. She, and Her Love was destined to be the extraordinary agent for God to be born into mankind. The Immaculate Conception broke through the barrier of sin between God and man so that Jesus could physically visit His people. Mary became for Him a Mother in whom He was to grow and mature in a pure, happy, and protected environment. In the same way Mary, as the Immaculate Conception, has become in an extraordinary way, an agent by which her children can live their lives safeguarded in an age of sin. When we profess ourselves to the Immaculate Conception we are consigning ourselves to be immersed in Her Immaculate Love, which is the love that we share in common with Jesus. This love for us will be a fortress of love and protection, and the rays of Her Immaculate Love will break and fend off the power of evil that is at work against us. We will receive protection against temptation, and experience a dramatic lessening of the power of evil at work in our lives. Our Holy Mothers Immaculate Love creates for us a fortress that ensures that we remain never separated from Her.

       To profess ourselves to the Immaculate Conception we say the following profession prayer every day: 

Daily Profession Prayer to the Immaculate Conception

O my Precious Immaculate Conception,

who reflects the infinite beauty of God. 

Jesus was Immaculately Conceived 

into You His Loving Mother

who was from the beginning

a most pure and holy Virgin,

completely untouched by sin.

He was then embraced by your 

Heart lmmaculate with its lmmaculate Love,

that became for Him, 

His protection, joy, and satisfaction. 

My dearly Beloved Mary, Mother most adored, 

I profess myself to your Glorious Immaculate Conception, 

and to be born anew into its beauty, grace, and purity.

which is to be for me my preservation and loving protection. 

It is my heartfelt desire to be consumed by your Immaculate Love,

so that I may bask in the compassionate strength of its rays;

and brought to victory over sin in a sinful age. 

Furthermore I ask to be numbered as one of the companions of your Immaculate Love, 

who are the Marylove Companions of the Immaculate Conception. Amen. 

Hourly Chime Prayer

As part of living victoriously in the Cathedral of Love we say an hourly chime prayer that accompanies the Immaculate Conception Profession Prayer. This prayer showers upon us waves of powerful rays of Immaculate Love once every hour. Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love is never absent from the Love that she showers upon us, so therefore when we receive Her Immaculate Love, we are receiving Her as the Powerful Virgin of the Immaculate Conception. With every shower of her Immaculate Grace we take on more and more of Her likeness. Over time  She becomes the substance of who we are, and this is how we become born anew in Her Immaculate Love and become Marylove Companions of the Immaculate Conception. When we say this short prayer on the hour, the powerful Immaculate Rays strengthens, protects, and defends us against the power of the devil, and enables us live victoriously at all times. Always be in the proximity of a clock that chimes the hour, and when you hear the sound the chime, say this prayer:

The Hourly Chime Prayer

My Precious Mother of the Cathedral of Love,

it is in the beautiful rays of Your Immaculate Love,

that I will receive my protection, strength, courage, joy, and peace. Amen.

Marylove Companions of the Immaculate Conception       

Marylove Companions are beautiful larks that encircle the Immaculate Conception singing Her praises. Within the Cathedral of Love, the Marylove Companions live always in two loves: Jesus's Love and the Immaculate Love of Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love. These two love are the source and subject of their beautiful melodies. Marylove Companions receive special affection from Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love and are granted every grace. The battle ground today is the fight against impurity by establishing purity in the hearts and souls of Mary's children and the Marylove companions assist Our Holy Virgin in this undertaking.  Purity is the stuff of paradise. If any individual wants to enter everlasting life, they must wholeheartedly love and embrace purity. Purity is the crown jewel and the way of life for Marylove Companions of the Immaculate Conception.

A thought on temptation

In temptation there are only two things that a person needs to overcome, and they are the soul’s inclination and fascination with evil. The second thing to overcome is the actual power of the evil one itself. Let us use an example of an image that we have just encountered through a digital display screen which is a very common source of temptation. After encountering such an image you are experiencing a forceful invitation to fall into vice which will offend Jesus. The best way to conquer such a temptation is to separate the devil’s power from the image itself and then direct your efforts to fighting the power separate from the image. The image itself is usually just a person, and the devil is using the image of this person to release His power. Have compassion on the person because he or she will be held accountable for leading so many to their destruction. The devil knows that you have this weakness and he has set a snare for you in advance. To be victorious acknowledge that you have this brokenness in yourself, and then exercise self control over the broken part of yourself, and prevent yourself  from dwelling on the image. The act of dwelling on the image mentally or physically is what releases the devil’s power in your soul, which is his forceful coercion that has the ability to weaken resistance. Remind yourself that this is the evil one’s attempt to destroy you, ruin your life, and send you to perdition. Keep this always in your mind to use as leverage to reject his power. While you are using whatever means to reject his power, maintain resistance against your souls adverse inclinations. Know that the temptation will die sooner or later. Often times it is just a matter of weathering the storm. Ask for Our Mother’s help and the quicker you act on it the better. For more leverage to fight his power, always pursue something happy, which the devil is always trying to lead people away from. Note that to fall into temptation, unhappiness immediately ushers in. Maintain your focus on something that has a positive and happy power behind it like: Jesus’s resurrection power, taking a stroll in paradise with your guardian angel, a special grace received earlier in the day, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Our precious Mother’s Immaculate Love, etc. Happiness, overall, is what defeats the power of the devil in your life. It makes people more inclined to keep up with their devotions and to Love. This is why Mary and Jesus are going to do everything they can, to try to keep us happy. Also this is why the Dialogue of Love is important; do not hesitate to tell Mary all about your struggles and difficulties. Our Precious Mother is Queen of Heaven and earth and everything is subject to her, and she can and will make it easier for us. There is never a prayer, discourse, or thought that goes unheard. Keep guard over your thoughts. Put them in pursuit of heavenly things as much as possible, and willfully avoid all occasions of sin. On this side of paradise our weakness will always be part of the picture. But this we need because it keeps us in a state where we will always need the help of Our Holy Mother thus keeping us close to her.

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