St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes Prayers and Meditations for Young People

Meditations and Prayers for young People

When SAINt Teresa of Jesus of the Andes lived in Santiago Chile, her perfect qualities related to virtue were shown in everything she did, and for this reason she was loved by many. Her perfect qualities came as a result of her relationship with Jesus and His Mother. Today she has left us an example of perfect qualities for young people to follow. Being gifted in this way by Jesus, it gives everyone who invites her into their lives a real feeling of confidence. A confidence, in whom young people can put their trust which gives them a real sense of security. In this way young people today are attracted to Saint Teresa of Jesus who becomes for them: mother, friend, confidant, companion, and advocator before Jesus. When she was a young girl, she benefited greatly from spending time with Jesus and Mary. During the time she spent with them, she unburdened herself, and also put into practice everything they taught her. Today she wants to help young people in the same way. She invites young people to befriend her, and unburden themselves to her. She in turn takes each child under her wing, and powerfully intercedes for them. From her intercession, her adopted children will receive streams of grace which will elevate them, and give them an understanding that is from God. Furthermore, it is through her intercession that her children will also receive the grace to unburden themselves to Jesus and Mary. Saint Teresa of Jesus will accompany each young person, when they spend time with Jesus and Mary in prayer and meditation. She invites all young people spend time on the following meditations with her as her companion.

Why these Meditations are Important

It is supremely beneficial for young people to have an experience of Jesus in their lives at an early age, and also that they come to know His Holy Mother. The world today unfortuately makes it difficult for this to happen. Regardless of the difficulties and pressures of modern trends, a relationship with Jesus and His Mother is the most important thing in our life, and they must take first place. As part of being in relationship with them, they will help us to be successful in everything we do that pleases them. The joy of having their friendship will give us much strength to bear all our daily difficulties well. Jesus and Mary bring their Love, and the quality of Life that is happiest. In our relationship with them we will discover true friendship. And, in a wonderful way their true friendship with us will seep into every aspect of our lives, including our other relationships that we have.

       The essential way to get to know Jesus and Mary is through reading Holy Scripture, and spending much time in prayer and meditation. In addition to this, it is through prayer, holy reading, and meditation that we stay in contact with them which is an absolute necessity.  By doing this, which is very pleasing to them, we will be aided by them tremendously. Jesus and Mary will be the best friends that you will ever have, and in their Love you will receive blessing, protection, and goodness. 

       When Jesus and Mary are not first in our lives we bring much pain and sorrow into the world. When we live our lives apart from God, we assume harmful lifestyles and pick up bad practices that result in injuring others and ourselves. We do things that we are not proud of, and we become displeased with ourselves. The result of this, is that over time, we end up carrying a lot of things inside of us that make ourselves feel sad, lonely, afraid, and filled with anxiety. When Jesus and His Mother become part of our lives, we can anticipate a complete reversal of this trend. What makes the difference is Jesus’s Healing Love. For many of us His Healing Love is the greatest thing that happens to us in our Lives. His fiery Love enters into the recesses of our heart and soul and He fills our burdens, wounds, and brokeness with His Beautiful Self. Jesus and His Love are never separate from one another. When His Love enters—where there was once anxiety, fear, and sadness—warmth, love, peace, and joy now takes its place. He affirms us and loves us, and this is how we are rebuilt in His Love. To help you to experience His Healing Love, read the meditation that is provided below.

       Before you read one or both of the meditations below. Find a quiet place that will remain quiet for at least an hour. Put away anything that can become a distraction, like your cell phone. All music and videos must be turned off. Try to bring yourself to a place where you are calm on the inside, and say the The Invitation prayer to Saint Teresa of the Andes below as part of your preparation:

The Invitation Prayer

Saint Teresa of Jesus of the Andes,

be with me as my close friend from Heaven,

to pray for me, and to assist me,

when I do meditation, read, or pray,

in togetherness with Jesus and Mary. Amen.

      Then begin reading and thinking carefully about the words of the meditation below. It is a wonderful thing to talk to Jesus and Mary as though they are your friends. You will notice right away the happiness because you are carefully spending time with these meditations. It is recommended that you say these meditations often.


Imagine yourself on this particular day visiting a famous chapel dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. There are a few other visitors attending the chapel, but behind the chapel there is a large, attractive, spacious area that is called “the chapel grounds.” As you gaze upon it, the thought that comes to mind is: “there is no other place on earth I’d would rather be; this place is magnificent.” The walkway of inlaid brick in front of you appears to be leading the way to a comfortable park bench that is insisting that you approach and recline. After reclining on the bench, you find yourself in full view of a very large statue of Our Lady holding in her Hands her beautiful Immaculate Heart. The chapel grounds themselves are luxurious and well kept, with towering pines and maples amidst lush green grass. While pulling your rosary out of your coat pocket to pray, you happen to observe a small breeze wisping some fallen leaves into a miniature whirlpool on the walkway. Looking down the walkway you see a woman that looks like the Blessed Virgin Mary walking toward you. She is dressed in a full length, white gown and veil that is very elegant. And, she has a delightful expression on her face of someone who knows you, and wants to speak with you. When she arrives she asks if the place next to you on the bench has been taken, and after taking the vacant space, she shows that she is feeling at home with you, and puts her left arm around you. Her beautiful facial features and warm smile reveals her identity, and excitedly you realize that it is Mary, Jesus’s Mother, who has put her arm around you. She is aware that you are in need of a friend, and she knows that you are feeling lonely and downcast. In a loving way she says, “I am sorry that you are anguishing about some troubles that you are having.” Then in a soft, sympathetic voice she asks, “Would like to say something about what is making you feel this way?” As you begin to speak, you are surprised at the ease with which you are able to express what is burdening you. With Mary’s help you are able describe to her your fears, anxieties, loneliness, grief, rejection, and other hurts to the last detail. Mary, in reply shows with an embrace that she cares, and that she is pleased with you for having shared this part of yourself with her.

       Mary in return shares some everyday stories about family life with Jesus and Joseph that are consoling, and they also make you smile. Then she asks you if you want to hold Jesus for a few moments. Mystified because He is nowhere in sight, you remain silent. Mary then extends her right hand in the direction of her Immaculate Heart on the statue in front of you. Large shafts of beautiful red and blue light streams downward, and in front of you. Then suddenly the Child Jesus appears, and then slides down the beams of light and lands in front of you. Seeing you He smiles, and leaps up on your lap.

       You feel his warmth as he rests on your lap, and looks at you with soft, loving eyes. Mary then says, “Repeat everything you said to me to Jesus.” Following her advice, you begin slowly and carefully, informing Him of everything that you had spoken about to Mary.

       Jesus’s beautiful eyes, become eyes of approval, and you begin to experience the warmth of His Love. Then he says, “I know all of this about you, and I want you to know that I was with you, and loved you in the midst of everything that had happened to you.” Then he says, “I want you to know that you are loved very much.” 

       Then again he explains that he knows everything, including the things that are hidden and buried deep inside. And, then he continues by saying, “My dear one, I was with you then, and I am with you now, and always. I love you, and I want you to feel My Healing Love profoundly within your heart.” Moved by this request you respond, “Oh please, Jesus. Yes.”

       “Then,” he says, “surrender everything to me.” “Give me everything that makes you, fearful, ashamed, alone, weary, and rejected. Pour out to me your sorrows, your anxieties, your doubts, and all the things that make you sad, and in its place I want to give you My love, light, joy, and My peace. Give me the poor image that you have of yourself and others, and in return I will give you a new way of seeing, that you may love yourself and others with My Love. I want to give you My Mother as your new companion, so in giving your heart to Her she will fill it with Her Love and My Love.” Emotionally softened  by Jesus’s words and experiencing the warmth of His Healing Love, your heart is overwhelmed. You surrender it completely, letting Jesus touch every hurt, negative feeling, and sorrow. Responding to Jesus’s Love, tears begin to flow amidst sobbing. While remaining in His love you begin to thank Jesus from your heart and you tell Him that you love Him.

       Then he says, “You are very special to Me, and I give myself to you completely. I want you to remain with Me forever.” Resting in silence, you continue to experience Jesus’s gentle love seeping into the deepest parts of yourself, touching every hurt, and negative feeling. Mary sits with you while you let His words, and the power of His healing love impress itself upon every particle of your heart, spirit, mind, and body. With tears streaming from your eyes, you show Jesus how grateful you are by embracing Him. He returns your embrace and says, “I love you my child.” 

       Then Jesus concludes by saying, “Do not hesitate to pour out your troubles to my Mother every day.” 

       Then Mary smiles and says, “It’s time to go.” You give Jesus another hug, and then present Him to His Mother with a happy reluctance. She smiles and gives you a hug, and then she quietly walks away with Jesus while holding His hand.

Meditation: Finding Rest in the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Mary’s Immaculate Heart has no doors; it’s a walk-in from every direction. There are no lines of people, and no noise from a busy world. When you arrive, even unexpectedly, you find that you are the only one here.

       Inside Mary’s Immaculate Heart you can clearly see that there is plenty of room. Though it is exhilarating to be in Mary’s heart, the ambiance is exceptionally pleasing, soothing, and peaceful. Feeling a little tense upon arrival, the first thought that comes to mind is, where can I make myself comfortable. Upon scanning the room, what pops into view is a huge red cushion near the sidewall. The appearance of the cushion is a pleading invitation for you to draw near and make yourself at home. Finding it hard to resist you cast yourself upon it, but, as chance would have it, this cushion happens to be the most incredibly soft, and comfortable cushion you have ever experienced. Immediately you find yourself saying: “Wow, what is it about this cushion that makes me feel like: all I want to do right now is relax.” After stretching and making yourself comfortable with much delight, you catch sight of a beautifully scripted sign on the opposite wall that reads: LEARN FROM ME AND YOU WILL FIND REST (Mt 11:29). “How does Mary know, that the thing I need most right now is rest.”

       Then without understanding why, every sense of the word relaxation begins to seep into your body—one muscle at a time—from the red cushion that has now formed itself around you. Every bone, every tense muscle, and nerve is inclining itself toward being flexible. Every tension, and every negative feeling is wanting to unwind, and leave your mind and body—no deadlines, no worries to resolve, and no tasks to undertake. The only thing to do is relax. 

       As you lie there in tranquil repose, you suddenly realize that Jesus is very near. The ultimately satisfying cushion wrapped around you, begins to feel like His loving arms. Realizing this with much delight, you begin to allow relaxation from His loving arms to seep into the last remaining tense areas. Now, you are completely at ease—resting the utmost rest. Like a child at rest in the arms of his loving father, you are now at rest in the strength of the arms of Jesus. Slowly you take into your heart His peace, and His affirming love.

       This experience is so satisfying, that a strong desire to part with every remaining thread of tension, even to the slightest degree, emerges. The result is that you let it all go, and freefall into the Love of Jesus. In the state of perfect rest and resignation, He begins to fill you with His Healing Love. Overwhelmed, you allow His healing love to seep into the very center of your being and every fiber of your body. If a worry or a care finds its way in, say to yourself, “It’s OK to leave the pressing things in my life unfinished, this is far more important right now.” Rest, unwind, and relax, continue to let every tension, anxiety, fear, self-condemnation, and other negative feelings go. Let His marvelous Love take their place. 

       This experience of Jesus is so powerfully affirming that you say to yourself, “Jesus loves me for me being who I am, how wonderful.” This new thought resonates in your mind and fills you with much delight and peace. And then you find yourself saying over and over, “Jesus loves me for me being who I am, thank you Jesus.”

       While continuing to receive His healing love and letting go of every possible negative tension, you sense that your stay has now come to an end. Slowly you open your eyes, and to your surprise you see exit-only doors in every direction. Your responsibilities are making themselves heard. And, after a heartfelt utterance of love and thank you to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and her Son, you make a slow stride to your exit.

Prayers to St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes

The Invitation Prayer

Saint Teresa of Jesus of the Andes,

be with me as my close friend from Heaven,

to pray for me, and to assist me,

when I do meditation, read, or pray,

in togetherness with Jesus and Mary. Amen.

Asking for Perfect Qualities

My dearest St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes, 

the Little Child King lovingly awaits,

every fervent request from your irresistible Heart.

Because this is so I humbly ask you to implore Jesus

to grant me the grace to open my heart to Him,

and to fill it with a special love,

to spend time with Him and His Mother in prayer.

I admire the perfect qualities of virtue you practiced,

and the perfect quality of spending time,
with Jesus and Mary I truly desire to possess.

Also plea on my behalf for your other perfect qualities,

because I want to imitate you.

I am happy that you are my friend, 

one whom I can often ask for anything. Amen.

Prayers for Young People to Live By

Make Me Shine

Oh My Jesus,

doing what you are asking of me,

is for me the hardest thing to do.

There are times when 

I give little attention to what

you want me to do;

and I feel bad about this and I am sorry.

Jesus be my strength and my courage;

I need your help.

When You and I work together,

This is when I know I will shine. Amen.

Broken friendships

Those who were closest to me my Jesus,

have broken their friendship with me.

And, in my suffering I turn to you,

when you were abandoned most,

which was on the Cross.

I now know how you felt.

And, in joining my suffering to yours, 

You have put your arms around me,

and that is when I felt Your Love.

I thank you my Jesus,

Because of what you have done for me,

I am now able to love in return. Amen.

I Can Count on You

I need You my Jesus,

who are every part Love.

I lift myself to You 

knowing that you will lower yourself

to pick me up into Your arms;

I who am your young one in distress.

I know I can count on you. Amen.

Mary Capture Me for Yourself

My Dearest Mary,

I know that you have been waiting for me,

and until now I have managed to escape your gaze.

But the time has come,

for You to capture me for Yourself.

I am ready now for a new kind of Life,

but I need you to show me something,

that will help me to put

all of my trust and confidence in You.

For my part I promise,

to prepare a place in my heart for Jesus,

which I know will bring you much delight,

in granting my request. Amen.

Prayer for Kind Words

My Jesus,

It is very easy for me,

when I am with my friends,

to join them as they are speaking,

unfavorable things about someone I know.

My Jesus I know that this does not please you.

Show me a way to be at peace with You
and my friends,

by giving me the kind words to say, 

that makes for a pleasing,

and character preserving conversation. Amen.

When I am Immersed in My Work

My Immaculate Heart of Mary,

when I am immersed in my work,

may my heart always be at rest,

in Your perfectly tranquil, Heart of Peace.

May my mind find its home,

in the pristineness of Your Immaculate Hands.

May I also find the courage and strength,

that you provide for me, 

as I remain always in Your Beautiful Love.

And, at the end of my day,

May I experience, 

the joy of having spent my day with you. Amen.

Beautiful Mother Make Me Faithful

to You to the End

Beautiful Mother of Fair love,

and of everything that is lovely,

You have become my comfort and strength.

My dear sovereign Queen over all;

my everlasting unto everlasting,

Make my heart into the likeness of yours,

and be for me my advocate.

My Mother and my Love,

Make me faithful in Love to You to the end. Amen.

I Place Myself into the Sunshine of Your Beautiful Love

My dearest Mary,

I place myself into the Sunshine
of Your Beautiful Love.

Though at times I succeed,

and at times I fail,

You will always receive me into your love,

which is so kind, loving, and understanding.

And this affection you have
for me never changes,

thus becoming for me the whole
of my confidence.

It is in your Love is where I know that I am loved,

because it is responsible for so much Beauty
and Goodness.

It is this gift of the Sunshine
of Your Beautiful Love,

that makes my heart ascend skyward,

and be filled with many wondrous things,
to praise you for.

This is where I find my strength, and happiness.

Preserve me always in your Immaculate Heart,

where your Love Shines on me,

while I live in Jesus’s Love. Amen.

Mary I Want to be Loved by You

My dearest Mary,

I want to be close to you.

I want to hear the sweetness in your voice.

I want to know the same arms, smile, and Heart that Jesus enjoys.

I want to know the plan in your Heart for me,

and I want to imitate you.

But, my dearest Mother,

I am missing what I want most,

I want to be loved by you,

Help me to do what pleases you. Amen.

Jesus Help Me to See

The world throws

a new hindrance at my feet every day.

It looks so attractive.

But when I rush after it, 

I break away from you,

and I then feel empty and sad.

My Jesus you are my real treasure,

because with you I never feel empty or sad.

Help me to see, 

which will prevent me from making the wrong decision,

and hurting you. Amen.

A Visit with Jesus

How lovely is the Heart of Mary.

How wonderful it is to meet Him here;

He is delighted that I have arrived . . .

In gleam of light,

my concerns of the day are expressed,

followed by His reassuring smile,

and a passing on of His comfort.

Words of love are exchanged,

with another smile of approval.

I am so happy to have made my visit. Amen.

Mary Whom I Desire to Love

Mary Whom I Desire to Love

If I had a song so sweet, 

I would sing it to you without delay.

If I had a rhyme so lovely, 

I would recite it to you straightaway.

If I had a love so tender,

I would love you with it every day.

You are everything that is beautiful,

which cannot be expressed in words.

You are Love,

that my heart desires to love as you deserve.


Jesus Be My Power

Jesus be my Power to say no,

and to stand firm on my no.

Jesus be my Power not to go along with peers,

who are off to do bad things.

Jesus be my Power to stand alone,

when I am ridiculed for doing the right thing.

Jesus be my Power to know,

that when I do the right thing,

I please you and make a difference. Amen.

Jesus is Calling Me

Listen to my gentle voice calling you.

You mean so much to me,

and from this moment on:

respond to me,

look for me,

receive me,

follow me.

I want to lead you

to My Mother’s Immaculate Heart,

because it is there I will embrace you;

and give you my Love,

and open up to you the treasury of My Heart,

because I want to give you a brand new Life.

I Am The Way.

Respond to my Voice,

and you will Rejoice. Amen.

A Prayer to Mary

My precious Mary whom I love.

I am so happy that you are my Mother,

and I give heartfelt thanksgiving

to Jesus for giving me to you.

It is my desire to be good to You at all times.

I wish to love you and serve you with all my heart.

Please teach me the mysteries of Your Heart,

and Jesus’s Sacred Heart as well. 

If I fail you in any way please let me know;

and allow me never to live my life apart from you.

And, it would please me wonderfully so,

if I could endure everything that I must undergo

in this life with You.

It is my solemn wish that everyone love you

as much as I do.

Save all of my friends. Amen.

A Prayer for Forgiveness

My dearest Jesus,

I am filled with an anxiety,

that I do not have an explaination for.

And, for this reason I have decided,

To plunge my entire past, and present,

into the inferno of Your Love,

which is forgiveness that is infinite.

A heartfelt sorrow for all of my offenses
has come over me,

and I now place them in the fire of Your Love,

and ask for forgiveness.

Jesus, my Lord Jesus,

I ask that you press your Beautiful Heart to mine,

even just for a moment,

so that I may know that I am loved and pardoned. Amen.

Mary Whom I Desire to Love

If I had a song so sweet, 

I would sing it to you without delay.

If I had a rhyme so lovely, 

I would recite it to you straightaway.

If I had a love so tender,

I would love you with it every day.

You are everything that is beautiful,

that cannot be expressed in words.

You are love that my heart desires to love,

as you deserve. Amen.

Presenting Sacrifices

Young people of today need to engage themselves in something that will bring them meaning, joy, and happiness in their lives. After experiencing how wonderful Jesus’s Love is, what will give young people a sense of purpose is to dedicate themselves to Jesus and His Beautiful Love. This is how they will draw closer to Him and be carriers of His Beautiful Love wherever they go.

       One way to dedicate ourselves is to offer "sacrifices of Love" which are sufferings in the form of sacrifices. They are gifts of love presented to Jesus for the purpose of easing His sufferings that He endures for the coverage of our sins with His Precious Blood. Jesus allows His children to do this as a means to show Him how much they love Him. When we offer our sacrifices we take away from Jesus, suffering caused by sin that He would ordinarily have to suffer, thus consoling Him and giving Him love.  Love, in this life always makes sacrifices for the other, the other in this instance is Jesus. 

        In this way of dedicating ourselves to Jesus and His Love we ask Saint Teresa of Jesus of the Andes to assist us in presenting our sufferings to Jesus. We approach her Heart of Innumerable Glories and before offering a sacrifice we say this prayer:

Prayer for Making a Sacrifice of Love to Jesus

My dear Saint Teresa of Jesus of the Andes,

I approach your Heart of Innumerable Glories,

and ask that you present to Jesus my Sacrifice of Love.

Make a special give of my suffering to Jesus,

that will bring relief and consolation to His Most Sacred Heart,

which is filled with sorrow.

United to Him I offer my sacrifice of                                             .

I know that my sacrifice when presented by you,

will satisfy Him with bountiful compassion and love.

Thank you for helping me to do this for Jesus. Amen.

While offering and enduring our suffering say this prayer as often as you like:

Let me do this for you my Jesus.

Let me take this suffering away from you with my Sacrifice of Love. Amen.

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