The Cathedral of Love

The Cathedral of Love

The Synods

The Pope Francis Synods are having a devastating effect on the Roman Catholic Church. With every passing Synod more and more Catholic Churches worldwide are openly professing to be same-sex churches. In Germany and Austria for example, I do not think that I am exaggerating by saying that 50% of the Catholic Churches are now professing to be openly same-sex churches. And these Churches, openly embrace sin and declare it as being blessed. The direct result of any church declaring sin blessed is that Jesus must leave the Church because sin led to Him suffering the most horrible agony to remove the effects of sin and led Him to present to us the face of sin which is Him Crucified. Since Jesus has left these Churches that has incorporated sin as a mainstream practice, more and more true sons of Jesus and Mary will flee them, and thus will not have a church to attend. Pope Francis fully intends to make changes to Church Law that will make the sinful lifestyle of same-sex lawful and thus causing the Catholic Church to move away entirely from true Catholic teaching, and thus severing itself completely from the vine of Jesus Christ. The changes in Church Law are going to completely undermine a family structure that Our Heavenly Father’s Goodness and has declared His Will for mankind to Glorify Him in it. The result of this is that it will have ruinous effect to Church, peoples lives, and society. Our Precious Mother is very concerned that with the moral collapse of the Roman Catholic Church that every evil will become manifest in society and there will be very little to keep it in check. What does this mean for the young people of today, and those who are being born into this world at the present time? How will these children of our Holy Mother be protected, and how will they find their way to Salvation? With the moral collapsed of the Roman Catholic Church the focus for true sons and daughters of Jesus and Mary needs to be centered on protecting these children and ensuring their Salvation. We cannot put our trust in a split-off Church because it will not be wide-spread enough leaving multitudes without a true Catholic Church to attend. Secondly, with the Holy Mass in its present form, there are far too many ways for the devil to infiltrate, and the unfortunate result is that the split-off Catholic Church, that resulted from the moral collapse, will only continuously shrink as time goes on. 

The Cathedral of Love

So where do we find Jesus? As I have mentioned, our Precious mother has made Her Heart a place of refuge for Her children for these times, and all of Her true children must now go to Her Immaculate Heart. Each true son and daughter must take charge of their own Salvation and begin living the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It is in living the Immaculate Heart of Mary do we find Jesus again in the Cathedral of Love. The Cathedral of Love is where Jesus reigns in the Immaculate Heart of Mary with His entire Body. It is in His Love that Jesus becomes present to us and gives us His beautiful Self in its fullness. His love is what we share and have in common, and it is the cohesive power which gives us our Life. It is in the Cathedral of love that we continue to grow in His Love and take part in an espousal with Him. The Cathedral of Love is Our Holy Mother’s plan of Salvation for Her children and it is Her desire that all Her children begin placing themselves in Her Heart every day. After doing so we then begin participating in a Dialogue of Love with Her which should occur few times a day; as many times needed to keep Her as our continuous companion throughout our day. In the Dialogue of Love we deal with issues of conscience, sin, and our personal problems and difficulties. It is in dialoguing with Her that She feeds us Jesus’s Love. She wants our relationship with Her to grow, and this is how she does it; She wants to hear Jesus in us when we speak to Her. It is this process that sets our hearts on fire, and this is how we are made ready for Life in the Cathedral of Love where we continue to grow in His Love. Furthermore, it is in the Dialogue of Love that we are wash clean from our sins which is necessary for us to maintain a state of grace so that we can remain in the Cathedral of Love at all times. In the Cathedral of Love, the Love does not stop with Jesus’s Love, there is a second love which is our Holy Mother’s Immaculate Love in which She gives us Her Beautiful Self. It is in Her Immaculate Love that we experience how good, wonderful, and beautiful she is. And, it is in this Love that we love Her and have a relationship with Her. Her Immaculate Love is what we receive as part of our Profession to the Immaculate Conception. Hourly rays of Her Immaculate Love is what gives us the strength, courage, and protection we need to endure and triumph. It is in remaining in the Cathedral of Love for the rest of our days on earth is how we obtain our Salvation. This is the worldwide devotion that Our Lady promises at Fatima. Sr. Lucia was handed a mission to start a devotion of reparation for crimes against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which is not the worldwide devotion that was to come later. The Cathedral of Love Devotion is the worldwide devotion that is the fulfillment of Fatima and the Fatima promise: “Jesus wants to establish a worldwide devotion to my Immaculate Heart.” “To those who accept this, I promise Salvation of their souls and they will be loved by God . . .” (June 13th apparition). Sr. Lucia’s very important devotion was for the purposes of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and not the worldwide devotion to Our Mother’s Precious Immaculate Heart. As I mentioned, this is our Holy Mother’s plan of salvation for Her children in the aftermath of the moral collapse of the Roman Catholic Church. She is intervening at this time as Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love, in whom the continuation of the Roman Catholic Church will be preserved until the end of time.

How Does a Person Enter the Cathedral of Love?

As part of practicing the devotion to Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love, we place ourselves in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and say a chaplet of the Holy Rosary each day. Furthermore as part of our daily devotion, we engage in a Dialogue of Love with Our Holy Mother. (see The Devotion page). It is through engaging in a daily Dialogue of Love that we discuss our every day occupations, and also the difficulties. And, then we examine our conscience for instances when we have offended Jesus or sinned, and discuss them with Our Precious Mother. Thus, it is by praying our Rosary, and speaking openly about our sins to Our Holy Mother that we are cleansed by Sanctifying Grace. Then, it is by maintaining our State of Grace, and dialoguing that we enter into the Love of Mother and Son (see “Home” page). Living in the Love that comes from Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love, and the Love that comes from Jesus simultaneously, is the climax of this devotion. Jesus then becomes part of the Dialogue, and when this occurs the individual is ready to enter into the Cathedral of Love. Entrance into this great Cathedral is done so by a signature Grace of Baptism for which the child needs to request, and to prepare him or herself for. Baptism should be part of to the dialogue with Our Holy Mother (see Baptism page). Living in the Love of Mother and Son becomes the source of our fervor and devotion in the Cathedral of Love. The Cathedral of Love is the great Cathedral of praises. We join our exuberant prayers and praises of the Holy Virgin and Her Son with multitudes who gathered here from over the world and the heavenly kingdom. To live always in the Cathedral of Love is to live a full life in the world, and at the same time lead an active life in the Cathedral of Love. It is in the Cathedral of Love that we enjoy ongoing Friendship and Companionship, and also is it here that we are led in the way of perfection. As part of being a child of the Cathedral of Love, we need to be conscious that we live always in the Cathedral of Love. One way we do this is by praying a short prayer like this one before we begin our prayers and devotions:

    Offering Prayer for the Cathedral of Love


     I offer my prayer and praise,

     along side of the heavenly community,

     in the Cathedral of Love,

     for the glorification of God,

     and for the edification of all. Amen.

     To remain always in the Cathedral of Love, it is very important to avoid all sin, and to do everything in your power to avoid every occasion of sin. The reason why sin must be avoided is because Jesus suffered and shed His Precious Blood to remove our sin. The law is that no sin is removed except by His Precious Blood. All of our sins have to be covered by His precious blood in order for us to enter Paradise. This is why our particular culture is alarming, because it drinks sin like drinking soda. Since there is no regard for sin and what it costs our Savior, He has turned His back and we now face punishment. This is why the Immaculate Heart of Mary appearing at this time is an enormous act of Mercy. The Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Cathedral of Love gives us a home to go to, and it separates us out from the death culture. Since we have been separated out for a holy life in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we cannot bring with us into her Heart the devices of sin that are prevalent in the culture. If you have to use one of the devices out of necessity, you need  to it with much caution to avoid exposure to sinful material. Remember always that you have taken residence in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and no sin can be found here. Whatever devices that must be used, use in a way that is pleasing to Our Precious Mother. In Our Dialogue of Love with her speak to her about the difficulties that we are having; remember that she is our Holy Mother who is always so gracious, kind, loving, merciful, and understanding. The purpose of Our Mother’s precious Immaculate Heart is to be our source of Life and Love for these times. The Life and Love found within Her Immaculate Heart is far superior than anything that exists in the world.


Sacramental Life in the Cathedral of Love

Those who live in present day have many difficulties to confront and overcome in dealing with a culture of sin. The power of evil has not been stronger in any other time than this one and his first target is purity. We cannot have a relationship with Mary and the Holy Trinity unless we do so in the context of purity. Purity is what God loves, and the devil is well aware of this. Therefore purity is the battleground, and it has to be firmly established in the mind, heart, and soul of every child of the Cathedral of Love. This is why the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Cathedral of Love is making its appearance at this time; Our Precious Mother is the Immaculate Conception who is all Pure and all Holy. Every person is invited to leave the culture of sin and take up residence in Her Immaculate Heart. Here is where our purity will be restored and maintained so that we can enjoy a full devotional life with Jesus and Mary and be united to the Body of Christ.

       It is inside the Immaculate Heart is where we will engaged an extraordinary quality of spiritual Life and Love. This is the gift to us from the heavenly Father for those who have to endure the challenges of these times. The true Body of Christ is found here in the Cathedral of Love and therefore a long with it a full sacramental Life. A sacramental life is necessary for an uninterrupted life of sanctification (life of purity) in the Body of Christ. Since the Cathedral of Love is the continuation of the Roman Catholic Church, here also is where its sacramental charisms will be provided until the end of time. Sacramental Life for us came from the Heart of Jesus when is was pierced on the Cross. When the Heart of God was pierced, Sacramental Life poured forth and became a gift to mankind so that he could build a society around His Heart. It was to be a society the would be received into his embrace. The following is a brief explanation of the sacraments:

       Reconciliation, A daily rosary is ideal for making reparation for our own sins, past and present. When a child of the Cathedral of Love prays his or her rosary regularly with devotion for the sins that they agreed to address during their Dialogue of Love, this person can enjoy living in the “state of grace.” State of grace and State of Sanctification presupposes a covering of Jesus’s Precious Blood. When we pray with devotion to make restitution for our sins, Our Precious Mother at once begins to intercede for us to obtain for us this Covering. It is through this means that we remain in the Cathedral of Love always and remain united to the Body of Christ in the Cathedral of Love. In this devotion, it is by “taking our place,” and being open about our sins in our Dialogue of Love, and taking responsibility for them is the pathway to salvation. 

       Eucharist, The way that the children of the Cathedral of Love will subsist until the end of time is on Jesus’s powerful Love. Our Lady intends to feed us Jesus’s Love like the Heavenly Father fed the Israelites manna in the desert from within Her Immaculate Heart. All Life and Love is found in Jesus’s Love because Jesus Himself is present in His Love; therefore in receiving Jesus Love we receive Jesus. He is real sustenance which satisfies because He brings with Himself a Life, Love, and Goodness that does not end. As Mary's children remain in the State of Grace in Her Immaculate Heart, Our Holy Mother, readily and open-handedly infuses Jesus’s Love into the Hearts of Her children as part of their daily bread. We feeding on His love, in this way is how Jesus intends to rebuild His Church. The Eucharistic strengthening from Jesus’s Love will help Children of the Cathedral of Love overcome the challenges and the problems that they will face. A characteristic of Jesus’s love is that it cannot be overcome by anything including the powers of Hell. Any one of Her children who acts in the Love received from their Mother, their purpose can never be obstructed. Therefore the Cathedral of Love can never be prevented from being realized, thus making the Immaculate Heart of Mary Victorious. By feeding us Jesus’s Love, evil is conquered, and peace, love, and harmony of the Immaculate Heart prevails over all.

      Marriage, is defined as a marriage of one man to one woman, and one woman to one man. If a couple wants to be married in the Cathedral of Love they must put their trust in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and a way will be provided for them. Immediately after the fallout of the Synods there will be a scarcity of Churches and Priests priests who work through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Cathedral of Love. It is understood the couples need to be Baptized into the Cathedral of Love first, and become Children of the Cathedral of Love. Furthermore, if a person is married civilly, they can sacramentalize their marriage by bringing it into the Cathedral of Love when both parties in the relationship become children of the Cathedral of Love. Furthermore, the same applies to religious life, a person can sacramentalize their vows by living always in the Cathedral of Love. There is no reason why any person should want to remain outside the Immaculate Heart of Mary if they truly desire to live a holy life. 

       Anointing of the Sick, anyone can pray to experience Jesus’s Healing Love at any time. On this website there are prayers for experiencing Jesus’s Healing Love, and you can find them on the Wayside Shrine page. When receiving Jesus’s Healing Love it is important that we prepare ourselves beforehand, and the prayer of choice for this the most Holy Rosary. Say a chaplet of the Rosary for your healing. Say the prayers with much sincerity, and Love, and also with an disposition of expectation; Jesus responds to loving words spoken from our Hearts. Love from our heart is the perfect ambiance for Jesus to draw near with His Healing Love. Ask anything from Jesus and continue until your healing is complete.

About Priests

Priests can have full exercise of their priestly ministry when they become Children of the Cathedral of Love. In order for a priest to become a Child of the Cathedral of Love, He must place himself in the Immaculate Heart of Mary every day by saying the “Taking My Place Prayer” (on the next page). Furthermore, He must personally stand strong against the blessing of same-sex unions. And, when the occasion arises, inform his flock of all the dangers, and repercussions associated with the same-sex blessings. He must also not perform the blessings himself, and if forced to do so he must leave that particular Bishop. Furthermore, it is required that he teach this devotion of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Cathedral of Love. He must have full knowledge that he is directly operating his ministry from within the Cathedral of Love, and also maintaining his full residency. He must lead his flock to Jesus, in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in the way of His Love, so that his flock will become His Love. This is necessary for their Salvation. Lastly, he much teach that the Body of Christ resides in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and all the truths of the devotion mentioned on the website. 

       As mentioned priests can have full exercise of their priestly ministry from within the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the Cathedral of Love under their current Bishop. But if their Bishop makes it mandatory that he bless unions of the same-sex, then the priest must resign from that Bishop. A list of Bishops who are Children of the Cathedral of Love will be posted on this website, and these Bishops will take priests who want to be priest of the Cathedral of Love. Priest who have questions about this can use the “Contact Us” page. Every concern and question will addressed as soon as possible. 

       The horrible consequences of the Synods is that it going to put multitudes Jesus’s true sons, His priests, in a situation where they will have to leave their current Bishop. The reason for this is that they will be forced to say a blessing that would constitute the “unforgivable sin.” Jesus’s true sons cannot say this blessing because, in saying it they could be eternally lost. By pronouncing the blessing, what the priest is saying is that same-sex unions are of the Holy Spirit. This, of course is a lie, and would constitute blaspheming against the Holy Spirit, which is unforgivable (Mark 3:28–30). 

Mass Offering Prayer of for Priests of the Cathedral of Love

It is a necessity for Priests of the Cathedral of Love to say a consecration prayer as part of their Mass offering every day. The prayer is as follows: 

The Cathedral of Love Consecration Prayer

I offer my Priestly Ministry,

in union with the Cathedral of Love,

for the Spiritual Salvation of the Children of Cathedral of Love,

which is for achieving the designs of the Heavenly Father,

in union with the Holy Spirit and Jesus,

and the expressed purposes in His Love. Amen.

     In addition to saying the consecration prayer, Priests of the Cathedral of Love must say this prayer along with their every day obligatory prayers:


Praise be the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Praise be Jesus, the Child King,

who reigns in Your the Cathedral of Love, my home.

Praise be His Most Precious Blood

that flows through Your Heart,

and washes us clean of our offense.

Praise be Your magnificent Fire of Divine Love

that loves all Your children so much.

And Praise be Your wreath of Apple Blossoms of Paradise,

from which we receive your Beautiful Immaculate Love. Amen.

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