Emails to the Children of Mary

Emails to the Children of Mary

Emails 2024

June 8th 2024

Dear Child of Mary,

I am sending you another image of St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes: Heart of Innumerable Glories. This is a revised version with some modifications made to her face and to Jesus. I am also sending you a prayer that I wrote recently that I sent to Padre Rodrigo. What I have been sending you is what I have been sending to Padres Rodrigo, Pablo and David. Furthermore I am sending the Healing prayer again, and also the First Week psalter that I wrote for young people. I have finished the second week and I am currently working on the third week. The reason why I have been writing all of you is because Pope Francis’s synod is having a devestating effect on the Roman Catholic Church. With every passing synod more and more Catholic Churches worldwide are openly professing to be same-sex churches. In Germany and Austria for example, I do not think that I am exagurating by say that 50% of the Catholic Churches are professing to be openly same-sex churches. And these Churches, openly embrace sin and even declare it as being blessed. The direct result of any church declaring sin blessed is that Jesus must leave the Church because it is sin that has led Him to present to us the face of sin which is Him Crucified. Since Jesus has left the Church those who love him are going to do the same and this is the problem that our precious Mother is having right now. The result of all these churches declaring themselves churches of sin, more and more true sons of Jesus and Mary do not have a church to go to, and are confused, and do not know where to turn. Our Precious Mother is very worried that these children of hers are in great danger, the spirit of the world is very strong and without support or knowledge of what to do, she is afraid that these children will be lost to her. This is why she is intervening at this time as our Lady of Cathedral of Love. Her heart that she is naming the Cathedral of Love, she is opening for her children as a place of refuge so that her children will have a place to go. The future unfortunately for Mary and Jesus’s true sons and daughters is that they will not have a church to go to. Our Lady has been working with me for the last six years to put together a methodology for the Catholic Church to continue in her Immaculate Heart as the Cathedral of Love for this time. I know that this sounds incredible but it is true and unfortunately what is happening to the rest of the world will be happening to Chile. St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes is wanting to Lead the people of Chile to the Immaculate Heart of Mary through devotion to her Heart of Innumerable Glories. She is anxious to work miracles in Chile this is why I am sending you another image. All a person needs to do is kiss the child Jesus holding the dove and say the prayer. 

   I would enjoy hearing from you. If you think that something didn’t translate well, let me know and I send you another translation.

Sincerely yours in the Immaculate Heart of Mary,


June 15, 2024

Dear Child of Mary

It is a pleasure writing you again, and I also enjoy sharing with you the ultimate good which is the Immaculate Heart of Mary. With this email I am attaching yet another updated version of St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes’s Heart of Innumerable Glories image with Jesus holding the Holy Spirit. What is different about this version is that I put a short prayer just under the image with an added instruction to “Kiss Jesus.” Therefore, any person that receives the image can obtain a special grace by reading the short prayer which is: “O Jesus, living in St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes’s Heart of Innumerable Glories, allow the Healing Power of your Love to descend upon me in its fullness. Amen,” and then kiss Jesus holding the Holy Spirit. Do you know of any young person that you are concerned about? Send him or her the image to their email and dare them to recite the prayer and kiss Jesus. As I have mentioned previously is that Jesus is anxious to lead young people to the St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes’s Heart of Innumerable Glories who will lead them to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Please proceed with this because the banquet table of all the Graces that Jesus has prepared is ready. And they are to be dispensed through St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes’s Heart of Innumerable Glories. Thank you so much in advance. If you wish to email me I would enjoy hearing from you.

Sincerely yours in the Immaculate Heart of Mary,


June 23, 2024

Dear Child of Mary

Thank you for graciously enduring my emails. They are difficult because the Roman Catholic Church is on the verge of moral collapse. It is unfortunate that I am unable to email you under better circumstances; I am compelled to reach out because of the suffering of Our Holy Mother. Her suffering is such that I am unable to endure it. However the suffering does not end there, St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes is also suffering immeasurably. She is heartbroken that her Santuario is going become an institution that endorses same-sex behavior because the Church is going to make it lawful. Jesus and Mary maintain a no tolerance stance because it is sin. Jesus, as you know, had to undergo horrible, Agony and Crucifixion to cover all sin and these sins have to be also covered by His Precious Blood. For His own Church to make same-sex sins legal is a total betrayal, and in addition to this, it only adds to His already very horrible Crucifixion. Those who die in an unrepentant state of this sin will never see Paradise. Any individual who dies in a state where they do not believe same-sex is a sin, Jesus will be offended by this, and He will not cover their sins; and therefore that person can never enter paradise. Young people of today are in great danger, and even more so if they are formed by their Catholic Religion with the understanding that Jesus is OK with same-sex. I am reaching out to you help Our Precious Holy Mother and St. Teresa of the Andes. Their hearts are completely broken because they are anticipating that multitudes of their children will be eternally lost to them. I have no personal interest in this except trying to do whatever I can to alleviate their suffering. What is needed is for individuals to step forward to begin directing Our Precious Mother’s children to Her Immaculate Heart. She has a plan for their Salvation through Her Immaculate Heart through her Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love intervention, please see Her website: the Please, also ask Our Precious Mother and St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes to speak to you in your prayers about this, I am confident that they will. I am resending the Miraculous Image of St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes as a jpeg. That is the one where I put a short prayer just under the image with the added instruction to “Kiss Jesus” after the persons says: “O Jesus, living in St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes’s Heart of Innumerable Glories, allow the Healing Power of your Love to descend upon me in its fullness. Amen.” If for some reason forwarding the image to someone you know is a problem, I have placed on the website a page called Santa Teresa de Jesús de los Andes: Corazón de Glorias Innumerables. This page is all in Spanish and if you click on this page title the miraculous image will immediately appear on your screen. For an easy way to dare someone to say the prayer and kiss Jesus, just send the website address with the instruction to click on the just mentioned page title. Furthermore, if you know of someone who is in a position to help Our Precious Mother and St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes, please refer them to me. Thank you again for hearing me through. I hope to hear from you, email me when you can.

Much Love always in the Immaculate Heart of Mary


June 27, 2024

Dear Child of Mary

Thank you for so graciously persevering with my emails. I will not disappoint you with this one, however, because it is concerning the Cathedral of Love that I write. In a very short time multitudes of God’s elect will not have a church to go to because, as I have mentioned, sin will have become lawful in the Roman Catholic Church. Jesus will have fled His Church which will cause much distress to His true sons and daughters who live in these times. Furthermore His true sons and daughters must also flee because we are to flee every circumstance where Jesus is not present. So where do we find Jesus? As I have mentioned, our Precious mother has made Her Heart a place of refuge for Her children for these times, and all of Her true children must now go to Her Immaculate Heart. Each true son and daughter must take charge of their own Salvation and begin living the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It is in living the Immaculate Heart of Mary do we find Jesus again in the Cathedral of Love. The Cathedral of Love is where Jesus reigns in the Immaculate Heart of Mary with His entire Body. It is in His Love that Jesus becomes present to us and gives us His beautiful Self in its fullness. His love is what we share and have in common, and it is the cohesive power which gives us our Life. It is in the Cathedral of love that we continue to grow in His Love and take part in an espousal with Him. The Cathedral of Love is Our Holy Mother’s plan of Salvation for Her children and it is Her desire that all Her children begin placing themselves in Her Heart every day. After doing so we then begin participating in a Dialogue of Love with Her which should occur few times a day; as many times needed to keep Her as our continuous companion throughout our day. In the Dialogue of Love we deal with issues of conscience, sin, and our personal problems and difficulties. It is in dialoguing with Her that She feeds us Jesus’s Love. She wants our relationship with Her to grow, and this is how she does it; She wants to hear Jesus in us when we speak to Her. It is this process that sets our hearts on fire, and this is how we are made ready for Life in the Cathedral of Love where we continue to grow in His Love. Furthermore, it is in the Dialogue of Love that we are wash clean from our sins which is necessary for us to maintain a state of grace so that we can remain in the Cathedral of Love at all times. In the Cathedral of Love, the Love does not stop with Jesus’s Love, there is a second love which is our Holy Mother’s Immaculate Love in which She gives us Her Beautiful Self. It is in Her Immaculate Love that we experience how good, wonderful, and beautiful she is. And, it is in this Love that we love Her and have a relationship with Her. Her Immaculate Love is what we receive as part of our Profession to the Immaculate Conception. Hourly rays of Her Immaculate Love is what gives us the strength, courage, and protection we need to endure and triumph. It is in remaining in the Cathedral of Love for the rest of our days on earth is how we obtain our Salvation. This is the worldwide devotion that Our Lady promises at Fatima. Sr. Lucia was handed a mission to start a devotion of reparation for crimes against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which is not the worldwide devotion that was to come later. The Cathedral of Love Devotion is the worldwide devotion that is the fulfillment of Fatima and the Fatima promise: “Jesus wants to establish a worldwide devotion to my Immaculate Heart.” “To those who accept this, I promise Salvation of their souls and they will be loved by God . . .” (June 13th apparition). Sr. Lucia’s very important devotion was for the purposes of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and not the worldwide devotion to Our Mother’s Precious Immaculate Heart. As I mentioned, this is our Holy Mother’s plan of salvation for Her children in the aftermath of the moral collapse of the Roman Catholic Church. She is intervening at this time as Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love, in which the continuation of the Roman Catholic Church will be preserved until the end of time. Please take this email to prayer and ask especially St. Teresa of Jesus to give you a sign so that you may be convinced of what I am saying is true. She wants to lead the people of Chile, and especially the young people of Chile to the Cathedral of Love which is the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The salvation of very many souls depends upon this message being propagated. I am not operating on my own, and it is no coincidence that I am contacting you. Please email me when you get a chance.

Much Love always in the Immaculate Heart of Mary


June 29, 2024

Dear Child of Mary

I write with a heart full of Love and Compassion, and it is my holy desire that everyone live the ultimate good which is the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I live at all times in the Cathedral of Love with Jesus in His Love and practice whole heartedly this devotion. Our Precious Mother is very concerned that with the moral collapse of the Roman Catholic Church that every evil will become manifest in society and there will be very little to keep it in check. What does this mean for the young people of today, and those who are being born into this world at the present time? How will these children of our Holy Mother be protected, and how will they find their way to Salvation? With the moral collapsed of the Roman Catholic Church the focus for true sons and daughters of Jesus and Mary has to be centered on protecting these children and ensuring their Salvation. We cannot put our trust in a split-off Church because it will not be wide spread enough leaving multitudes without a true Catholic Church to attend. Secondly, with the Holy Mass in its present form, there are far too many ways for the devil to infiltrate, and the unfortunate result is that the split-off Catholic Church that resulted from the moral collapse, will only continuously shrink as time goes on. Our only recourse is the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the task at hand is to facilitate the placement of every individual inside the Heart of Our Precious Mother. The advantage of Her children being in Her heart is that she will first and foremost pour Her Love and affection on each of her children individually in an extra-ordinary way. Our Holy Mother, doing this, will make it possible for Her children on the receiving end, to easily be engaged in an especially personal relationship with Her. What we can count on from Our Holy Mother is that, because these times are not ordinary, that Her intervention will be magnificently extra-ordinary. Secondly, when her children are in her heart, She will be able to provide extraordinary protection. When her children are in Her Heart she hovers over them, and guards them fiercely like a Lioness. For each of her children, when they are in the slightest danger, She is swift, and makes herself known immediately to children, and then wards off the assault. In Her Heart, Her children also receive extra-ordinary forms of assistance. It is through the Dialogue of Love that she speaks to us in various ways to give us vital information for our safety, spiritual growth, and for every other benefit. The Dialogue of Love is a special charism (gift of Love) of Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love intervention. It takes a little effort and patience on our part, but the consequences go far beyond what we could have imagined. It is though the Dialogue of Love that we experience first hand, how wonderful, good, kind, and loving Our Holy Mother is. It is also through this charism (gift of Love) that she reveals Her Beautiful Self to us. Our hearts will reciprocate with a monumental amount of love and we readily will give our heart to her. It is through this bond of Love that we, without giving it a second thought, will decide to always remain in the Cathedral of Love. Our precious Mother wants everyone to know that Her Immaculate Heart is the only place where we will receive our protection, true Life, Love, and Salvation. What she wants at this time is for all of Her true Sons and Daughters to show that they have given her their hearts, by placing them in Her Immaculate Heart every day. And this request of Hers must be made known to the young people who visit St. Teresa of Jesus’s shrine. It is because of St. Teresa of Jesus, that this email is reaching you. She has been chosen by Jesus to lead young people and every other person and family of Chile to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. And it is her desire that young people say this prayer:

My dearest St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes,

I whole heartedly give you my life and my heart,

for you to place me into the Immaculate Heart of Mary, 

so that I may behold Jesus and embrace Him,

as my Lord and Savior;

so that I may find my Life in His Love.

I ask you, My dearest St. Teresa of Jesus

to remain close to me,

and to obtain for me the gift,

of participating in a “Dialogue of Love,”

with My Mother of the Cathedral of Love,

and to keep Her as my close companion,

so that she may reveal Herself to me,

and to assist me, 

in everything that she desires of me. Amen.

       Jesus and His Love are gifts to mankind through the Immaculate Heart of Mary at this time. Because of this, all Roman Catholics must unite themselves around the Immaculate Heart of Mary who is our source of Life and Strength; and with Her Heart to empower us we shall triumph. Please email me when you get a chance.

Much Love always in the Immaculate Heart of Mary


July 4, 2024

Dear Child of Mary

Once again I am writing you with no other intention than to make your heart fall in Love with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. As I have mentioned due to the all-pervasive, same-sex consciousness which is diabolical, in a short time almost every church in the entire world will have open its doors to receive this lifestyle of death with open arms. The result of this is that all of Mary’s children are going to be plunged into the world facing the risk of drowning in the culture. They will not be able to survive being separated from the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and we need now for individuals to step forward to point them to their Mother’s Heart. Furthermore, as I have mentioned previously, that our Precious Mother, is very concerned about this development and has put forth a flawless plan of Salvation for her children through Her Immaculate Heart. I have spoken briefly on the Cathedral of Love in a previous email, in this email I would like to give you some information regarding the “Dialogue of Love.” The Dialogue of Love is another essential component of the Cathedral of Love devotion. Those who have committed themselves to this devotion begin their everyday by placing themselves in the Immaculate Heart of Mary and saying the “Taking My Place Prayer” and then the “Delighting in the Cathedral of Love Prayer.” Next, if possible, is the ideal time to engage in a Dialogue of Love with our Precious Mother. A “Dialogue of Love” should occur at appointed time, two or three times a day; and as many times it takes so that we become aware that she is “our continuous companion.” For the first designated time allotted for the Dialogue of Love, begin the dialogue by saying this prayer:

Praises of the Cathedral of Love Prayer

Praise be the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Praise be Jesus, the Child King,

who reigns in the Cathedral of Love, my home.

Praise be His Most Precious Blood that flows through Your Heart

and washes us clean of our offense.

Praise be your Beautiful Immaculate Love

that loves all Your children so much.

And Praise be the Wreath of Apple Blossoms of Paradise,

that radiates Jesus’s Love,

and your Celestial Purity which I love, I praise and I adore. Amen. 

       Once the prayer is completed we can say something like this to our Holy Mother, “Are you there my beloved Mother?” and then proceed to speak to Her. Our Precious Mother knows how difficult it is for her children to be living in these times. Our Holy Mother will be there; She is in fact waiting for you. Another thing to know about Our Precious Mother is that she is all-knowing. There is nothing about us that is hidden from her, but she is wanting to help every child of hers in a loving and special way. Her aim is for each of her children to make Her Immaculate Heart their permenant Home. In her heart they will be protected and their Salvation made certain. First and foremost every child that engages in the Dialogue of Love must be a seeker of truth. We must be a seeker of the truth about ourselves, our spiritual life, and our relationship with Our Precious Mother and Jesus. And on these three basic principles and our everyday activity in our lives is what makes up Our Dialogue of Love with Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love. How does she speak to us? One way she speaks to us is a deep-down, imparting of what she wants to say to us, that you will know intuively. Her “voice” which is not in actual words, is always kind, loving, undersanding, and supportive. The is always an elegant, graceful, integrity in her voice that you leaves you feeling at ease, peaceful and filled with joy. The second way she speaks to us is through an intellectual vision. Vision in this sense is a small vision which is an act of divine grace. It can be in the form of an image or just an understanding or a combination of both. This information in this act of divine grace is not typically conveyed in words, and can range from a subtle vision or a profound one. Other descriptive words are: a divine light, a flash from paradise, or a flame of love the ignites our heart and conveys heavenly knowledge about our Jesus, Our Holy Mother and the Cathedral of Love. The third way our Precious Mother speaks to us in the Cathedral of Love is through Impulses of Divine Love. In this method Our Precious Mother sends impulses of divine love which is a very effective way to communicate with our Precious Mother. Typically when this charism is in effect her child can ask her a question and she answers with an impulse of divine love. Her impulses varying in length and they all mean something different. Her “yes” is usually a strong and profound impulse that has an abrupt finish. Her “no” is a hollow void sensation. Her “I love you” is a semi-long strong impulse, and her “yes and no” is short impulse with an abrupt finish. She has one for “I’m listening” and expressing joy. She has a whole list of impulses that we learn over time. She usually communicates to us in more than one of these methods. And, as I have mentioned in an earlier email that when we engage in a dialogue with our precious Mother she feeds us Jesus’s Love without us knowing about it. It is Jesus’s Love which inflames our Hearts to love our Holy Mother and Jesus. Our Holy Mother loves it when her Children’s Hearts are on fire with Divine Love for Her. In the manor in which she speaks will continue for the rest of our lives

       I wish to end on a note regarding St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes. Jesus and Saint Teresa of Jesus’s Heart are never separated. In the Immaculate Heart of Mary we, and especially young people are invited to approach St. Teresa of Jesus’s Heart to receive Jesus’s Loving Embrace. His embrace, is the occasion for us to experience the Power of His Affirming and Healing Love resting upon us. His Healing Love enters in and removes the bindings of our wounds and sets us free interiorly. Through St. Teresa’s Heart of Innumerable Glories we can receive Jesus’s Healing love on a regular basis. This is so helpful for individuals who need healing from a life that was extra ordinary wounding. There are so many individuals in this predicament. I am sure you know someone like this. Please send them this prayer and also the image of St. Teresa’s Heart of Innumerable Glories that I sent to you earlier. Or invite them to go to to the web page called Santa Teresa de Jesus de los Andes: Corazón de Innumerables Glorias. Have them say this prayer everyday and remarkable healings will begin to happen. The individual you know will be made new in no time.

Much Love always in the Immaculate Heart of Mary


July 6, 2024

Dear Child of Mary

I am writing to you again about the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In the Immaculate Heart of Mary Our Precious Mother’s Love is the revelation of her beautiful, beautiful Self. And the same is true with Jesus, His Love is also the revelation of His Beautiful, Beautiful Self; these two Loves are what makes up the Love in the Cathedral of Love. All true children of Jesus and Mary must now take refuge in the Immaculate Heart of Mary if we want to be saved. After the collapse of the Roman Catholic Church, to live our Catholic religion through the main stream churches will lead everyone to an unfortunate end. Proponents of same-sex lifestyles are not born from Above. They do not have the Holy Spirit in them which is the Spirit of Truth. Their blindness is complete and they will lead those who follow them to damnation. The illusions of same-sex lifestyles must be challenged and pierced. Even though this is important what I really want to tell you about is absolutely wonderful. It is about St. Teresa of Jesus’s role in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. When St. Teresa of Jesus was on earth Jesus fell in love with her heart. He delighted in her heart so much that he began to give it every grace and blessing. Because Jesus delighted in her heart to such an extraordinary degree, St. Teresa of Jesus could have easily boasted that she had taken possession of Jesus in her heart. Though her profound humility would never allow her to boast of this truth, this reality of her Heart of the Innumerable Glories is what has endured; and it is what we encounter in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Jesus had revealed to her at some point in her earthly sojourn that He was going to prepare her heart in a special way for a very important role in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our Precious Mother’s Immaculate Heart, as I mentioned earlier, has been turned into the Cathedral of Love by Jesus who decided that her Heart should be the home of the entire Body of Christ, and including Himself. Furthermore it is Jesus’s intention that the Cathedral of Love is to be the true home of the Roman Catholic Church where it is to be preserved until the end of time. As incredible as this may sound, this is Jesus’s plan. Therefore what He has intended for St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes’s Heart of Innumerable Glories is that her heart is to provide a direct, “Way to Jesus” who resides in the Cathedral of Love. Therefore the whole of St. Teresa’s occupation in the Immaculate Heart of Mary is to “Bring us to Jesus.” And we all need Jesus, He is the only One who can help, and save each one of us. Her Heart of Innumerable Glories is our direct access to Jesus, and this is also the desire of Our Holy Mother. Note that we can always access Jesus, if we are more comfortable, through our relationship with our Precious Mother. The direct access through St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes’s Heart of Innumerable Glories will serve to draw individuals into becoming Children of the Cathedral of Love who practices its devotion, including the Dialogue of Love, and who will be a permanent resident. By Jesus choosing St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes for this role, the nation of Chile is now a very important figure in Jesus’s Plan through His Mother’s Heart. And this is why I am reaching out to you and ask you to give what I have been relating to you in these emails much consideration. Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love intervention, which is Her plan of Salvation through Her Immaculate Heart is profound. It is difficult to wrap our minds around it at first, we must give it some thought. I am only presenting to you what has been handed to me. The plan has everything we need for our Salvation including direct access to Jesus in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Please email me when you get a chance, even if it is just a one sentence email.

Much Love always in the Immaculate Heart of Mary


July 10, 2024

Dear Child of Mary

I am writing again to share with you more of Our Precious Mother is wanting you to know. With the moral collapse of the Church, Life in the Holy Spirit and with Jesus will be impossible at our local churches. Therefore Life has to be provided somewhere for the children of Mary, and the plan that has been put forth is that the Cathedral of Love is to take the place of the fallen Roman Catholic Church. In the Cathedral of Love, which is her Immaculate Heart, each one of her children will be protected and safeguarded from the oppression of the moral decay in the world. In the Cathedral of Love we are cover with Jesus’s Blood and we live a life of beautiful harmony in every moment and aspect of our lives. Each one of Our Holy Mother’s Children, in the Cathedral of Love will be at peace, and full of strength and love. These are the children that will be pillars of strength in the upcoming distress that is going to descend upon the world. The difficulty at the present time is that there is no one to show the children of Mary the way to Her Immaculate Heart. Our Precious Mother enjoys each and every one of her children as though that child was the only Child that she has. When a mother has an only child all the favor from her heart is directed toward that child. And it is the mother’s desire to love, cherish and protect her child, not sparing anything, to ensure that the child remains near; and also be a source of great delight, life, and love for the duration of its life. But then let us imagine what would happen to that mother if for some reason or another, that the joy of her life is taken from her. The suffering for that mother would be as though a sword was pierced through her heart. This is what Our Precious Mother endures in suffering when each and every one of her children are taken from her. But even more so, because Her love for her each of her children far exceeds all love that every mother has, past and present, for their children. Those who love most, suffer much much more. When the collapse of the Catholic Church is been finalized, there will be very many “angels of death” (clergy) posing as angels of light, taking Our Precious Children from her, never to be seen by her ever again. Can you imagine the loss and the sorrow for Our Precious Mother for each one of these children that she regards as her only child taken from her. In the world today there is such a low regard for human life which we are immersed in every day. Our Precious Mother does not share this mentality. In the Cathedral of Love, and I know this from experience, Our Precious Mother has the unique occasion to lavish affection on each child individually. She lives as though each one of her children is completely central in Her Life. Each child is a guarded treasure, and she acts as though he or she is Her only delight. And the other thing that I can say, which is difficult to imagine, is that each child is a beautiful delight for the entire Body of Christ. Our Mother has infused Herself into Her child, and he or she is then presented to the rest of the Body of Christ. Let us think about how much loss of love and life with each child taken from our Precious Mother. Now I have clearly helped you see what the problems are, I appeal to your heart and your charity to help me. Our Precious Mother is asking for someone in Chile to email me back. Whoever helps out our Poor Mother will find great favor with her. The last thing I want to say is that the people of Chile have been given so much including the powerful benefactress St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes. As I have mentioned previously, it is Jesus’s plan for St. Teresa of Jesus’s Heart of Innumerable Glories to lead Mary’s Children to Our Precious Mother’s Immaculate Heart. The people of Chile have been chosen by Jesus to be the leaders in pointing the direction to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for Her children. Please email me at: or 

Much Love always in the Immaculate Heart of Mary


July 14, 2024

Dear Child of Mary

I am emailing you again to remind you that Jesus has chosen the people of Chile to lead the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary through St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes’s Heart of Innumerable Glories. I can understand your initial reservations, but if you know and love Jesus really well, which I am sure you do, you know that once He has decided upon something, we can be certain that it will happen. Please be patient with me as I explain why every individual must go to the Immaculate Heart of Mary at this time. What the moral collapse of the Roman Catholic Church emphasizes is that there is a need for an even more stronger vessel that will withstand the onslaught of the culture and its endless stream of death. Rather than trying to ford the onslaught from the sinful age, the Church declares that it is law must change to accommodate the sinful populous and therefore it proceeds to makes mortal sin lawful. What this does is that it has created an environment were there is no resistance to the power of the devil and sin anywhere. There may be holdout pockets here and there, but since the devil is given too many ways to infiltrate, it will not be long before they will fall too. Outside Our Mother’s Immaculate Heart, we can expect that every manor of evil will become manifest, as the devil and his power continues to ride the waves of digital content that continuously washes over humanity. Digital content of today, facilitates his power and his seductions and there are very few who are able to withstand it. This is why everyone must go to the Immaculate Heart of Mary at this time, because Mary’s heart is the “Stronger Vessel” that has been provided for humanity for this time. Our Precious Mother’s Heart cannot be defeated. She is the Immaculate Conception where neither evil or sin has never been able to infiltrate and it never will. In addition to this Jesus has taken residence in a special way in His Mother’s Heart and He has moved His true Roman Catholic Church into His Mother’s Heart. Jesus and His Body has turned His Mother’s Heart into a “Cathedral of Love.” In addition to Our Precious Mother being the Immaculate Conception and Jesus residing there in a special way has made our Precious Mother’s Heart a fortress of strength and power that cannot be overcome. The task at hand now is to call all of her children and show them the way to put themselves into the Cathedral of Love. For anyone to remain outside of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at this time is in great danger. Those who remain outside will be unprotected against the hordes of hell who are determined to pull this entire generation down into it. On the other hand, Once inside Our Precious Mother’s Heart, Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love will guard Her children like a Fierce Lioness. Furthermore, once inside the Cathedral of Love, the Immaculate Conception, who is Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love, will shower upon Her children Her rays of Immaculate Love every hour. These rays break the power of the devil over her children and it protects, strengthens, and gives her children unwavering courage. As part of the Cathedral of Love Devotion we profess ourselves to the Immaculate Conception, and say an hourly chime prayer. The success, power, and strength of the Cathedral of Love Devotion is unfailing. If you are committed to the devotion your Salvation is assured. In addition to the devotion we enjoy our Precious Mother’s personal help. She works with everyone individually and assists them individually. In addition to this, Life in the Cathedral of Love is true Life and Love in Jesus’s Blood which is His Love. In Jesus’s Love is peace and the Heavenly Joys of relationship with Jesus and Mary and the entire body of Christ. It is a protected Life in the Holy Spirit where we are free from oppression and obsession. And because we are free, we can freely be ourselves and live completely belonging to Jesus and Mary who give us everything we need and every joy which is their beautiful self. In giving us their beautiful selves we become the substance of who the are. This is how every individual in the Cathedral of Love becomes very special and a great joy to Our Precious Mother. She invests her self, and desires to invest her self in her children, and therefore it means so much to her that they are saved. This is why we must make every effort to save all her children by getting them inside her Immaculate Heart. Everyone including yourselves need to begin the Cathedral of Love Devotion. The Cathedral of Love devotion is not just a devotion it is Life and Love very close with Jesus and Mary. Please contact me, even if it is one or two lines long.

Much Love always in the Immaculate Heart of Mary


July 16, 2024

Dear Child of Mary

St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes, who is so dear to us, is calling for the People of Chile to rally around the Immaculate Heart of Mary because it is the last remaining bastion. There are no other options for a fortress, and if one were to appear, it will not be strong enough. Our Holy Mother’s Heart is the only stronghold and it cannot be defeated. Banding together around Her Immaculate Heart is the only way to victory. There is no message more important than this one at the present time. When the people of Chile begin rallying around the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the rest of the world will see this and do the same. Please do not take this privileged status that Jesus has handed the Chilean people lightly. St. Teresa of Jesus is appealing to the hearts of the Chilean people to help our Holy Mother. St. Teresa of Jesus is wanting the Chilean people to meditate on our precious Mother’s tears that she is shedding, and the source of her tears, which is her broken heart. She is weeping so because of the number of children that is going to be lost to her. St. Teresa of Jesus is asking the Chilean people to weep with our Precious Mother by seeking and finding out with their hearts the cause of her pain. The longer you wait, the more of Our Mother’s Children will be lost. We must fight for her children by making the decision for them to have them put in our Holy Mother’s Heart daily. We must facilitate every means to accomplish this. Form groups of people who recite the daily placement prayer every day if necessary. Please keep in mind that everything in this world means nothing, if in the end we all go to hell. There is nothing more important right now than saving Our Mother’s children, especially in light of the moral collapse of the Roman Catholic Church. St. Teresa of Jesus is asking the people of Chile to lead the way for everyone to enter the Immaculate Heart of Mary by way of Her Heart of Innumerable Glories and by practicing the Cathedral of Love Devotion. We must live as close as we can to Our Precious Mother at the present time because, any individual who chooses to live outside of Our Precious Mother’s Heart, will be caught in the outgoing tide of death and pulled out into the middle of the ocean and drowned. The devil’s power if the force behind this tide and those who try to withstand it on their own power will fall. We are no match for the devil without our Holy Mother. St. Teresa of Jesus is stressing that we must cling onto our Mother with all of our strength to prevent ourselves from being swept away. Safely inside the Immaculate Heart of Our Mother we will receive help beyond what we could have imagined. She will grant our every wish and not let anything happen to us. Please contact me so that help can be provided to you.

Much Love always in the Immaculate Heart of Mary


July 19, 2024

Dear Child of Mary

Please be patient with me while I attempt to explain why, what is happening with the Roman Catholic Church, will require an urgent response. What is about Jesus’s Love that makes it so beautiful? It is beautiful because His Love’s only determination is to return to His Mother every child without conditions. He Loves us greatly yes, but His ultimate aim is the satisfaction of His Mother. As Christians, with a heart full of Jesus’s love, Our Mother’s satisfaction is where we will find our purpose and fulfillment. Our precious Mother’s Heart is not immense only because she love so much. It is immense because she has a place in her heart for all of her children. And it is her expectation that she has a heart filled to the brim with all her children. Furthermore it seem that the Heart of Our Precious Mother is acting on its own. It will not let her rest until all her children are safely in Her Heart. If one of her children is missing from Her Heart she experiences a void that is very painful for Her. And then in an attempt to ease her suffering she sends Love out from her Heart to go search for her missing child, hoping beyond hope that her missing child is able to answer her call of Love. Today what is tearing our Precious Mother’s Heart to pieces is to witness her children being sold into the slavery of sin by her very own Sons the priests. Furthermore what adds further injury to Our Precious Mother’s Heart is that the cost to free her children cannot be paid because we live in a time where there is a complete disregard for sin and what it costs Our Precious Savior. Our Precious Savior is angered by this and is resorting to punishment which means that multitudes are going to perish for eternity because their ransom was not paid. To complicate matters further, due to the moral the collapse of the church every person born today will not have a chance at salvation unless someone does something about it. It has been will by Our Heavenly Father that those of us who where born in the 50’s and up, that it is to be our responsibility to do something about this. Our Heavenly Father has willed that Our Precious Mother’s Heart appear at this time as the Cathedral of Love to help us accomplish what has been placed on our shoulders. And we need to accepting of this out of love of our Precious Mother. Love that is from Jesus, the One whom we Worship, caused Him not to hesitate to sacrifice Himself for the other. The other for us in this instance is our Holy Mother. Because Our Mother’s Love is so great it may seem impossible at first to appease her love. But all of us working together, united around the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we can do all things with Our Precious Mother’s Help. We must begin taking steps to inform people about the Cathedral of Love. It is difficult to understand at first because people are condition to going to their parish church. However, as I have mention in an earlier email that our churches are going to be removed from us because they have become home to sinful practices. Jesus does not want us participating in these churches of sin because they are run by the devil and those who attend will come under his power and be led to perdition. With that in mind we have no other recourse than to turn to the Cathedral of Love which is Our Mother’s Heart where sin cannot enter, but we can. One last thing, is that Jesus wants to manifest before your eyes His Power through the Heart of St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes. But in order to display His power you must put the image I sent with the prayers into effect. Do not despise this gift that Jesus is giving you. I appeal to the love in your heart, which I am positive it is in great abundance; please have someone email me. Eternity spent with Our Precious Mother for many of her children depends on your response. St. Teresa of Jesus has a great love for you, and wants you to give Her the satisfaction of leading the people of Chile to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Much Love always in the Immaculate Heart of Mary


July 22, 2024

Dear Child of Mary

I am emailing to share some beautiful things about the two Love’s in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and also the love of St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes. Our Precious Mother’s Immaculate Love originates from the Heart of the Father for the purpose of being a home for Jesus, and He is happiest in the Love of His Mother. In the Cathedral of Love Jesus, more than any other place, is most at home and therefore is most inclined to grant anything we ask for. The Cathedral of Love is home to the two loves: Our Mother’s beautiful Immaculate Love and Jesus’s Love. Our Precious Mother’s Immaculate Love is the essence of loveliness that makes this earth paradise. Her Love is like a flower that is stunningly pleasing in every respect, and when we gaze into its center, we are overwhelmed by a fragrant beauty that seemingly has no end which is Her Lovely Person. Found in her love is an infinite expanse of every good thing for her children. The second Love which is Jesus’s Love is no less beautiful by any means. He is “The Most Beautiful” and he does not fail to give us Himself in the Cathedral of Love. Jesus is the totality of the Holy Image of God, and therefore in His Love is found every Beautiful Thing. Fortunately for us we were born and created for Love, which is for us a huge advantage that enables us to receive all the love that Jesus and Mary has for us. Furthermore Our Holy mother’s title: “Mother of the Cathedral of Love” has wonderful implications for us. It means that since she is our Mother that we are entitled to all the love in her heart.

   St. Teresa of Jesus’s Heart of Innumerable Glories is a gateway to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Her love is perfect and beautiful, and it is the essence of tenderness. She knows and takes seriously the needs of her children and this is what motivates her to do everything in her power to help them. Jesus, who is the originator of St. Teresa’s love is held captive by it. All of the movements of love in her heart are held in very high esteem by Him, and her petitions are almost always granted. The love in St. Teresa’s heart is, by its nature, is always seeking companionship with her children, and her love is so pleasantly agreeable that we her children never want her to leave us. We find ourselves wanting to please her so as to keep her at our side, and one way we do this is by pleasing Jesus in everything we do. She will never abandon the people of Chile and therefore the People of Chile are very fortunate to have her always to recourse to for their needs. The richness of her person is animated in her love. Her demeanor is calm but lively, and she seems predisposed to infinite understanding. Furthermore St. Teresa of Jesus also has a circlet of thorns around her heart because she cannot detach herself from Jesus’s sufferings. His sorrows are her sorrows and she strives to motivate her children to appease His suffering. 

   Just a word of warning concerning the moral collapse of the church. Don’t be misled by a false sense of security thinking that when those people loyal to Pope Francis take charge that somehow everything is going to work out. Those who have an allegiance to Him are always going to be characterized by never making the right decision, and with every undertaking they will always lead it into the wrong direction. Furthermore, do not think that they have plans to live in peace with those who truly love Jesus and Mary. These individuals always have within themselves an animosity toward the true Sons and Daughters of Jesus and Mary. They do not like them and we must expect to be persecuted. If you have a bishop loyal to Pope Francis, and also you currently live in a very good community, he will try to drive you and your community out of his diocese. Be clever as serpents be ready with a back up plan. I would love to hear from you. Just a one line email would be sufficient.

Much Love always in the Immaculate Heart of Mary


July 28, 2024

Dear Child of Mary

I just wanted to say hello and share more wonderful things about the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which is the Cathedral of Love that Our Precious Mother wants for all her children to make their home. As I have mentioned in a previous email that the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the second, stronger vessel because the first vessel—the Roman Catholic Church—has fallen to the spirit of the times because it has openly endorsed same-sex unions. The Cathedral of Love is the second, stronger vessel where the true teaching of the Roman Catholic Church will be preserved until the end of time. In response to this failing of the Church, Our Precious Mother has intervened at this time as Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love. In the Cathedral of Love, she provides many good things for Her children as they take flight to Her Heart because they are forced to leave their churches. One of the many good things provided in the Cathedral of Love is Our precious Mother’s Immaculate Love. As children of the Cathedral of Love our foremost preoccupation is to make Her Beautiful Immaculate Love our continuous place of dwelling. Our Mother’s Immaculate Love is the essence of purity and reflects the infinite beauty of God and it is here where we encounter the pristine loveliness of the person of Our Holy Mother. The first thing we do to remain in Her Immaculate Love is to profess ourselves to Her Immaculate Conception every day. Furthermore, we must do every thing in our power to avoid everything that is corruptive, and also to avoid being in the company of corruption. It is our precious Mother’s desire that we take up a practice of reflecting on Her and Jesus at all times and also everything that is related to them. Impurity always brings with it unhappiness. On the other hand, Life in Her Immaculately Pure Love is were our happiness flourishes. In our Mother’s Immaculate Love is the power of the Immaculate Conception which the devil cannot withstand and therefore must depart. It is in Our Precious Mother’s Immaculate Love that we maintain our power and strength against impurity. Jesus’s Precious Blood is yet another most beautiful thing that we encounter in the Cathedral of Love. It is through Our Dialogue of Love that we receive forgiveness of our sins and are washed clean in Jesus’s Precious Blood. In the Cathedral of Love, the Divine quality of Jesus’s Blood is that it repairs the effects of sin, and it restores the true image of God in us. When we are covered in Jesus’s Precious Blood, we are now able to participate in every good thing in the Cathedral of Love which is His Life. Jesus’s Precious Blood is the fulfillment of His Love and therefore being immersed in His Love we are given the joy of sharing Life with the entire Body of Christ, and also it is being restored in His Love is that we are now able to return to paradise. We begin receiving Jesus’s Love when we begin our Dialogue of Love with our Precious Mother, and she continues to feed us when we dedicate our selves to this gift of Love. The Dialogue of Love keeps us in her favor and we cannot let even one day go by without having a Dialogue of Love with her. In my relationship with Our Precious Mother, our Dialogue of Love occurs 3 to 4 times every day. When we receive Jesus’s Love from our Precious Mother our hearts become filled with His Love and His Peace. There are three ways to encounter Jesus in the Cathedral of Love. We encounter Jesus through our Precious Mother and His Love that she feeds us. Secondly we can receive Jesus through St. Teresa of Jesus’s Heart of Innumerable Glories. And thirdly we can receive Jesus at anytime by merely turning our attention to Him in the Cathedral of Love. For those who want to obtain their Salvation, the Cathedral of Love is their future. Our Precious Mother is looking out for children by introvening now so we will all have a place to go to when we are no longer able to attend our churches. I would love to hear from you, email me when you can.

Much Love always in the Immaculate Heart of Mary


August 4, 2024

Dear Child of Mary

In this email I thought I would give you some additional information concerning the Cathedral of Love devotion and the Heavenly Father. (Keep in mind as you read that as a result of the Pope Francis agenda, there will be multitudes of true sons and daughters without a church to attend. In response to this Our Precious Mother is making Her Heart available as a place of refuge, and also to provide a way for her children to be saved through her Immaculate Heart. True sons and daughters cannot attend churches of sin because Jesus is not in them and therefore they will not be able to provide Salvation.) As you know that the central element of the Cathedral of Love Devotion is placing ourselves in the Immaculate Heart of Mary every day. By placing ourselves we are presented with the opportunity to receive Our Precious Mother’s Immaculate Love. In receiving her love we understand the Beauty of Her love and it becomes our hearts desire to receive more of Her love. Our hearts being saturated by Her love, empowers us to imitate Her love. In the Cathedral of Love it is when our hearts are saturated in Her love, and we imitate Her love, that Jesus is irresistibly drawn to us. Our Precious Mother’s Love originates from the Heart of the Father which is a gift of the Heavenly Father to us. The Love that He has for us is so clearly indicated by him giving us such a beautiful Mother with a Beautiful Love. Furthermore, Our Heavenly Father is the one who by giving us Our Precious Mother’s Love, is also giving us Jesus. Her Immaculate Love was created by the Heavenly Father for Jesus, because Jesus, being the revelation of His Fathers Love, needed an exceptionally Immaculate and Beautiful Mother’s Love in which to grow. It is this gift of Mary’s Immaculate Love that became for Jesus a means to behold and have a relationship with His Beautiful Mother. Jesus lived always in her Immaculate Love when he was on earth and continues to do so in the Cathedral of Love. We also are like Jesus live always in Our precious Mother’s Immaculate Love in the Cathedral of Love. One of the special features of the Cathedral of Love devotion is a special devotion to the Heavenly Father. As part of our daily devotional prayers we say a prayer that the Heavenly Father gave the Children of the Cathedral of Love to say every day. He has a very special love for each one of us and it is similar to the ultimate love that we would expect to receive from our earthly Father. He is our Loving Father who cares for each of us as though we were the only source of happiness to Him. His love for us is beyond compare. Though we are miserable he makes us all feel like we are His choice sons and daughters. He sorrows when we are sorrowing, and He wholly desires to be the first one to embrace us in our moments of sorrow. He is ultimately patient and kind and thoroughly enjoys working with us when we give Him the opportunity. When He works with us, He patiently tries to help us and while doing so He lovingly overlooks all of our defects. His love is never encroaching and He resigns Himself to giving us all the space we need to make the choice to receive the embrace of His Love. This is a point of suffering for Him since He is hoping beyond hope that all of His children choose Him. This is the prayer that he desires the Children of the Cathedral of Love to say every day.

     St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes is wanting me to say something wonderful about her Heart of Innumerable Glories. There isn’t a more satisfying way to approach Jesus with our cares and needs than St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes’s Heart of Innumerable Glories. Her heart is full of loving kindness for those who entreat her for her help. Her love and her intervention for us is unsurpassed in providing for her children’s needs. If on a particular occasion that Jesus says “no,” St. Teresa will not resign herself to accept this answer. She pleads on our behalf using every argument thinkable while Jesus lovingly allows her to do this. St. Teresa then uses every way available to communicate to the petitioner to amend ways not pleasing to Jesus and to make resolutions regarding obligations. She will enlist the help of our Precious Mother, if necessary, to obtain what her children are asking of her. Our precious St. Teresa of Jesus’s motto is: “no prayer goes unheard, and no petition goes not granted.” She asks that those who approach her to have faith and confidence in her Heart of Innumerable Glories and what has been petitioned will be granted. 

      One last thing is that Our Precious Mother does not want you, Her sons, to cast a blessing over a same-sex union. When a priest casts a blessing on a same-sex marriage he is declaring that the union that is before him is the design of the Holy Spirit. Since same-sex unions are not included in any way in God’s Holy Image, which is His Holy Image that He intends for mankind, it is therefore a transgression or a perversion of His Holy Image. God’s Holy Image is presented to Man as Divine Law. When a priest casts a blessing, he is speaking in the name of the Holy Spirit. And, when he does so, he is openly making the declaration that the Holy Spirit’s favor rests upon the union before him. Since the relationship is a perversion and a transgression of Divine Law, he is therefore stating definitively that the Holy Spirit is corrupt. This proclamation from the priest constitutes blaspheming against the Holy Spirit which Jesus spoke about in Mark 3:28–30: “Truly I tell you, people will be forgiven for their sins and whatever blasphemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit can never have forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin for they had said, “He [the Holy Spirit] has an unclean Spirit.’” This statement from Jesus comes from a heart that is Infinitely Merciful, which underscores its gravity. Therefore those who cast the blessing will certainly be eternally separated from Him and Our Precious Mother. Jesus has to be severe with mankind because He knows that some men and women will come along in authority and use God for his or her corrupt purposes by falsely fabricating a “word” that does not come from Him. Go to for more information. You may send me an email at any time, even if it is a one or two sentences long. I will be sure to respond right away. 

Love and Peace from the Immaculate Heart of Mary


August 11, 2024

Dear Child of Mary

I am writing again to explain to you about how to encounter Jesus through St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes’s Heart of Innumerable Glories in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In the not too distant future almost all Catholic Christians will not have a church to attend due to the moral collapse of the Roman Catholic Church. Churches globally will not know the difference between a sin and a blessing, and will then take up the practice of blessing sin. In response to this Jesus and Our Holy Mother is introducing a world wide devotion to Her Immaculate Heart for this particular time in the history of the Church. As part of the Cathedral of Love devotion we unite ourselves to Jesus in the Cathedral of Love which is the Immaculate Heart of Mary. As I had mentioned in an earlier email, there are three ways to approach Jesus in the Immaculate Heart of Mary and they are: through Our Holy Mother, going to Jesus directly in the Cathedral of Love or through St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes’s Heart of Innumerable Glories. Jesus has chosen St. Teresa of Jesus’s Heart as a way to approach Him in this way for many reasons. But specifically He chose this way because he wants to appeal to young people and also to the people of Chile. However, since this is one of His supreme works, thus making it absolutely wonderful to approach Him through her heart, everyone is invited to encounter Him in this way. The whole world has benefited from Jesus’s work in St. Teresa, thus making St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes one of the world’s most loved saints.

   For young people especially, we approach the heart of St. Teresa of Jesus of Innumerable Glories to have and encounter with Jesus so that He may ignite our hearts and also that we may experience the work of His love. The work of his Love is nothing less than recreating us brand new. And, when Jesus arrives with His Love, we will experience it as Love, peace, fire, and sweetness. This in turn ignites our hearts with the fire of His Love, so that we desire nothing else except Jesus and His Love; and thus we give him permission to do what ever work that He wants to do in us. Jesus’s Love then goes to work resurrecting the gifted aspects of ourselves that have gone into dormancy when we were living our lives separate from Him. In His Love these aspects of ourselves become operational. And as we operate in these newly resurrected parts of ourselves, we then begin to convey Jesus to the world. It is at this point that we have been created a new in His Love. The ultimate goal of the work of His Love in an individual is for he or she to become “Only Jesus” to the world. It is also St. Teresa of Jesus’s desire that all persons who approach her heart cooperate with Jesus Love and become Only Jesus. Therefore it is St. Teresa of Jesus’s task at hand for her to help her children to encounter Jesus’s Love so that they may be immersed in His Love. To receive His Love: she asks that when we approach her heart, to look inside to see the beautiful face of the Child King; and then take a few moments to reflect upon His Beautiful Face. Then she asks us to take a few moments to look into His eyes to see the expression of Love that He has for us. And then she wants us to take notice and reflect a few moments upon His outstretched arms and hands reaching for us, and desiring to give us His Love. Experiencing Jesus in this way from her heart then she would like for you to give, in a loving way, your “yes” to Jesus and His Love. Upon saying your “yes” to Jesus, you can expect that all distance between you and Him to be eliminated, and His Love to begin filling your heart and soul. To help us to say our Yes, to Jesus after we have looked upon His beautiful face, and into His eyes, and His outstretched hands and arms, St. Teresa of Jesus would like for us to say this prayer:

My dearest St. Teresa of Jesus, 

Assist me as I say my “yes”: 

“Yes, come to me my Jesus.

I am here to receive your Precious Love,

and the beautiful work,

that you desire to do in me.” Amen.

Remain in the fire and sweetness of Jesus’s love as long as possible. The work of His love is ongoing so return to St. Teresa of Jesus’s Heart of Innumerable Glories every day to receive more of Jesus’s love through prayer and interaction with St. Teresa of Jesus. Also seek guidance from Our Holy Mother of the Cathedral of Love in our Dialogue of Love with her. The whole world needs to go to St. of Jesus’s Heart of Innumerable Glories so that hearts can love again. A heart that loves with Jesus’s Love is a heart that will have obtained its Salvation. Email me when you get a chance.

Love and Peace from the Immaculate Heart of Mary


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