St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes's Heart of Innumerable Glories

SAINT TERESA OF JESUS OF THE ANDES: Heart of innumerable Glories 

Biographical Sketch of Saint Teresa of Jesus of the Andes

Saint Teresa of Jesus of the Andes was born in Santiago, Chile, on July 13, 1900. Her father Miguel Fernández and her mother, Lucía Solar de Fernández were good Catholic parents. The name that they gave to their beloved daughter was Juanita Fernández Solar. Juanita was baptized at Santiago's Parish Church of Saint Anne on the vigil of the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

       From the time that she was six years of age, her mother and her aunt brought Juanita with them to Mass every day. And every day Juanita begged her mother, and her aunt to receive Jesus like they received Him in the Eucharist. Though her love for Jesus was remarkable for a child her age, she had to wait until she was 10 to receive Him. Some time afterwards, she made the following diary entry: “It was on that day that I heard the sweet voice of my Jesus for the first time.” After her first Communion, Juanita received Holy Communion every day. As part of her thanksgiving for receiving Jesus, she spent long durations of time with Him and His Holy Mother. Her parents enrolled her in a Catholic School run by the Sisters of the Sacred Heart. Here is where she received good Catholic teaching that laid the foundation for her to become a Saint in the Catholic Church.

       Juanita's outward appearance differed little from the lives of other girls her age. Those who knew her described her as being friendly and pleasing, with a happy disposition. Though she did well in her studies, she always made time for Jesus and His Mother, and was drawn to spend time with them. Repeatedly she would slip away quietly to a nearby chapel to pray. In those moments she exchanged heartfelt sentiments of love and affection with them. Jesus had so deeply captured Juanita’s heart that she made a vow of perfect virginity when she was fifteen. In a letter to her sister Rebecca she described her ecstatic joy for this great gift of God: “I have been caught by the Divine Fisherman in the net of His Love.”

       When eighteen, Juanita entered religious life the Carmel of Los Andes, Chile, and was given the name Sister Teresa of Jesus in honor of the great Carmelite saint of Ávila. Overcome by the grace of being called to the religious life she wrote to a friend, “What does God see in us that makes Him love us to the point of wanting us to be His friends, and the brides of His Heart.” Almost all her letters from Carmel are signed with the name Teresa, to which she generally adds the word Carmelite. However in a letter written to her mother, she referred to herself as Teresita. On May 1919 she wrote: “I am getting ready for my Pentecost retreat. Won’t you pray that your Teresita may be madly consumed by His Love.”

       Sister Teresa of Jesus lived in the Monastery of Los Andes only eleven months, wore the habit of her Carmelite order less than five, and then she was stricken with typhus. In danger of death, she was permitted to make her religious vows and thus died as a professed Carmelite Sister.

       Immediately after her death in 1920, extraordinary things begun to happen. People were moved by God to see in this young Chilean girl a model of perfect holiness. She was acclaimed the saint closest to the heart of the people of Chile, and many found her to be a wonderful friend and intercessor before God. The fame of her holiness grew as miracles abound. As a result, she was beatified on April 3, 1987, in Santiago, and canonized in Rome by the same Pope on March 21, 1993. On that occasion, Pope John Paul II made the proposal that she be the model for young persons today. He had much devotion and admiration for her because she remained strong in her faith, and was in every way a perfect example for people of her age to follow. Up to the present day she is a light shining bright for young people. If any young person is confused because of what they are facing in regard to pressures of today, they have always before them someone that they can look up to, draw strength from, and go to for help.

The Heart of Innumerable Glories of Saint Teresa of Jesus of the Andes

Jesus has made Himself present to Saint Teresa of Jesus, in an extraordinary way at an early age; and from that time onward she grew up in His Love, and also the Love of Our Holy Mother. Jesus and Mary were always first in her life, and with the strength they provided to her, she became the perfect child—the one whom Jesus has chosen to be modeled after Himself when He was a Child. Saint Teresa of Jesus’s Heart of Innumerable Glories, is Jesus's gift to the youth of today, and also to everyone. She is the example set before us all to follow during a time when moral decline is at its worst; Jesus was pleased to preserve in her modesty and an extra ordinary gift of the Holy Spirit. Jesus has not abandoned us nor especially the youth, we at anytime request that St. Teresa of Jesus can visit us and she will bring Jesus with her in her Heart of this gifted person. Saint Teresa of Jesus of the Andes’s Heart of Innumerable Glories is an excellent way to approach Jesus in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. There isn’t a person more kind, loving, and understanding than St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes, and to spend time with her is a wonderful pleasure. When we invite her for a visit as part of our time in prayer, Jesus always accompanies her in her heart. In her Heart, He is always quite content and is delighted to receive all His children by way of his spokes person St. Teresa of Jesus the Andes. Jesus is silent as we speak to her to about our troubles. Though He is silent, He provides the sunshine and warmth of His presence. The overall ambiance when speaking with St. Teresa of Jesus is joyful and happy. She is absolutely ideal for us to open our hearts to, and especially for unburdening ourselves. She is very kind, and understanding and will not leave you if you have been overwhelmed by sorrows. With her love and sway with Jesus, she can make the impossible become possible. Jesus gives her full knowledge of everything about us, therefore we can speak to her about anything in our lives, and she has a solution for every problem. Furthermore she is always desirous to accommodate Jesus’s wishes which is for all of his children to grow in His Love and become “Only Jesus” to the world. If you desire to spend time with St. Teresa of Jesus and Her Heart of Innumerable Glories say this prayer:

St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes, with Jesus in your Heart of Innumerable Glories,
come and visit me. I need to speak to thee.

       She is listening and already waiting for you to say the prayer. If you do not think that she is there say the pray two or three times. Be patient and persevere, she will make her presence felt. When she does so you may say something like: “St. Teresa of Jesus, I am so happy that you are here. Is Jesus with you? Please give Him a hug and kiss for me.” Then proceed to open your heart to her; and then ask her for her help, and whatever you need.

Praying to Receive Jesus's Loving Embrace

Jesus is never absent from Saint Teresa of Jesus’s Heart of Innumerable Glories. We all are invited to approach St. Teresa of Jesus’s heart to ask her for a powerful experience of Jesus’s Loving Embrace. In His embrace, the Power of Jesus's Affirming Love will gently rest upon us when we ask this of St. Teresa of Jesus. From this touch of His Love every person can experience how Jesus loves them just as they are. The reason why Jesus’s Affirming Love is so important, is because we who live in this age are subject to feeling interior emptiness, fears, anxieties, depression, and loneliness. Jesus's Affirming Love is an important first step for a “new beginning” in our lives free of these complications. When a person approaches Saint Teresa of Jesus's Heart to experience His Powerful Affirming Love, He pours out His Affirming Love to give us an experience of being loved in the inner most part of ourselves. And, from this experience, every person will be able to exclaim that Jesus loves me just as I am. To experience the Power of Jesus's Affirming Love in His Loving Embrace recite this prayer:

Asking for Jesus's Affirming Love in His Loving Embrace 

My beloved Saint Teresa of Jesus of the Andes, 

At this moment I place myself in the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

where the Power of Jesus's Love awaits me,

at the receptacle of your majestic Heart of Innumerable Glories so adorned.

Ask for me, my dearest Saint Teresa of Jesus,

the grace of receiving Jesus's Affirming Love in His Loving Embrace,

because I want to experience

that Jesus loves me just as I am.

I give my heart to Him now,

And I acknowledge Him as my Lord and Savior.

May the Power of Jesus's Affirming Love descend upon me. Amen.

Praying to Receive Jesus’s Healing Love

The next step in the healing process, is for an individual to receive Jesus’s Healing Love. After a young person has been affirmed by Jesus, the true-self needs to be rebuild into the Image of Jesus and His Love. As part of the healing process Jesus’s healing love heals the fears, anxieties, rejection, bitterness, anger, self condemnation, unforgiveness, addiction, hatred, and other maladies. These ailments dramatically restricts an individual and prevents spiritual growth. When Jesus heals these complications, His Healing Love enters in and removes the bindings of these maladies. It typically takes time for all the bindings to be removed, and therefore it is recommended that the young person ask Saint Teresa of Jesus for Jesus’s healing love on a regular basis for a period of time. When all the bindings are removed the individual becomes like Lazarus who walks out of the large cavity in the rock, into the light of a new life. The changes in an individual as a result of Jesus’s Healing Love are spectacular. The person completely changes, they become happier, kinder, agreeable, more life-giving, more loving, generous, devotional etc. To receive Jesus’s Healing Love recite the following prayer:

Asking Saint Teresa of Jesus

for an Outpouring of Jesus's Healing Love 

Saint Teresa of Jesus of the Andes,

in the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

you invite us to seek and to knock,

at your Heart of Innumerable Glories,

for Jesus to speak His Word of healing.

My dearest Saint Teresa I am in need of Healing,

and my needs are clearly visible to you.

I give my heart to Jesus now.

Plea to Jesus on my behalf,

for an outpouring of His Healing Love,

upon my soul, heart, mind, and body.

May I be immersed in His Healing Love,

and may it rest upon me,

to heal every area that is broken or wounded. 

Also ask that He fill me with His Peace. 

I thank you Saint Teresa of Jesus for hearing my prayer.

If healed I promise I will make known to everyone,

the wonders of your Heart of Innumerable Glories. Amen.


A Prayer to Teresa of Jesus

for the Granting of Favors

My Dearest Saint Teresa of Jesus of the Andes

When you dwelt among us Jesus revealed to you,

that you were to become,

a resplendent demonstration of His Love.

And, from your much adored Heart of Innumerable Glories,

healings would abound, 

and a profusion of favors granted.

My beloved Saint Teresa of Jesus,

in my weakness of faith and a life of poor example,

I appeal to your heart brimming with tender compassion 

to make a request to Jesus on my behalf of                                       .

When my requested grace has been imparted,

I promise to make a gift of my heart,

to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

and to pursue a Life with Jesus in His Love,

living to the utmost the joys of Heaven,

in the Cathedral of Love. Amen.

Jesus Be at Rest in My Heart With Me

Oh Saint Teresa of Jesus of the Andes,

Jesus spoke to His Precious Mother and said:

“For among my children

there is no heart more delightful.

“Let us go to Saint Teresa of Jesus’s Heart of Innumerable Glories

“for she entreats me again and again,

“with angelic tones that say:

‘Come my sweet Jesus,

Rest and sleep my treasure,

Take joy and stay always in my heart.”

My dearest Saint Teresa of Jesus

in your Heart of Innumerable Glories,

is a profound and noble sweetness,

that for Jesus, who is the Essence of Peace,

was His most sought-after place of repose.

What example can you give me,

for my heart is neither at rest or at peace.

Saint Teresa I give you my heart with all its problems.

Recite these words with me,

so that I may have the Essence of Peace at rest in my heart:

“Jesus, come my dear one, and take your rest,

here in my heart with me.” Amen.

A Prayer to the Holy Trinity for the Cause of St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes

to be Patroness and Protectoress of Chile

My dearest, and Precious Most Holy Trinity,

whom I eternally praise and adore.
With my sincerest love and gratitude for approaching,
your Illustrious Majesty of Supreme Magnificence,
I humbly desire to make a request,
though I am nothing before you,
with a prayer weak and lacking in eloquence.
However my Precious Love, it is so true,
that because you are the author of the greatest of all gifts,
which is Jesus’s Love,
which forever goes in quest of love,
I am confident that you will attend to the cry of love from my heart,
that expresses its favor for St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes.
In the richness of my impoverished love,
I ask you my precious Holy Trinity,
to please consider St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes,
to be Patroness and Protectoress of the People of Chile.
Her heart is worthy of this state,
because I believe You have graced her heart with a beautiful love,
that will be undaunted by the overwhelming challenges,
that her people will face.
Her love and intercession for her people,
I believe will only increase in the face of the extreme.
Furthermore, I believe, that her love for her people will be quite evident,
in her intercession because it will not be withstandable,
and your Heart will surely yield.
Therefore please consider my request.
Her heart cannot remain detached from her people,
which makes her a worthy Patroness and Protectoress of Chile.
She is determined to be Jesus’s Heart and Soul for them.
The one who will lead them to the joys,
of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and of Heaven,

through Her Heart which has been so adorned,

with Jesus and Innumerable Glories.

Nine Day Novena Prayers of Saint Teresa of Jesus of the Andes

It is through novena prayers that we have the opportunity to encounter Jesus’s powerful and benevolent Love through Saint Teresa of Jesus the Andes and her Heart of Innumerable Glories. The potentiality of the heart of Saint Teresa of Jesus of the Andes is nothing less than astounding. Jesus works in the same way through the heart of Saint Teresa of Jesus, as He did when He physically laid His hands on individuals during His public ministry when He walked the earth; everyone who came to Him received what they asked for. Today Jesus works in the same way through the heart of this great saint, and what this means is that Saint Teresa of Jesus’s Heart of Innumerable Glories is a wellspring that multiplies the Goodness of God. Her Love for each person in every state of life far exceeds all natural love in the sphere of the ordinary. Jesus has united Himself to her heart in the Immaculate heart of Mary, and works miracles on behalf of those who appeal to her. Because of this happy circumstance presented to us from the Immaculate Heart of Mary, our confidence and trust can find its rest in her Heart of Innumerable Glories. Pray “Novena Prayer 1” or “Novena Prayer 2” with a sincere heart and ardent love for nine days.

Novena Prayer 1

Most gracious Saint Teresa of Jesus of the Andes,

who is forever requesting favors from Jesus for us your children.

If you were to give voice to your most dear, and heartfelt sentiment, what would it be:  . . . 

“Oh my child, in my heart there is an All-Powerful Love,

and it is from Him that I have obtained a plentifulness of Graces,

and there are not near enough of my children approaching to receive them.”

My Saint Teresa of Jesus, the one whom I can count on to plead on my behalf.

There is no greater Love than Jesus’s whose spectacular works are celebrated in your heart; 

therefore, behold the reason for my awe-inspiring confidence in your intercession without fail. 

In this moment I present myself to your Heart of Innumerable Glories,

with my heart diffuse with contrite sorrow for my error.

And abounding in need, I now ask for the Grace of                                          .

If the favor I asked for is obtained,

I promise to dedicate myself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

and place myself therein every day,

to receive Our Holy Mother’s loving protection,

and be affirmed and created anew in Jesus’s Love,

and enjoy an enriched Life of supreme vitality in the Cathedral of Love,

where I will delight in the splendor of the Immaculate Love of Our Precious Mother,

and enjoy friendship with you forevermore. Amen.

Novena Prayer 2

My beloved Saint Teresa of Jesus of the Andes,

from your most adorable Heart of Innumerable Glories,

Jesus powerfully demonstrates His open-handed bountifulness.

Therefore highly favored Virgin, 

I cast myself before your Heart.

Though I am bowed low,

I am enlivened with confidence, 

due to the promise of Jesus’s Most Sacred Heart,

which is never to abandon those who show Him love.

And knowing the richness of His fidelity to His Word.

I am immovable in my belief that I can ask anything, 

from your Heart of Innumerable Glories and receive it.

For this reason I ask for the favor of                                                 .

Dearest Saint Teresa of Jesus,

my mother and my intimate confidant,

because of your affection for me,

I know that I will be preserved,

in the Cathedral of Love,

by your powerful intercession, 

until I am safely with you for all eternity.

Obtain for me also the grace,

of maintaining purity of heart in this time like no other,

because therein is my happiness and joy. Amen.

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