The Devotion

The Cathedral of LOve Devotion

(which is also devotion to the Immaculate Heart of mary)

Our relationship with the Immaculate Heart of Mary needs to have a starting point and asking Our Holy Mother’s permission to take our place in her Immaculate Heart is a perfect way to begin this devotion. At the beginning of our day, greet our Holy Mother with warm sentiments of love and then say the “Taking My Place Prayer” (below). After we say this prayer, then we can anticipate that all of our actions for the rest of the day will be originating from the Immaculate Heart of Mary. After taking this very important step, we need to follow through and repeat this step every day. The reason for this is simply that by placing ourselves we will receive our Holy Mother’s protection so that we can begin to grow in Jesus’s Life and Love. The best time to say the “Taking My Place Prayer” is in the earliest part of the day. After we say the prayer then it is a good time to begin our daily Dialogue of Love. For an easy and effective way to engage in a Dialogue of Love see below. “A DIALOGUE OF LOVE WITH OUR PRECIOUS MOTHER.” Our Lady takes the Dialogues of Love seriously and She treasures every moment that we spend with her. Furthermore, she waits in anticipation for the next Dialogue which will be at some point later in the day. It is difficult to put a number on how many times a person should carry on a Dialogue of Love with our Holy Mother because each person’s day varies in busyness. But we want to touch base at regular intervals, so three times a day is a good amount: very early, mid-day and at the end of the day. We want to do it often enough so that we are aware that we are always in her presence. 

       The second prayer (below) is called “Delighting in the Cathedral of Love Prayer.” This prayer is said immediately following the Taking My Place Prayer, because this prayer also serves to keep the focus of the Immaculate Heart of Mary as being central in our lives. It is important that we begin our day with these two prayers, and the Dialogue of Love if we do not have time at the beginning of the day to say the entire devotion. If time allows, however, proceed to say the entire devotion.

       The devotion consists of the list of prayers below before the Dialogue of Love section, and one chaplet of the Holy Rosary followed by the reading of Sacred Scripture and holy books. If time doesn’t allow you to say the devotion in its entirety in the morning, then set aside time later in the day to complete the remainder of the devotion. As part of this devotion is a Daily Profession to the Immaculate Conception with an hourly chime prayer that goes with it. This prayer is very important for conquring sin in our lives and living triumphantly every day. Go the the Profession to the Immaculate Conception page on this site to read more about it. The ultimate purpose of the devotion is to empower every individual to live at all times in the Cathedral of Love. Read more about the Cathedral of Love on “The Cathedral of Love page on this website.”

Taking My Place Prayer

My Dearest Mary, 

Please allow me to take my place,

in your Beautiful Immaculate Heart today,

so that I may embrace Jesus,

as my Lord and Savior;

for the occasion of participating in His Life,

and growing in His Love.

I also ask you, my Precious Mother,

to remain close to me,

so that I may enjoy you,

as my close companion,

for a continuous Dialogue of Love,

and to be favored by your assistance,

in everything that pleases you. Amen.

Delighting in the Cathedral of Love Prayer

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I love you.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I praise you.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I adore you.

In you I am so pleased to have made my home,

which is the Cathedral of Love. Amen.

My Forever Love

How precious are these beautiful moments,

That You have decided to Grace me with my Love;

When You thought that You would bestow upon me,

Your Inestimable Love.

A Love so Rich, so Kind,

So ultimately Gracious, and Perfect.

All I can say about this is:

It is “You” my Lord Jesus;

Who has decided to visit me with your Beautiful Self.

Oh how Beautiful You are my Jesus.

Oh how much I want to embrace you,

And call you “my Forever Love.” 

My Forever Love, mine to keep Forever,

I cannot entirely embrace you as I wish at this time,

As I walk on earth.

But this only inflames my heart even more so,

With an overpowering desire to embrace You more.

I cannot rest,

Until this is complete. 

And You, knowing this desire of mine,

Have had Compassion on me,

By pouring out more Love into my heart.

Oh how good You are to me my Love,

For Your desire is the same as mine. Amen.

As I Take Every Step with The Child King

My Dearest Child King of the Cathedral of Love,

I will Love, and I will worship you at every moment.

For the rest of my days, 

I shall contemplate your Majesty,

And experience your infinite Goodness and Love.

I will hold you so dear, 

So that I may experience,

The loveliness of your person, 

To treasure,

As I take every step. Amen.

Oh How My Will Should Be Loved


My Kingdom come. 

My Will be done.

Oh, how My Will should be loved, cherished, and adored;

because all goodness has come from my Will,

which proceeds from My Heart;

My Fatherly Heart;

which is here for you to enjoy and embrace,

and for you to be united to Me in Love.

This is why I created you,

which is, for my Fatherly affection,

for us to enjoy, 

so that we may be united together;

creature and creator in Love;

child following after its Father;

to be what my Will intended;

a child in love with its Father,

desiring to worship Him, to love Him, and to adore Him.

But most of all it is because of My Will,

that I Love you,

the one whom I created for Myself,

for Me to hold dear, and to lavish upon

by giving all, 

fulfilling the demands of My Love for you.

Draw close to me my child,

and know My Love,

My Fatherly Heart wishes to make you Mine forever. Amen.

Daily Profession Prayer to the Immaculate Conception

O my Precious Immaculate Conception,

who reflects the infinite beauty of God. 

Jesus was Immaculately Conceived 

into You His Loving Mother

who was from the beginning

a most pure and holy Virgin,

completely untouched by sin.

He was then embraced by your 

Heart lmmaculate with its lmmaculate Love,

that became for Him, 

His protection, joy, and satisfaction. 

My dearly Beloved Mary, Mother most adored, 

I profess myself to your Glorious Immaculate Conception, 

and to be born anew into its beauty, grace, and purity.

which is to be for me my preservation and loving protection. 

It is my heartfelt desire to be consumed by your Immaculate Love,

so that I may bask in the compassionate strength of its rays;

and brought to victory over sin in a sinful age. 

Furthermore I ask to be numbered as one of the companions of your Immaculate Love, 

who are the Marylove Companions of the Immaculate Conception. Amen.

The Hourly Chime Prayer

said at the chime of every hour throughout the day

My Precious Mother of the Cathedral of Love,

it is in the beautiful rays of Your Immaculate Love,

that I will receive my protection, strength, courage, joy, and peace. Amen.

Renewal Prayer

I wish to make an ongoing renewal of every moment of my life. At this moment I give my whole heart,
and all my love to you Jesus, and to you my Beautiful Mother of the Cathedral of Love. Amen.

Prayer to St. Michael

St. Michael the Archangel, defend me in the day of Battle; Be my safeguard against the wickedness
and the snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, I humbly pray, and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,
by the power of God, cast into hell, satan and all the other evil spirits, who prowl through the world,
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.


After saying the “Taking My Place Prayer,” it’s a good time to begin Our Dialogue of Love with Our Precious Mother. Note that she looks forward to us saying the “taking my place prayer,” and also to our Dialogue of Love. If you are not sure that she is present to you after you say the prayer, we can always find her in her Love, because She is never separate from her Love. We merely need only to ask to receive Her Love, and she will be present to us. To receive her Immaculate Love say a prayer like this:

My precious Mother of the Cathedral of Love,

I am here now to receive your Immaculate Love,

thank you for sending it.

       We need not worry if we will receive her Love because, She knew in advance the exact time that you were going to ask for her Love and she is now sending it to you. She wants nothing more than for you to receive Her Love, therefore proceed to speak with her confidently because She is present. 

       From this time onward we must feel free to discuss our plans of the day with Her. Include all of the difficulties that we anticipate encountering and be at peace because Our Holy Mother is delighted that you are allowing her to be a part of your life. As part of opening ourselves up to Her, it is important to get in touch with the problems that we want to discuss with her in advance. Let her know how we are feeling and ask for solutions to problems. Speak freely and give details, and listen carefully. As we live and grow with Our Precious Mother we become to know Her very well. Our heart and soul and Hers become very familiar with one another, and it is in the context of this familiarity (love shared) that she communicates to us what she wants us to know. She wants very much to play a central role in our lives. Be patient, dialoguing with Our Precious Mother may seem difficult at first, but be at ease because Our Holy Mother loves us, and cherishes our company. She will always come across as a Mother who is confident, understanding, optimistic, reassuring, and wanting to make us happy. Her disposition is always going to be loving and peaceful. She knows everything about us and our every thought, and she wants us to work everything out with her. She wants to work with us, and her goal is for us to live the remainder of our lives in Jesus’s Love in Her Immaculate Heart.

       What should be included as part of our Dialogue of Love, is openness about our sins. Addressing our sins with our Holy Mother is good for many reasons. For one it is necessary to do so that we may live continuously in Jesus’s Love in the Cathedral of Love. Secondly, sins are burdens we carry. Telling our sins will remove the weights that weigh us down, and a new, happier, self will begin to emerge. Making restitution for our sins and offenses against Jesus is also necessary, and we do this by saying a well said chaplet of the Rosary from the heart. 

Troubleshooting Dialoguing with Our Precious Mother   

You have been dialoguing with Our Lady for some time, and you are experiencing what seems to be a one-sided relationship, what do I do? When this happens there is usually a barrier that is preventing us from connecting with Our Precious Mother. The first thing that could be a problem is that our heart could be in need of softening. Our Precious Mother’s Heart will draw close, and listen to a heart that has been softened by Her Immaculate Love. To soften our heart we need to spend extra time with Her in prayer, and when we do so, keep your attention focused on receiving Her Immaculate Love that comes from Her Heart. It is during this time, when our heart remains open to Hers, that our heart learns how to love like, and with Her Immaculate Love. Now that our heart is beginning to understand Her Love, it softens. It is through this process of softening that She is now able to draw closer and we will be better able to understand her. Furthermore, as our heart grows in Her likeness, dialoguing becomes easier, and more frequent. Speaking with Our Precious Mother should always be a happy, and an anticipated occasion.

       If dialoging with our precious Mother remains to be an issue, the devil may be blocking you from speaking with our Mother. Say this prayer which will remove the barrier:

May the Precious Blood of the Child King of the Cathedral of Love,

wash over me, and wash over me anew;

May the Precious Blood of the Child King of the Cathedral of Love break the power of the devil,

in my conversation with my Holy Mother at this time. Amen.

       Realize that the devils power is far-reaching and that he has such abilities. He does not hesitate to use such measures against the Children of the Cathedral of Love to try to separate them from their Holy Mother. This prayer should solve any remaining problems that you might have. In whatever situation that you are find yourself in, always be patient, and avoid giving into frustration. Know that Our Mother wants to have this dialogue with you and she will make a way for your dialoguing to continue.

Additional Devotional exercises to consider

Showing  Jesus love In the Immaculate Heart of Mary

As part of Life in the Cathedral of Love it is a good practice to appease the sufferings of Jesus. This is good for many reasons, in addition to it bringing about sanctifying grace, it keeps us engaged by adding meaning and depth to our spiritual lives. One way to show Jesus love is through our sacrifices in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We do this by uniting our sacrifices to Jesus in His suffering on the Cross. Sin is brutality toward Jesus, and in a particularly sinful generation, we can play a part in sharing the extra brutality through our sacrifices. Jesus endured complete abandonment in the midst of His torments on the Cross. When we bring our sacrifices to Jesus at this time, it gives Him the love and consolation that He is desiring to receive from His children. In uniting our sacrifices with His suffering, we soften His heart toward mercy, and Jesus lavishes much Love on those who assist Him in this way.

       A second way of offering Jesus our sacrifices is through the Second Mother of the Cathedral of Love who is St. Mary Magdalene. What is little known about Our Precious Second Mother of the Cathedral of Love is that she is completely devoted to appeasing the sufferings of Jesus. She was at the foot of the cross witnessing the agonies of her Savior first hand. Furthermore, she spent the remainder of her life contemplating Jesus’s Passion. Because of her great love for appeasing Jesus’s suffering we are given the opportunity, through the Cathedral of Love, of presenting our sacrifices to Her Heart. She then recommends our sacrifices to Jesus in a special way, bringing much sanctifying grace for conversions, and the cleansing of hearts. Say this prayer for presenting sacrifices to Our Second Mother: 

Prayer for Presenting Sufferings to the Heart

of Our Second Mother (St. Mary Magdalene)

I present all my sufferings at this time

to the precious heart of the Second Mother of the Cathedral Love

to appease the sufferings of Jesus,

especially the sufferings of His Sacred Heart.

And, also to console the Heart full of sorrow

of Our Precious Mother of the Cathedral of Love. Amen.

A Small List of Suggested Sacrifices: 

  • A nocturnal prayer hour from 2:30—3:30 am every night. 
  • Bread and water only, on Saturdays. 
  • Nothing by mouth Monday through Fridays from 12 noon to 3 pm. 
  • Offering thirst, Jesus suffered thirst on the Cross.
  • Reducing our sleep to only 6 hours a night. 
  • Complete abstinence from wine and liquor.
  • Complete abstinence from deserts.

       Yet another way of offering a sacrifice is by praying the Most Holy Rosary. In this way we can offer a sacrifice to Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love, and we do so by praying one chaplet of the Rosary as an offering to make up for (or make restitution for) the sins and offenses of someone we know. Those whom we pray for, will receive powerful graces from the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Before saying each decade say this prayer:

Rosary Offering Prayer 

For the purposes of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

I offer this decade to make up for the sins and offenses of (name of person),

so that this person may receive special graces from Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love. Amen.

Little Immaculate Heart of Mary Homes 

Little Immaculate Heart of Mary Homes are homes that incorporate into their lives a maintenance of life and order that is pleasing to Our Precious Mother. It is a dwelling place that we live in, and we work diligently toward to making it into a Little Immaculate Heart of Mary in which we live. It is a living space that facilitates flourishing of life, and this is done by living in an environment where the culture of sin is removed and the Love of our Precious Mother becomes the rule of the day. It is difficult to put the beauty of our Precious Mother’s love into words. One analogy is that Her Love is like a beautiful sunset where the sun never goes down, but the setting sun becomes even more brilliant and beautiful with each passing moment. Creating an environment, in our Holy Mother’s love and away from the culture gives those who live in the home freedom to grow and be conducive to receiving Jesus’s Love. Faith in this atmosphere is easily established, and living a life of faith creates life giving people. Life in the Immaculate Heart of Mary homes does not mean a life without struggles, but embracing struggles in Mary’s love establishes confidence and trust in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Little Immaculate Heart of Mary Homes enable its members to act in love which translates into life where fidelity is manifested, and family members share in the goodness of God. Making our precious Mother chairperson of the household ensures that our needs will be provided for which includes her special protection. Making our home into a Little Immaculate Heart of Mary Home includes family Rosary which Our Precious Mother enjoys being part of. Furthermore safe-zoning a time during each day for individuals to participate in private prayer is also recommended. One half an hour is a good amount of time. To make a Little Immaculate Heart of Mary Home, mount this prayer on a wall of your living space and say it often.

Little Immaculate Heart of Mary Home Prayer

I dedicate this household to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

with the intention of it being a Little Immaculate Heart of Mary Home,

I delegate Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love to be chairperson of this household, 

and to put all care and governance in to Her hands,

for the purpose of establishing Life in the Love of Jesus,

in the hearts of all those who dwell here. Amen. 

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