Jesus's Love

Jesus’s Love

Jesus’s Love is an infinitely loving and forgiving Love, which proceeds from a source that never needs to be replenished—it is infinite. His Love which is forgiveness is, forgiveness, upon forgiveness, upon forgiveness unto infinity. His Love, which is Himself, is similar to His forgiveness in that it is: His beautiful loving self, upon His beautiful loving self, upon His beautiful loving self, until infinity. And Jesus who is so great, allows us who are so small, to receive Him in His entirety. In addition to His infinite Love and forgiveness, there coexists with His Love, the sweetness of His Person. In His sweetness, He desires to help us with our shortcomings in an understanding and loving way. And, also as friend and companion, he lavishes His healing, and affection upon us. Furthermore, because Jesus has so many wonderful attributes, he easily becomes center stage for our affection and love. He loves for us to address Him in a capacity of a loving friend. A friend that would never betray us, and will stand by us until the end. We get a understanding of how much He loves us from the Cross. His love that comes from the Cross is the Great Gem of His Love with many facets, and each facet more beautiful and wonderful. One particular facet of His Love that is excessively wonderful is His Healing Love. Jesus’s Healing Love is the power of His Love that creates, heals, and restores with a heat of love that, all the while it solves the problems of health and soul, is causes our heart to melt in His Love. Our heart is humbled in the countenance of such a Great Love. His Love is the Love of the wedding feast, where our heart is married to His. And, as a bride to such a great love we except it instantaneously. His love is unfathomably beautiful, and as bride to this love we begin making resolutions never to depart from it. His Healing Love is the greatest thing that ever happened us, and because this is so, we readily accept being wisped away in His arms to spend the rest of our lives with Him.

     Furthermore, on the Cross when Jesus said, “It Is Finished,” Our Precious Lord was declaring that His Love triumphed over Death. This message is what we live in the Cathedral of Love, which is that Jesus’s Love supersedes everything. Death cannot obstruct His Love in any way. Therefore when a child of the Cathedral of Love acts in Jesus’s Love, everything that he or she does, without exception, will be realized. When Jesus breathed His final breath on the Cross, this breath is Jesus Love that proceeded from His Sacred Heart, which rendered death and evil powerless. Jesus’s Mother is also part of this Breath and this is why She is depicted as standing upon a the serpent. Furthermore, His last breath which is His Love, is the air we breathe in the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Cathedral of Love, making our home a place were we become empowered. When we grow in Jesus’s Love in the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Cathedral of Love we become His Breath. As part of Jesus’s Last Breath the Children of the Cathedral of Love are instrumental in extinguishing death now and until the end of time. This is part of how the Immaculate Heart becomes Victorious in the end.

     Our Precious Mother fully intends to feed Her children Jesus’s Love daily until the end of time. One reason for this is that when receiving Jesus’s Love, the Children of the Cathedral of Love, will be receiving Eucharist. In receiving Eucharist typically, Jesus gives the whole of Himself to us. When Our Precious Mother feeds us Jesus’s Love, she is feeding us Jesus in His fullness, so therefore when we receive Jesus’s Love from Our Holy Mother we are receiving Eucharist. And, there exists, a no more beautiful Love, than what we receive from Her in form of Eucharist daily.

    Furthermore, Our Holy Mother feeds us Jesus’s Love within us to the point of overflowing. This is what gives her children their strength, and also His Love passes through us into the circumstances of our everyday life. This occurs in and under the protection of the Immaculate Heart Mary, and circumstances are changed from the seeping of Jesus Love coming from within us. This is how Our Holy Mother prepares her children to face and conquer the difficulties of today. Any individual who has Jesus’s Love in them, and acts in and according to His love, can never be obstructed in any way. This is the power of Jesus’s Love for us who live in the present day. All we have to do is receive Jesus’s Love from our Precious Mother, and follow Her council, and nothing can prevent the undertaking from happening. Therefore the Kingdom of the Immaculate Heart of Mary can never be prevented from being realized, thus making the Immaculate Heart of Mary Victorious as it has been prophesied. By feeding us Jesus’s Love, evil is conquered. And the Peace, Love, Harmony of the Immaculate Heart will be the prevailing mode of Life for all. Thus all of Her children can come to Her Heart, and experience the next thing closest to Paradise.

   Our Holy Mother’s Love for Her Son was, and is at the present time, very dear and very powerful. Because this is so their relationship is one of inseparability, meaning they can never be separated. They are so close in that when you speak to either of them, you are in fact speaking to the other as well. For example Jesus hears and experiences every beautiful sentiment spoken to His Beautiful Mother. This relationship of inseparability began at the time of their earthly life, Mary and Jesus were inseparable. At the time of Jesus Crucifixion when our poor, precious Savior hung on the Cross, Our Precious Mother’s Heart hung also with His on the Cross. Her heart was so united to Jesus’s Heart that she experienced the agonies of Her Son’s through His Heart. When St. Longenous threw His spear and pierced the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Our Precious Mother’s Heart was also mystically pierced. It was because Her Heart was so united to His, and also it was her greatest desire not to abandon Her Son in His suffering, that Jesus did not deny Her Heart from being pierced along with His. Thus fulfilling what Simeon foretold: “a sword shall pierce your heart.” When Mary’s Heart was pierced, Sacramental Life from that moment on began to flow through Her Immaculate Heart. Jesus Blood, which is His Love, is now used to cleanse Her children’s sins in the Cathedral of Love.

     All of Mary’s children who receive Sacramental Life in the Cathedral of Love are chosen Christians. As chosen Christians they have special privileges of access to both the hearts of Jesus and Mary. What this means is that Mary’s children have a special sway with Jesus’s Sacred Heart, and they receive from Him many Gifts of Love. In these Great Gifts of Love, our Precious Lord and Savior shows His wonderful generosity, because His generosity can never be outdone. All of Mary’s children receive the most beautiful portions of His all Powerful Love. Those recipients of His Love exhibit a very beautiful and powerful love in their own heart for our Precious Savior. It is in the Immaculate Heart of Mary that the lock on the door to Sacred Heart of Jesus is broken for Her children, because he broke it himself for them; wanting to empty the infinite store of His Love upon them. By doing this the promises of a more than exceptional kind of beautiful Life and Love in the Immaculate Heart is more than accounted for. One instance or occasion of beautiful Life and Love, only gives way to something even more beautiful and wonderful; and so on, does Life and Love occur with every Heart in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Therefore the capacity of Life and Love that finds its source from the Sacred Heart of Jesus inside the Immaculate Heart is far beyond what we can imagine.

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