St. Teresa of Jesus's Seven Day Psalter for Young People: Week 1

Teresa of Jesus of the Andes’s Seven Day Psalter for Young People: Week 1

When you have decided to begin saying this weekly psalter devotion, you have already made a friend who is St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes. She is aware that you are beginning this devotion, and she is believing in you, and desiring that you enter into Life in Jesus’s Love in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. By her wanting this for you, she is making it clear that she cares, and therefore showing you that she loves you, and is going to look out for you.

       Prayer is love from our heart. St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes will be asking Jesus from her heart for light and grace that will be your help as you pray these prayers every day. Light and grace from God works, like an elevator that lifts your heart and mind upward toward God so that you can understand the things of God. Knowing the ways of God helps us to make right choices in our lives. A good Christian is a person, who in every situation, continues to make the right decision. Furthermore, as good Christian’s we do not need to worry about making the right decisions tomorrow; our focus should be on making all the right decisions today. And, the way we live our lives is to take each day, one at a time, and make all the right decisions for that day. In the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we are never alone, we have St. Teresa of Jesus to rely on for help. She is closer than a whisper away. Whisper whatever you need and she will intervene. She will always be close by for you, and if you are not sure, ask her to make herself known to you and she will. It is her foremost concern that you are in relationship with Jesus and His Mother, and also to help you to make the decision to pray this weekly psalter every day.

How to pray the psalter 

Read only the prayers assigned for each day of the week. For example read Monday’s prayers for Monday only, and Tuesday’s prayer’s for Tuesday and so on. Why this is so, is because this is part of what makes prayer successful. It must be performed every day. Prayer is like most things in life that we know about, for example: If you put gas in your car, it goes; If you water the plant, it blossoms; If you study for your test, you get high marks, and so on. There are many benefits to prayer. It can be engaging and exciting, and it will also bring you much peace and happiness. Prayer is our daily appointment with Jesus and Mary where we exchange sentiments of love from our heart. It is a good practice to mean everything you say when you recite the prayers. Feel free to add additional sentiments of love as you are lead to do so.

       As always, when praying find a quiet place that will remain quiet for an hour. Turn off anything that can become a distraction, like your cell phone, music, and videos. Do what is necessary to establish peace and calm on the inside of you as well as on the outside. You will notice right away the happiness that you are experiencing if you say the prayers every day. If you are experiencing any difficulties ask St. Teresa of Jesus to assist you. 


Opening Prayers

Taking My Place Prayer

My Dearest Mary, 

Please allow me to take my place,

in your Beautiful Immaculate Heart today,

so that I may embrace Jesus,

as my Lord and Savior;

for the occasion of participating in His Life,

and growing in His Love.

I also ask you, my Precious Mother,

to remain close to me,

so that I may enjoy you,

as my close companion,

for a continuous Dialogue of Love,

and to be favored by your assistance,

in everything that pleases you. Amen.

Delighting in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Prayer

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I love you.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I praise you.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I adore you.

In you I am so pleased to have made my home,

which is the Cathedral of Love.

Scripture Verse

“The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field. Which is the least indeed of all seeds: but when it is grown up, it is greater than all herbs and becometh a tree so that the birds of the air come and dwell in the branches thereof.” Mt 13:31–32


Mary’s Love for Her children is a great flame that reaches skyward, and because this is so they can be at rest because their prayers will be heard and their requests granted. And, how beautiful is Mary’s Immaculate Heart because it enjoys peace that is never broken, and goodness that remains, and does not end. Jesus, beyond all price awaits for we Her children here with His Love that is so magnificent. His Love touches the ceiling of heaven, and yet reaches down to take our hearts in an loving embrace. He then gently enkindles our hearts to love and sing praises to Him. And, the more our hearts do this, the more joy, peace, and goodness we will be filled with. Let us delay no longer, and run away from every place where Jesus doesn’t dwell. Let us go to Mary’s Heart and meet Jesus there.

Daily Renewal Prayers

Prayer for Kind Words

My Jesus,

It is very easy for me,

when I am with my friends,

to join them as they are speaking,

unfavorable things about someone I know.

My Jesus I know that this does not please you.

Show me a way to be at peace with You and my friends,

by giving me the kind words to say, 

that makes for a pleasing,

and character preserving conversation. Amen.

Empower Me as We Walk Side by Side

To your Heart in true friendship,

my dearest St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes,

I pledge my eyes, my mind, and my heart,

as I walk through this life with you.

Our friendship of shared Love in Jesus

is celestial goodness,

and everlasting worth,

that inspires me to endure all things,

for the love of you,

and Jesus who dwells,

in your Heart in a special way.

However in times of trial,

remind me of my pledge,

and empower me,

in our true friendship to prevail, 

as we walk side by side, 

in the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

my passageway to Paradise. Amen.

As I Take Every Step with The Child King

My Dearest Child King of the Cathedral of Love,

I will Love, and I will worship you at every moment.

For the rest of my days, 

I shall contemplate your Majesty,

And experience your infinite Goodness and Love.

I will hold you so dear, 

So that I may experience,

The loveliness of your person, 

To treasure,

As I take every step. Amen.

Renewal of Every Moment Prayer

I wish to make an ongoing renewal of every moment of my life. At this moment I give my whole heart, and all my love to you Jesus, and to you my Beautiful Mother of the Cathedral of Love. Amen.

Daily Rosary

One decade of the Holy Rosary said while meditating on a Mystery of your choice. 

Sayings of St. Teresa of Jesus’s 

  • We all have our cross, but we want to be like the good thief who stole heaven.
  • When we go to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, it is here that we are made perfect in Jesus’s Love.
  • Be the lighted candle of Jesus’s Love, so that you may be His light, which will be your good example for others.

Daily Devotional Exercise

Find a stone-like object that is flat on one side. It can be a flat stone, a piece of concrete, or a piece of crockery that fits in the palm of your hand. Secondly, you will need a black marker or markers of different colors. Hold the stone-like object in the palm of your hand and say: “Mary, my heart is like this now.” Then take a marker or markers, and draw a heart on the stone or concrete with flames spraying out the top. When completed say: “Mary, help my heart to become like this.” Then place the stone at the base of a favorite statue or picture of Mary.


Opening Prayer

Taking My Place Prayer

My Dearest Mary, 

Please allow me to take my place,

in your Beautiful Immaculate Heart today,

so that I may embrace Jesus,

as my Lord and Savior;

for the occasion of participating in His Life,

and growing in His Love.

I also ask you, my Precious Mother,

to remain close to me,

so that I may enjoy you,

as my close companion,

for a continuous Dialogue of Love,

and to be favored by your assistance,

in everything that pleases you. Amen.

Delighting in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Prayer

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I love you.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I praise you.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I adore you.

In you I am so pleased to have made my home,

which is the Cathedral of Love.

Scripture Verse

“And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his Mother: Behold this child is set for the fall and for the resurrection of many in Israel, and for a sign which shall be contradicted.” Lk 2:34


It is necessary for all children to go to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to meet Jesus there, so that we may allow Him to light our hearts with the fire of devotion with His Divine Love. When this is accomplished then there will be hearts alighted around the world because Jesus’s love will have lit these fires full of devotion to Him. When this becomes a reality the whole world will be lit up with lighted hearts, and it will look like a Christmas tree. In this way Jesus intends to set the entire world ablaze. And it is the immaculate Heart of Mary, who will supply the source of fuel to keep every lamp lit when we place ourselves in Her Heart every day. As the light of our hearts glistens, darkness is dispelled. Let nothing darken our lighted hearts, our precious Mother will provide us everything we need. The newness of Jesus’s light remakes our hearts into festive lights, so that they will shine the victory of His Love which will bring us much joy and satisfaction. We must have confidence in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, love goodness, and hate the darkness, and our hearts will shine victoriously.

Daily Renewal Prayers

When I am Immersed in My Work

My Immaculate Heart of Mary,

when I am immersed in my work,

may my heart always be at rest,

in Your perfectly tranquil, Heart of Peace.

May my mind find its home,

in the pristineness of Your Immaculate Hands.

May I also find the courage and strength,

that you provide for me, 

as I remain always in Your Beautiful Love.

And, at the end of my day,

May I experience, 

the joy of having spent my day with you. Amen.

Empower Me as We Walk Side by Side

To your Heart in true friendship,

my dearest St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes,

I pledge my eyes, my mind, and my heart,

as I walk through this life with you.

Our friendship of shared Love in Jesus

is celestial goodness,

and everlasting worth,

that inspires me to endure all things,

for the love of you,

and Jesus who dwells,

in your Heart in a special way.

However in times of trial,

remind me of my pledge,

and empower me,

in our true friendship to prevail, 

as we walk side by side, 

in the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

my passageway to Paradise. Amen.

As I Take Every Step with The Child King

My Dearest Child King of the Cathedral of Love,

I will Love, and I will worship you at every moment.

For the rest of my days, 

I shall contemplate your Majesty,

And experience your infinite Goodness and Love.

I will hold you so dear, 

So that I may experience,

The loveliness of your person, 

To treasure,

As I take every step. Amen.

Renewal of Every Moment Prayer

I wish to make an ongoing renewal of every moment of my life. At this moment I give my whole heart, and all my love to you Jesus, and to you my Beautiful Mother of the Cathedral of Love. Amen.

Daily Rosary

One decade of the Holy Rosary said while meditating on a Mystery of your choice.

Sayings of St. Teresa of Jesus’s 

  • When a son or daughter of Mary seeks, they always find. When they knock the door is always open for them. 
  • Jesus easily forgets offenses, and savors being made up.
  • The best way to spend your time is to practice doing what Mary wants you to do in every situation. In that way you will be helping others, and being an example pleasing to God; and living always in the sunshine of His love. 

Daily Devotional Exercise

Make your favorite paper airplane and say: “My dearest Jesus may my speach be as straight and true as the flight of this paper airplane;” then toss the airplane. If the plane curves down or to the right or to the left, then ask Jesus to enlighten you on how to fix the plane so that it flies straight and true. Make the modifications to the wings that you think that he wants you to make, and after every repair, repeat the prayer and toss the plane.


Opening Prayer

Taking My Place Prayer

My Dearest Mary, 

Please allow me to take my place,

in your Beautiful Immaculate Heart today,

so that I may embrace Jesus,

as my Lord and Savior;

for the occasion of participating in His Life,

and growing in His Love.

I also ask you, my Precious Mother,

to remain close to me,

so that I may enjoy you,

as my close companion,

for a continuous Dialogue of Love,

and to be favored by your assistance,

in everything that pleases you. Amen.

Delighting in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Prayer

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I love you.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I praise you.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I adore you.

In you I am so pleased to have made my home,

which is the Cathedral of Love.

Scripture Verse

“And Jesus spoke to them saying: All power is given to me in heaven and on earth.” Mat 28:18


The Immaculate Heart of Mary is where all roads of the world lead to. Imagine that upon our arrival, we pass through in our car an enormous archway that says “Everlasting Joy.” Immediately following the archway, as we drive along, you see your first overhead sign which says. “You must take this life more seriously, and avoid being wisped away by meaningless activity.” Traveling a little further you see the next sign which says “All worries will be resolved and Peace will be its replacement.” Cruising on, we see our next sign that says: “In my Immaculate Heart there is Love, and more Love, and favor, and more favor.” As you pass the sign while contemplating it, you see that your lane in front of you is making a sharp turn with many arrows pointing for you to veer to the right. The next very large overhead sign that greets you says: The Cathedral of Love, 1/2 mile. Immediately following the sign you can see in the distance a mountainous Cathedral that is very beautiful with many bright lights streaming in every direction. As you near the Cathedral in your car it becomes gigantic and then yet there is another sign that says: “The Cathedral of Love: The House of the Great Child King. You have reached your final destination.” 

Daily Renewal Prayers

Jesus is Calling Me

Listen to my gentle voice calling you.

You mean so much to me,

and from this moment on:

respond to me,

look for me,

receive me,

follow me.

I want to lead you

to My Mother’s Immaculate Heart,

because it is there I will embrace you;

and give you my Love,

and open up to you the treasury of My Heart,

because I want to give you a brand new Life.

I Am The Way.

Respond to my Voice,

and you will Rejoice. Amen.

Empower Me as We Walk Side by Side

To your Heart in true friendship,

my dearest St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes,

I pledge my eyes, my mind, and my heart,

as I walk through this life with you.

Our friendship of shared Love in Jesus

is celestial goodness,

and everlasting worth,

that inspires me to endure all things,

for the love of you,

and Jesus who dwells,

in your Heart in a special way.

However in times of trial,

remind me of my pledge,

and empower me,

in our true friendship to prevail, 

as we walk side by side, 

in the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

my passageway to Paradise. Amen.

As I Take Every Step with The Child King

My Dearest Child King of the Cathedral of Love,

I will Love, and I will worship you at every moment.

For the rest of my days, 

I shall contemplate your Majesty,

And experience your infinite Goodness and Love.

I will hold you so dear, 

So that I may experience,

The loveliness of your person, 

To treasure,

As I take every step. Amen

Renewal of Every Moment Prayer

I wish to make an ongoing renewal of every moment of my life. At this moment I give my whole heart, and all my love to you Jesus, and to you my Beautiful Mother of the Cathedral of Love. Amen.

Daily Rosary

One decade of the Holy Rosary said while meditating on a Mystery of your choice.. 

Sayings of St. Teresa of Jesus’s 

  • Mary’s Immaculate Heart is a pristine pond into which we cast a line, so that we may catch a Love that is so immense and beautiful who is Jesus. Approach Him without anxiety, and ask for forgiveness and he will be happy to give you His embrace.
  • How we pray is the bedrock upon which we build a Life with Jesus in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 
  • What makes a person beautiful is their heart. This is why we must give our hearts to Our Precious Mother’s Immaculate Heart. It is Her Heart that will make our hearts beautiful.

Daily Devotional Exercise

Find and old Bible that no one uses. Then find your favorite chapter in the Bible with your favorite scripture verses (if you cannot decide, try using either John chapter 3 or John chapter 5). Tear out or cut out the page with a pair of scissors. Then take a pencil and draw the largest heart possible on the page bringing the pencil line to the edge of the page top and bottom. Then with a pair of scissors cut the page into the largest heart shape possible. Then take a highlight marker and highlight all your favorite passages on the heart shaped scripture page. Once completed cut the heart shaped page into several large pieces then say: “Yes Lord, I am going to help you to build the Kingdom of Your Love in the Immaculate Heart of Mary.” Then on a flat surface put the pieces of the heart back together as though it were a puzzle. 


Opening Prayer

Taking My Place Prayer

My Dearest Mary, 

Please allow me to take my place,

in your Beautiful Immaculate Heart today,

so that I may embrace Jesus,

as my Lord and Savior;

for the occasion of participating in His Life,

and growing in His Love.

I also ask you, my Precious Mother,

to remain close to me,

so that I may enjoy you,

as my close companion,

for a continuous Dialogue of Love,

and to be favored by your assistance,

in everything that pleases you. Amen.

Delighting in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Prayer

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I love you.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I praise you.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I adore you.

In you I am so pleased to have made my home,

which is the Cathedral of Love.

Scripture Verse

“They shall be inebriated with the plenty of thy house; and thou shalt make them drink of the torrent of thy pleasure. For with thee is the fountain of Life: and in thy Light we shall see Light.” Ps 35:9–10


The wreath of apple blossoms of paradise that surround the Immaculate Heart of Mary are a blossoming of Jesus’s love. They adorn Our Precious Mother’s heart because She is the answer to the fallen Eve. The blossoms represent the triumph of His love and the return to paradise. The Blossoms have a celestial beauty only to be found in paradise and they send forth the fragrance of His pure Love which is intoxicating and sweet. Mary’s heart does not hold back Jesus’s powerful Love, and therefore these blossoms of paradise cannot be prevented from blooming in an outward fashion. Furthermore they represent an eternal season of blossoming for all her children, and foretell of an abundant harvest. Because of their beauty they are alluring and invite the whole world and her children to come to her heart to participate in the Cathedral of Love which is inside. All of Mary’s children are invited to adorn these blossoms of paradise because they exude Jesus’s perfect love, and their pedals can heal, and break the power of evil. We can ask our Precious Mother for a drop of their dew or we can touch them in faith to receive a special grace.

Daily Renewal Prayers

Beautiful Mother Make Me Faithful to You to the End

Beautiful Mother of Fair love,

and of everything that is lovely,

You have become my comfort and strength.

My dear sovereign Queen over all;

my everlasting unto everlasting,

Make my heart into the likeness of yours,

and be for me my advocate.

My Mother and my Love,

Make me faithful in Love to You to the end. Amen.

Empower Me as We Walk Side by Side

To your Heart in true friendship,

my dearest St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes,

I pledge my eyes, my mind, and my heart,

as I walk through this life with you.

Our friendship of shared Love in Jesus

is celestial goodness,

and everlasting worth,

that inspires me to endure all things,

for the love of you,

and Jesus who dwells,

in your Heart in a special way.

However in times of trial,

remind me of my pledge,

and empower me,

in our true friendship to prevail, 

as we walk side by side, 

in the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

my passageway to Paradise. Amen.

As I Take Every Step with The Child King

My Dearest Child King of the Cathedral of Love,

I will Love, and I will worship you at every moment.

For the rest of my days, 

I shall contemplate your Majesty,

And experience your infinite Goodness and Love.

I will hold you so dear, 

So that I may experience,

The loveliness of your person, 

To treasure,

As I take every step. Amen.

Renewal of Every Moment Prayer

I wish to make an ongoing renewal of every moment of my life. At this moment I give my whole heart, and all my love to you Jesus, and to you my Beautiful Mother of the Cathedral of Love. Amen.

Daily Rosary

One decade of the Holy Rosary said while meditating on a Mystery of your choice.


Sayings of St. Teresa of Jesus’s 

  • Faith works like a bicep muscle, the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets.
  • The Immaculate Heart of Mary can easily be won over by the love we give to Her from our hearts, and because this is so all things can become possible.
  • In our spiritual car love is the big powerful motor under the hood; and prudence is what steers the car, applies the gas, and puts on the breaks when necessary.

Daily Devotional Exercise

Find a holy Image of Our Precious Mother, and kneel or sit before it. The holy image can be a statue or a picture of our Holy Virgin (large or small). Then sing aloud “Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above.”


Opening Prayer

Taking My Place Prayer

My Dearest Mary, 

Please allow me to take my place,

in your Beautiful Immaculate Heart today,

so that I may embrace Jesus,

as my Lord and Savior;

for the occasion of participating in His Life,

and growing in His Love.

I also ask you, my Precious Mother,

to remain close to me,

so that I may enjoy you,

as my close companion,

for a continuous Dialogue of Love,

and to be favored by your assistance,

in everything that pleases you. Amen.

Delighting in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Prayer

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I love you.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I praise you.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I adore you.

In you I am so pleased to have made my home,

which is the Cathedral of Love.

Scripture Verse

“King Nabuchodonosor said to his nobles: ‘Did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire?’ They answered him and said ‘True O’ King.’ The King answered them and said: ‘I see four men loose and walking in the midst of the fire. And there is no hurt in them: and the image of the fourth is like the Son of God.’” Dn 3:91–92


When Jesus preached near the Sea of Galilee, He was often confined to preaching from one of His disciple’s boats just a small distance from shore. The people there pressed upon Him, were wanting to get near Him. Jesus standing on the bow of a boat, spoke, and His Words were like flaming arrows of Love that pierced their hearts. The huge crowd on the shore were silent and they hung on his every word. The peoples hearts became filled with His Love and their minds enlightened with understanding. Some hearts became heavy because they wanted a greater experience of His Love, but could not receive it because they needed to unburden their hearts. As He spoke their eyes were opened, and they could see themselves before God, and this gave them a strong desire to be a better person. Those who knew about Jesus, brought other family members so that they could encounter His Words of Love. When He finished preaching He came upon the shore, and walked among the people which gave them an opportunity to unburden their hearts to Him. He turned no one away and gave them what they needed. Many brought their sick and Jesus touched them and they were healed. Everyone went away satisfied, and He was acclaimed by everyone as He presented His Father’s Kingdom to them.

Daily Renewal Prayers

A Prayer to Mary

My precious Mary whom I love.

I am so happy that you are my Mother,

and I give heartfelt thanksgiving to Jesus for giving me to you.

It is my desire to be good to You at all times.

I wish to love you and serve you with all my heart.

Please teach me the mysteries of Your Heart,

and Jesus’s Sacred Heart as well. 

If I fail you in any way please let me know;

and allow me never to live my life apart from you.

And, it would please me wonderfully so,

if I could endure everything that I must undergo in this life with You.

It is my solemn wish that everyone love you as much as I do.

Save all of my friends. Amen.

Empower Me as We Walk Side by Side

To your Heart in true friendship,

my dearest St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes,

I pledge my eyes, my mind, and my heart,

as I walk through this life with you.

Our friendship of shared Love in Jesus

is celestial goodness,

and everlasting worth,

that inspires me to endure all things,

for the love of you,

and Jesus who dwells,

in your Heart in a special way.

However in times of trial,

remind me of my pledge,

and empower me,

in our true friendship to prevail, 

as we walk side by side, 

in the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

my passageway to Paradise. Amen.

As I Take Every Step with The Child King

My Dearest Child King of the Cathedral of Love,

I will Love, and I will worship you at every moment.

For the rest of my days, 

I shall contemplate your Majesty,

And experience your infinite Goodness and Love.

I will hold you so dear, 

So that I may experience,

The loveliness of your person, 

To treasure,

As I take every step. Amen

Renewal of Every Moment Prayer

I wish to make an ongoing renewal of every moment of my life. At this moment I give my whole heart, and all my love to you Jesus, and to you my Beautiful Mother of the Cathedral of Love. Amen.

Daily Rosary

One decade of the Holy Rosary said while meditating on a Mystery of your choice. 

Sayings of St. Teresa of Jesus’s 

  • Jesus loved His Mother’s Heart so much that, after he was born to her, He chose never to depart from it.
  • Remember that when we speak to Mary, we are speaking with our Mother whose greatness is immeasurable. And thus we can anticipate that she will respond to our requests with Her beautiful Love which is infused with Paradise.
  • It is the result of the two Powerful Loves, which are Jesus’s Love and Mary’s Love, that the Immaculate Heart of Mary has been turned into an inferno of Divine Love. This is where our hearts are to find their rest.


Daily Devotional Exercise

On 7 small pieces of paper about 3 inches by 5 inches in size, write down one of your favorite saints on each one. Next, sit on a chair about 8 feet from an empty waste paper basket and then proceed to crumple up each piece of paper, and toss into the basket from where your are sitting. After all the pieces of paper have been tossed. Go over to the waste paper basket and gather only the ones that made it into the basket and put them on a table or desk in front of you. After uncrumpling each individual piece of paper, read the name and say: “My dearest saint:                                     . I am so delighted that you are my companion for the day, pray for me that I may be at every moment Jesus’s Love for others. Amen. The crumpled pieces of paper that didn’t make it into the basket, save another day. Here are some suggested saints (St. Martín De Porres, St. Rose of Lima, St. Gemma Galgani, St. Francis Paola, St. Padre Pio, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, St. Clelia Barbieri).


Opening Prayer

Taking My Place Prayer

My Dearest Mary, 

Please allow me to take my place,

in your Beautiful Immaculate Heart today,

so that I may embrace Jesus,

as my Lord and Savior;

for the occasion of participating in His Life,

and growing in His Love.

I also ask you, my Precious Mother,

to remain close to me,

so that I may enjoy you,

as my close companion,

for a continuous Dialogue of Love,

and to be favored by your assistance,

in everything that pleases you. Amen.

Delighting in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Prayer

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I love you.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I praise you.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I adore you.

In you I am so pleased to have made my home,

which is the Cathedral of Love.

Scripture Verse

“Forbid not the little children to come to me: for the Kingdom of Heaven is for such as these.” Mat 19:14 


Imagine yourself Mary’s servant at the time of the Annunciation, and it was your task to check in on Mary to see if she was in need of anything. It was at this particular moment when you arrived at her doorway, and saw the beautiful Archangel St. Gabriel standing before her and proclaiming his salutation. At that moment, you cast your eyes upon Mary, and experience her surprise and wonder as she receives the Angel’s greeting. A moment of confusion comes over Mary, and then the angel continues to tell her about the Child King that she was to give birth to. Her confusion gave way to her beautiful response which was her “Yes.” The conversation between the Angel and Mary had an aura of profound excitement and you could see in Mary’s eyes that she is deeply moved by what the Angel is saying. You also experienced in her beautiful words the love that She had for St. Gabriel, which was a union full of Divine Love; and one in which what was spoken between them became so easily understood. After Mary gives her loving consent, the Angel gives his blessing and then he departs. You rush in at that moment to assist Mary. She is filled with great joy and at the same time thinking over what the Angel had said. Her sweet contemplation gives way to a great joy and love for Her Heavenly Father. She expresses how unworthy she feels, but then she says a beautiful praise of thanksgiving for being chosen to be the Mother of God and the Mother of all mankind. You were at a loss of what to say to her, but on your face was an expression of great joy. Then you sit next to her and express how wonderful it is for you to be there at that moment, and how happy you are for her. Then you asked Mary some questions about what the Angel said. Mary answers your questions with tears of gladdness streaming from her eyes. Your heart for her fills with so much love as you come to realize that she is your new Mother, and the Mother of your Lord and Savior.

Daily Renewal Prayers

I Place Myself into the Sunshine of Your Beautiful Love

My dearest Mary,

I place myself into the Sunshine of Your Beautiful Love.

Though at times I succeed,

and at times I fail,

You will always receive me into your love,

which is so kind, loving, and understanding.

And this affection you have for me never changes,

thus becoming for me the whole of my confidence.

It is in your Love is where I know that I am loved,

because it is responsible for so much Beauty and Goodness.

It is this gift of the Sunshine of Your Beautiful Love,

that makes my heart ascend skyward,

and be filled with many wondrous things to praise you for.

This is where I find my strength, and happiness.

Preserve me always in your Immaculate Heart,

where your Love Shines on me,

while I live in Jesus’s Love. Amen.

Empower Me as We Walk Side by Side

To your Heart in true friendship,

my dearest St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes,

I pledge my eyes, my mind, and my heart,

as I walk through this life with you.

Our friendship of shared Love in Jesus

is celestial goodness,

and everlasting worth,

that inspires me to endure all things,

for the love of you,

and Jesus who dwells,

in your Heart in a special way.

However in times of trial,

remind me of my pledge,

and empower me,

in our true friendship to prevail, 

as we walk side by side, 

in the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

my passageway to Paradise. Amen.

As I Take Every Step with The Child King

My Dearest Child King of the Cathedral of Love,

I will Love, and I will worship you at every moment.

For the rest of my days, 

I shall contemplate your Majesty,

And experience your infinite Goodness and Love.

I will hold you so dear, 

So that I may experience,

The loveliness of your person, 

To treasure,

As I take every step. Amen.

Renewal of Every Moment Prayer

I wish to make an ongoing renewal of every moment of my life. At this moment I give my whole heart, and all my love to you Jesus, and to you my Beautiful Mother of the Cathedral of Love. Amen.

Daily Rosary

One decade of the Holy Rosary said while meditating on a Mystery of your choice.

Sayings of St. Teresa of Jesus’s 

  • At the sound of Mary’s voice John the Baptist was christened and lept for joy in Elizabeth’s womb. Mary’s children are born to her in the same way. Hearing the sweetness of Her voice—the Holy Spirit plants the seed of Her Love and Jesus’s Love in them—then Her children respond and run after her. 
  • Mary’s Immaculate Heart is a wonderful way to approach Jesus and His Love, and Mary wants us to make use of Her Heart in this way every day.
  • The two most beautiful names that the Heavenly Father has granted to mankind are “Jesus” and “Mary.” They are the source of all the Love that we could ever need or desire; and for this they are deserving of our continual praise.


Daily Devotional Exercise

Create a Maria Alcove. Begin by finding a small corner in a room on a desk or small table. Then find a holy image of Mary. It can be a small statue or a framed picture. Then place the image on a pedistal and put it into the recess of the corner. Decorate the space around the image and even create an enclosure for the image. Start small but continue work on how to improve it. The idea is to make it as inviting as possible so that when a passer by approaches, he or she will feel inclined to spend some time to pray. Maria Alcoves are small holy places where we express love to our Holy Mother. Make it ravishing by adorning it with flowers, lighted candles, and art work that you have created. The concept behind it is “more love.” At our Maria Alcove our love will be always be answered by her love and even more so. After receiving her beautiful love, it now becomes our turn to respond with more love. The idea is to keep the exchange of more love going. Our precious Mother has a great store of Love that she wants to lavish upon her children.


Opening Prayer

Taking My Place Prayer

My Dearest Mary, 

Please allow me to take my place,

in your Beautiful Immaculate Heart today,

so that I may embrace Jesus,

as my Lord and Savior;

for the occasion of participating in His Life,

and growing in His Love.

I also ask you, my Precious Mother,

to remain close to me,

so that I may enjoy you,

as my close companion,

for a continuous Dialogue of Love,

and to be favored by your assistance,

in everything that pleases you. Amen.

Delighting in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Prayer

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I love you.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I praise you.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, I adore you.

In you I am so pleased to have made my home,

which is the Cathedral of Love.

Scripture Verse

“Unless a man or woman is born again he or she cannot see the kingdom of God.” Jn 3:3


When we pray the Holy Rosary a supernatural power has been put into effect, and so long as we continue to pray it, the prodigy continues. A wonderful comparison can be made to a bubbling spring. Regardless of how hot, dry, and barren a place is, when a spring begins to flow in that area, it will not be long before life of all kinds will begin to emerge. Plant life along with birds, insects, fish, and other animals will be sustained by the water provided. The same wonder occurs when a person prays a well said Rosary. The person who begins to pray is the place and origin of the spring. When he or she begins to pray, waters of divine grace breaks ground within the individual and then flows outward. As the prayer continues to pray, the life-giving grace flows into the barren wastelands of the world. Into the dry and broken regions does the waters of grace that we provide from our prayer flow, bringing healing and transformation. Relationships begin to mend; and people who are enslaved to addictions are set free. Unwanted behaviors are replaced by better ones and individuals are inspired to bring Jesus into their lives. The mended lives produced and sustaind by the waters of grace from our prayer is true Life which brings love and happiness. If only the world were a valley of living springs, what kind of a world would this be today?

Daily Renewal Prayers

A Prayer for Forgiveness

My dearest Jesus,

I am filled with an anxiety,

that I do not have an explaination for.

And, for this reason I have decided,

To plunge my entire past, and present,

into the inferno of Your Love,

which is forgiveness that is infinite.

A heartfelt sorrow for all of my offenses has come over me,

and I now place them in the fire of Your Love,

and ask for forgiveness.

Jesus, my Lord Jesus,

I ask that you press your Beautiful Heart to mine,

even just for a moment,

so that I may know that I am loved and pardoned. Amen.

Empower Me as We Walk Side by Side

To your Heart in true friendship,

my dearest St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes,

I pledge my eyes, my mind, and my heart,

as I walk through this life with you.

Our friendship of shared Love in Jesus

is celestial goodness,

and everlasting worth,

that inspires me to endure all things,

for the love of you,

and Jesus who dwells,

in your Heart in a special way.

However in times of trial,

remind me of my pledge,

and empower me,

in our true friendship to prevail, 

as we walk side by side, 

in the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

my passageway to Paradise. Amen.

As I Take Every Step with The Child King

My Dearest Child King of the Cathedral of Love,

I will Love, and I will worship you at every moment.

For the rest of my days, 

I shall contemplate your Majesty,

And experience your infinite Goodness and Love.

I will hold you so dear, 

So that I may experience,

The loveliness of your person, 

To treasure,

As I take every step. Amen

Renewal of Every Moment Prayer

I wish to make an ongoing renewal of every moment of my life. At this moment I give my whole heart, and all my love to you Jesus, and to you my Beautiful Mother of the Cathedral of Love. Amen.

Daily Rosary

One decade of the Holy Rosary said while meditating on a Mystery of your choice.

Sayings of St. Teresa of Jesus’s 

  • Our Precious Mother is ready to pour out Her love on anyone who has even the smallest amount of desire to love her.
  • Mary’s Immaculate Heart is always a place of warm greetings and get-togethers, and never a place of goodbyes.
  • Do not be afraid of making mistakes. Plunge forward and do the best that you can, Jesus’s Love and understanding will always be there for you. 

Daily Devotional Exercise

Pick a language that you want to learn for example Spanish, Italian, German, etc. Then find a translation dictionary that translates words from your current language into the language that you want to learn. Then think of devotional phrases that you would like to say to Jesus, Mary, or St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes. Begin with small phrases at first like “Jesus, I love you” which translated in Italian would be: “Gesù, amo te.” Write the phrases down on a piece of paper in the language that you want to learn and carry it with you. When you have a free moment during your busy day, refer to your list of phrases and recite them. You will enjoy speaking your new language and in the meantime say beautiful things to Jesus, Mary and St. of Jesus of the Andes. Some other phrases that you might consider translating are: “Mary, I cannot live without you.” “St. Teresa of Jesus be always at my side.” “Jesus, fill my heart with the fire of your love.”

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