Our First Father of the Cathedral of Love

OUR first Father OF THE CATHEDRAL OF LOVE: Fr. Patrick Mundy

Father Patrick was chosen by Jesus to come forth at this time to be a source power and strength for Priest who are facing having their ministry pulled from them. The Vatican led church and the forbidden blessing, the cause of our disgrace, has filled our heart with much anger. Will we recover from a horrible plight? Where is Jesus to be found in this? These questions do have solutions, and they are found in our Celestial Visitor that was sent from paradise, who is our Lord and Savior. Father Patrick who has great sway with Jesus is here to help us find the way provided to us by Jesus our Celestial Visitor. He loves us immeasurably and wants us to know that we have not been abandoned.

     Our Father of the Cathedral of Love wishes to assist us in a powerful, and even miraculous way. The mindset of the world is such that it despises Jesus’s true sons, the Priests, and the attacks they receive are vicious. Jesus has a limitless love for his sons, and sends the First Father of the Cathedral of Love to show that they have not been abandoned, and to show them that they do have a future with their ministry. Our precious Father of the Cathedral of Love knows what it is like to be a Priest and everything that Priests endure.

     The difficulties that Priests face today are compounded by the forbidden blessing which is causing great confusion and despair. Our dearest Father of the Cathedral of Love invites all of Jesus true sons the Priest into the Cathedral of Love by way of Our Holy Mother’s Immaculate Heart. Our precious Father is here in the Cathedral of Love to receive with an eternal embrace, Priest who are without a home in the Body of Christ. As his sons they will receive extraordinary intervention through Fr. Patrick as their intermediary in the Cathedral of Love.

     The ultimate charism of all which is central in our ministry is the Priest’s sanctification of himself and the sanctification others. What is required of a Priest, in order for this two way sanctification to occur, is that he must be crucified in the pattern of his King, the High Priest and supreme Shepherd who is Jesus. 

The Life the Priest and his Crucifixion

The life of a Priest is a life of a living Crucifixion especially today. There has not been other time in the history of the Church that compares to the how Priest’s are treated today:

  •  Support. The kind of love and support that we receive today, my fellow Priests, is people taking advantage of you at both ends. What often comes to mind is where is the love and support from those above us, and those whom we serve. Part of our Crucifixion is to experience a complete void of love, and support which is all-pervasive. From the beginning we are given a vision that can never be realized, yet it is expected of us to make it happen with what little or nothing that has been handed us. This part of our crucifixion is most frustrating and at times we are temped to despair. 
  •  Thirst. The first thirst is as we already mentioned is the thirst of support, and for that we can expect just a couple supporters at the foot of our cross. Another thirst that we have is the desire to build a better world. However, in order to do so, as we know, hearts must be ignited with the love of Jesus. But the powers that be prevent hearts from being ignited by the tying our hands. The result of this, as we know, is that compromises infiltrate thus guaranteeing that heart will remain dead. Yet there is yet another thirst that we have my sons, which is the thirst of fostering the love of Jesus, and His Blessed Mother. But as you know my fellow Priest we must be careful not to offend those privileged benefactors that we were instructed not to offend. And, yet there is another thirst my sons, and that is the thirst for salvation. We love those whom we serve and we want to see them saved. But my sons, as you know, we can in no way denounce openly cultural trends that are counter productive to salvation. This thirst is most difficult to bare. 
  • Humiliation. The instrument of the passion that best depicts this suffering is the Crowning of Thorns. Do we not my sons feel that every where we go we are wearing the crown of thorns. The run-a-muck culture, that is allowed have free reign under our care, is the voice of mockery that inflicts us where ever we go. In the midst of family and friends in the parish our Crown of Thorns are oversized because our parishioners are steeped in a culture that hates us. We are caught in between heaven and the culture and all the while feeling the thorns piercing our skull. Our thorns are especially oversized during our “Priest retreats” with our Bishops. Jesus demands loyalty of his true Sons, yet much of what take place puts us in a very uncomfortable position. We are suppose to be true sons, yet being a true son is not on the itinerary, an alternative agenda always has upper-hand. 


     My dearest sons who have suffer so much; do not believe that no one cares. Do not give in to the temptation to despair in the midst of the extreme difficulties of today. I care and I love you. I want nothing else except to be of immeasurable help to you. My help is real world, therefore believe that I can help you. I have been there and I know your suffering. There is no one better able to help you. What I would ask you to do is reach out me, and I promise to help you.

     The first thing that you must do is place yourself in the Immaculate heart of Mary every day. The primary reason for doing this is that She as our true mother who love us and who really looks out for us. In addition to looking after us, her heart is a safe heaven of protection that will free us from infiltration from the evil one. The second thing is to pray this prayer every day and to pray one chaplet of the Holy Rosary every day. By doing this a way will open to you and you will also see clearly what to do. 

My Dearest Father of the Cathedral of Love Prayer

I want to be a true son and a true Priest,

help me to love my ministry more,

especially the sacrifice of the Mass.

I truly do want to be the living Jesus on earth

and to embrace whole heartedly my crucifixion

for those whom I love and serve. 

But my dearest Father I am flesh and blood,

and I am week,

and the dangers of the world are colossal.

I implore you to come to my aid

and be always at my side

because there isn’t a moment 

that I should not be without your powerful intercession.

Your love of Jesus and your sway with Him is renown.

Give me now and always the show of your powerful intercession.

Make me rely on the strength that you provide.

Help me be a true Priest because this is my deepest desire.

In return for your powerful assistance,

I promise to love as Jesus loves,

and I promise to help my brother Priests

especially by recommending your powerful intercession to them.

Be Father of my heart

and father of my life which I now give you.

Lead me to true sonship under your care

make me understand the importance of my ministry

and its invaluable salvific repercussion for those whom we love and serve.

I desire wholeheartedly to be a good Priest.

To love Jesus very much and to cultivate his love.

Assist me always my dearest Father I humbly pray,

because I know not how to love as I should 

and my heart is void of His love.

By your powerful intercession my dearest Father

Ask Jesus to fill my heart with His love

so that it may flow out to those whom I love and serve.

Again, I desire whole heatedly to be a good Priest. Amen.

   The Priest and Christ is intimately united on the alter. The Priest is to be for those we serve the very person of Jesus. Now more than ever, with the crisis of the forbidden blessing, Priests need to be “very person” of Jesus. The pastor needs to lead those whom we serve to His mother’s heart which is the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Let it be an inspiration and code of life for you my sons. The Mass must become the Mass of each individual participant. The Mass, we must always remember, is the ultimate means by which those whom we serve are cleansed from their sins thus reuniting them to Jesus. 

   As Priests we must never forget that we have Jesus on the altar before us. His Body and His Blood are before us to contemplate, and it is a means by which we relive the Passion and Crucifixion. Never doubt my sons the True Presence because Jesus is our sustenance. He is our everything upon whom we completely depend for ourselves and for those whom we serve. Be honored by sons when we stand before this tremendous mystery of God as victim. Always take your time before this mystery and shed rivers of tears if necessary, because it is so profound. We can never honor it enough and we need to show the way for those we serve how the honor the mystery. 

   As a true Sons of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Priest is call to unite himself to Jesus and be the way, and the truth, and the life for those he serves. This is the highest calling that anyone person can be called to, and we as Priests have to take this seriously. Jesus has to be come the fiber of our being to live out every day. It is this place we you are continually in want; meaning there little to nothing that is a real and actual help, and one of the things that we as Priest die most of is thirst.

   For my sons who are loosing their jobs I would ask that you not despair but pray to me and I will you. My sway with Jesus is powerful and my intercession will be enlightening. Be careful not to do anything unless you pray to me first. The avenue that I will provide will be a sure way to much grace and help. Keep in mind that your ministry is so important especially now at this time the faithful are going to need true Shepherds to help them. They are going to need someone to lead them to safety in our Holy Mother’s Immaculate Heart.

   My son’s do not forget how important the Mass is. The mass sustains the world. Everytime a Mass is celebrated God is glorified and the praise given to Him comes from Christ in our name with us, and with the whole universe. The supreme purpose of the Mass is precisely that it gives the Eucharistic service its ultimate value. 

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