Miraculous Image of Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love

Origin of the Miraculous Image of OUr Lady of the Cathedral of Love

In 1984 I was working construction for a company that contracted the demolition of an old post office building. Before the demolition date of the building, the person whom I worked for wanted to go through the entire building to remove anything of value. In the back room of the main receiving room there was a lot of stuff that could be classified as junk. However amongst the junk was a framed, beautiful lithograph of Mary presenting Her Immaculate Heart with Her hands. I surprised my boss by asking him how much he wanted for the framed Image of Our Lady. He was at a loss for words at first but then said $5 dollars. That is how I obtained the 16”x 20” image that we now call Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love. I kept the image and often prayed before it. 

        In February, 2018, my wife’s father was in the hospital dying of cancer, and I was home praying before the lithograph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. My wife’s father was a difficult person, and in all the years that we knew him he had a strong adversity toward Christians, and he exhorted those around him to live a godless lifestyle. We had prayed regularly for him for 25 years for his conversion, and now that he is breathing his last breaths, there was nothing different about him. Beginning to think that our 25 years of prayer was a total failure, I decided to speak freely to the image in front of me by saying, “So anyway . . . How should we pray for Bill?” Then the image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary spoke two words to me which were perfectly audible and profound. In a sweet voice she said, “Pray kindness.” Not understanding the meaning of her words, but thinking that I should act fast, I immediately asked another question about another matter to see if I could get a second response. But these two audible words was her gift to me at that time. I have often thought about those words and have concluded that kindness sums up the whole of all of our prayer. Kindness is an act of Love and therefore this is what our prayer always should be. 

       From that time onward, began a series of many communications interiorly from Our Precious Mother. In mid-summer 2018, I was asked by Our Lady to write a book about her Immaculate Heart, and she promised to help me. Having little knowledge and writing experience, I wholeheartedly plunged into the project. I completed a compilation of meditations, reflections, short stories, poems, and prayers and it was at this time I began to meet with her every day at 4:30 in the afternoon. On December 6th 2020 I began to receive messages that had broader implications, and the first one was:

  • “Only those persons who are in relationship to my Immaculate Heart can be saved in these times.” 

        What our Holy Mother meant by this is that for multitudes of people there will not be available to them a means of Salvation. Their parish churches will become a places that blesses sin, and Her children will not be able to attend. This was the beginning of a new phase in which it was becoming apparent that a mission was being placed upon my shoulders. It was followed by similar messages:

  • “Men, women, and children cannot be saved unless they except salvation through my Immaculate Heart (March 12, 2021)
  • Unless you are attached to my heart you will not be saved. And, whatever is not attached to my heart will not be able to be saved in these times. Everyone is called to a relationship of love with my heart and I will supply them with a power of graces.” (October 17, 2021)

        Our Precious Mother made it clear to me that the Roman Catholic Church was going to fail, and that I was to record the messages. These first messages laid the ground work for what was to come next which was the Cathedral of Love. Here are some of the early Cathedral of Love messages from Our Lady:

  • My heart is a Cathedral that is on fire and does not burn. It is a Cathedral of Love. Come with your hearts full of devotion and be apart of my Cathedral of Love. (February 26, 2022)
  • The Cathedral of Love is the place and the occasion to love Jesus. I desire so much for everyone to come to my heart and love Him. (April 21, 2022)
  • My Heart is love upon love, and help upon help. Jesus has built a Cathedral of Love in my Heart for all to come and be saved. (March 12, 2022)
  • I am here. Be assured that my Heart will never fail you. Jesus is rebuilding His Church in my Immaculate Heart. (March 20, 2022)
  • Know my Immaculate Heart and know that the Cathedral of Love lies within. Here is where the whole world is invited to be with Jesus. (March 25, 2022)
  • How great is Jesus in my Cathedral of Love. How great is his life and love. Come and be refreshed and renewed. (May 27, 2022)
  • Come to my Cathedral of Love and receive the mercy of Jesus, which brings great repose for sinners. Make my Cathedral of Love your home. (March 28, 2022)

       My initial reaction to Our Precious Mother referring to Her Immaculate Heart as a Cathedral of Love, was one of skepticism. I wasn’t sure if I understood her correctly, so I asked her on two separate occasions afterwards and she politely and sweetly said “yes.” But my doubts persisted which she was aware of. On the next occasion that I was to meet with her, I intended to ask her one more time, but before I was able to verbalize the first word of my question she gave me a very loud, and emphatic “YES!” From that time onward I was certain that this was what she wanted. 

      I continued to work on the book and had it printed in November 2022. A few months after the book was printed Our Lady announced that she wanted the image that I used for the cover to be the new image by which she was to be honored by under the title of Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love. This cover image is the same image that I bought in 1984 with a few changes made to it. She also had pointed out to me on more than one occasion that she intended to work miracles through this image.

Physical Healings

  • The first physical healing occurred on, July 11, 2023 for our dog Pazzi who was having difficulty breathing, and he also had a large growth, about the size of a golf ball, on his rib cage, and one on his foot. The one on his foot was half the size of the one on his rib cage. We were suspecting that he could be dying of cancer. I asked Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love if she would heal Pazzi and she said that she would. The following day the growth on his side had completely disappeared and the one on his foot was much better, his breathing had cleared up completely. Today Pazzi is doing very well with just a very small growth on his foot which continues to reduce in size. 
  • The second physical healing was a hernia condition that I contracted while splitting wood in 2002. I took special care of this condition for years by being careful of not doing anything that would aggravate it. As a result there were certain things that I could not do any more like throw a base ball with my right hand or chop wood from the right side of my body. When the hernia got aggravated it was painful and the condition seemed to be worsening. I didn’t have any medical insurance and the only shot at an operation would be when I became of retirement age. In the fall of 2023, the subject of my hernia came up when I was speaking with my Precious Mother and what I said to was “I am sure nobody has any interest in healing my hernia.” I spoke this way to Her be because I thought that Jesus willed it to keep me humble. I have always had difficulty with excessive pride. But her reply was “No I will do this for you.” After that I didn’t give it any thought until March 2024. We had a snowstorm that left us with two feet of snow. I went to start the snow blower and it started up and then it stopped running. I did everything to try to start it again and it would not start. I was not a happy person to say the least and proceeded to shovel our 150 foot driveway by hand and all the paths around the house which took over three hours. I was thinking that my hernia was going to give me a lot of trouble the following day, but to my surprise, that did not happen. And, since then I haven’t had any trouble with it whatsoever and I am able to do all things. I am very grateful for this and profusely thanked Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love for helping me in this way.

        The reason for writing the origin of the image down is because Our Precious Mother had asked me to do so. She suggested that I write this down including the healings is because she wants the world to go to her for their problems no matter what the difficulties are. If you received a healing from Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love send me message through the contact form on this website and I will write you back as soon as possible to get the details. I am wanting to add to this list all additional healings. Thank you in advance for your wonderful contributions.

Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love Nine Day Novena

It is through this novena: the Nine Day Novena of Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love that She wishes to confound those who pray it. Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love intends to fully establish Her intervention under this title with this miracle-working novena. She invites all persons to pray it with the anticipation of receiving remedy for every possible malady or adverse circumstance. Under the title of Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love She is the Mother of Divine Love. Therefore the benevolence of Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love is very rich in mercy. The Goodness of God, in the hands of Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love multiplies as She dispenses His Goodness inexhaustibly. The requested grace, which is Her response to our petition, is always accompanied with much love. Because of her benevolence and wonderful love we should never hesitate in approaching Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love for our every need. When petitioning her help, what is wounded becomes healed. What has been divided is brought together. And, what is destroying a part of our life, will be put in a place of defeat.

How to say the novena

When we say this novena we are preparing an arrow of love each day which is our petition. And, the fervor, love, and confidence in which we say the novena is actually how we set the arrow on fire with our love, and release it from the bow of love in our heart. Upon completion of our prayer said with much love and fervor, our arrow of love is received with much affection by Our Precious Mother, and the result is that Her heart is moved with much tender compassion. There are no arrows that are prepared with much love, that go unreceived by Our Precious Mother. Divine love, which is in great quantity in our Mother’s heart, is always going in search of love, and when it is found Our Precious Mother delights in it very much. This is how we know our arrow of love will be heard. In fact, She is involved in what we are asking more than we realize. Even before we begin this novena, She knows every detail regarding our petition. Prepare each day's arrow of love petition with even more love and fervor. Our Precious Mother is wanting to collect all nine arrows released from our bow of love from within our heart. We can be sure that with every passing day the love and compassion from within Her heart is increasing, and we can expect all obstacles that prevent the grace from being realized to be melted away in Her compassionate love. If for some reason Our Precious Mother would like to collect more arrows of love from You, by all means begin the novena again. Furthermore, saying the novena prayer perpetually is a wonderful way to keep Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love remaining attentive to our love and needs from our heart.

Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love Nine Day Novena

Our Lady of the Cathedral of Novena – Day 1

Oh Mary, a heart ignited by the celestial fire of Jesus’s Divine Love cannot find a better home than in Your Immaculate Heart. This is the great Mission of Love of your Immaculate Heart’s sovereign Cathedral of Love in whom dwells our Everlasting unto Everlasting. Our Precious Mother, You unfold your beautiful heart to present to us Your Holy Child within. What a beautiful gift to behold which awakens in us an unquenchable desire to dwell within Your Heart.

       Oh my Immaculate Heart, my Beautiful Mother of Fair Love, and everything that is lovely. Your resplendence evermore exhibits the grace, elegance, and grandeur of Heaven. You who are so attentive to your children for their smallest act of love, only a few words or a sigh of love is enough to ignite your Beautiful Immaculate Love into a fountain of benevolence for Your children. Knowing this, we Your loving children implore You to obtain for us the graces and favor of this novena which are:                                       . Most gracious and Loving Mother of Mercy, and advocate of all, instill in us to the end, fidelity to the exquisite love in Your Immaculate Heart by continuing to reveal to us He who lies within that makes Life within Your Heart Beautiful. Blessed is His Holy and Seraphic Fare which is His Love that unites our hearts in Love, harmony, and peace in Your Immaculate Heart. Our hearts laden with Jesus’s Love are the breath of Life for the world, and a sign of Your all powerful intervention as Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love. My Lady of the Cathedral of Love obtain for me the request of this novena, and I promise an ardent adversity to sin, and an espousal to Jesus in Your Immaculate Heart.

       Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Our Lady of the Cathedral of Novena – Day 2

Oh Mary, a heart ignited by the celestial fire of Jesus’s Divine Love cannot find a better home than in Your Immaculate Heart. This is the great Mission of Love of your Immaculate Heart’s sovereign Cathedral of Love in whom dwells our Everlasting unto Everlasting. Our Precious Mother, You unfold your beautiful heart to present to us Your Holy Child within. What a beautiful gift to behold which awakens in us an unquenchable desire to dwell within Your Heart.

       Oh my Immaculate Heart, my Beautiful Mother of Fair Love, and everything that is lovely. Your resplendence evermore exhibits the grace, elegance, and grandeur of Heaven. You who are so attentive to your children for their smallest act of love, only a few words or a sigh of love is enough to ignite your Beautiful Immaculate Love into a fountain of benevolence for Your children. Knowing this, we Your loving children implore You to obtain for us the graces and favor of this novena which are:                                       . Most gracious and Loving Mother of Mercy, and advocate of all, instill in us to the end, fidelity to the exquisite love in Your Immaculate Heart by continuing to reveal to us He who lies within that makes Life within Your Heart Beautiful. Blessed is His Holy and Seraphic Fare which is His Love that unites our hearts in Love, harmony, and peace in Your Immaculate Heart. Our hearts laden with Jesus’s Love are the breath of Life for the world, and a sign of Your all powerful intervention as Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love. My Lady of the Cathedral of Love obtain for me the request of this novena, and I promise an ardent adversity to sin, and an espousal to Jesus in Your Immaculate Heart.

       Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Our Lady of the Cathedral of Novena – Day 3

Oh Mary, a heart ignited by the celestial fire of Jesus’s Divine Love cannot find a better home than in Your Immaculate Heart. This is the great Mission of Love of your Immaculate Heart’s sovereign Cathedral of Love in whom dwells our Everlasting unto Everlasting. Our Precious Mother, You unfold your beautiful heart to present to us Your Holy Child within. What a beautiful gift to behold which awakens in us an unquenchable desire to dwell within Your Heart.

       Oh my Immaculate Heart, my Beautiful Mother of Fair Love, and everything that is lovely. Your resplendence evermore exhibits the grace, elegance, and grandeur of Heaven. You who are so attentive to your children for their smallest act of love, only a few words or a sigh of love is enough to ignite your Beautiful Immaculate Love into a fountain of benevolence for Your children. Knowing this, we Your loving children implore You to obtain for us the graces and favor of this novena which are:                                       . Most gracious and Loving Mother of Mercy, and advocate of all, instill in us to the end, fidelity to the exquisite love in Your Immaculate Heart by continuing to reveal to us He who lies within that makes Life within Your Heart Beautiful. Blessed is His Holy and Seraphic Fare which is His Love that unites our hearts in Love, harmony, and peace in Your Immaculate Heart. Our hearts laden with Jesus’s Love are the breath of Life for the world, and a sign of Your all powerful intervention as Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love. My Lady of the Cathedral of Love obtain for me the request of this novena, and I promise an ardent adversity to sin, and an espousal to Jesus in Your Immaculate Heart.

       Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Our Lady of the Cathedral of Novena – Day 4

Oh Mary, a heart ignited by the celestial fire of Jesus’s Divine Love cannot find a better home than in Your Immaculate Heart. This is the great Mission of Love of your Immaculate Heart’s sovereign Cathedral of Love in whom dwells our Everlasting unto Everlasting. Our Precious Mother, You unfold your beautiful heart to present to us Your Holy Child within. What a beautiful gift to behold which awakens in us an unquenchable desire to dwell within Your Heart.

       Oh my Immaculate Heart, my Beautiful Mother of Fair Love, and everything that is lovely. Your resplendence evermore exhibits the grace, elegance, and grandeur of Heaven. You who are so attentive to your children for their smallest act of love, only a few words or a sigh of love is enough to ignite your Beautiful Immaculate Love into a fountain of benevolence for Your children. Knowing this, we Your loving children implore You to obtain for us the graces and favor of this novena which are:                                       . Most gracious and Loving Mother of Mercy, and advocate of all, instill in us to the end, fidelity to the exquisite love in Your Immaculate Heart by continuing to reveal to us He who lies within that makes Life within Your Heart Beautiful. Blessed is His Holy and Seraphic Fare which is His Love that unites our hearts in Love, harmony, and peace in Your Immaculate Heart. Our hearts laden with Jesus’s Love are the breath of Life for the world, and a sign of Your all powerful intervention as Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love. My Lady of the Cathedral of Love obtain for me the request of this novena, and I promise an ardent adversity to sin, and an espousal to Jesus in Your Immaculate Heart.

       Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Our Lady of the Cathedral of Novena – Day 5

Oh Mary, a heart ignited by the celestial fire of Jesus’s Divine Love cannot find a better home than in Your Immaculate Heart. This is the great Mission of Love of your Immaculate Heart’s sovereign Cathedral of Love in whom dwells our Everlasting unto Everlasting. Our Precious Mother, You unfold your beautiful heart to present to us Your Holy Child within. What a beautiful gift to behold which awakens in us an unquenchable desire to dwell within Your Heart.

       Oh my Immaculate Heart, my Beautiful Mother of Fair Love, and everything that is lovely. Your resplendence evermore exhibits the grace, elegance, and grandeur of Heaven. You who are so attentive to your children for their smallest act of love, only a few words or a sigh of love is enough to ignite your Beautiful Immaculate Love into a fountain of benevolence for Your children. Knowing this, we Your loving children implore You to obtain for us the graces and favor of this novena which are:                                       . Most gracious and Loving Mother of Mercy, and advocate of all, instill in us to the end, fidelity to the exquisite love in Your Immaculate Heart by continuing to reveal to us He who lies within that makes Life within Your Heart Beautiful. Blessed is His Holy and Seraphic Fare which is His Love that unites our hearts in Love, harmony, and peace in Your Immaculate Heart. Our hearts laden with Jesus’s Love are the breath of Life for the world, and a sign of Your all powerful intervention as Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love. My Lady of the Cathedral of Love obtain for me the request of this novena, and I promise an ardent adversity to sin, and an espousal to Jesus in Your Immaculate Heart.

       Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Our Lady of the Cathedral of Novena – Day 6

Oh Mary, a heart ignited by the celestial fire of Jesus’s Divine Love cannot find a better home than in Your Immaculate Heart. This is the great Mission of Love of your Immaculate Heart’s sovereign Cathedral of Love in whom dwells our Everlasting unto Everlasting. Our Precious Mother, You unfold your beautiful heart to present to us Your Holy Child within. What a beautiful gift to behold which awakens in us an unquenchable desire to dwell within Your Heart.

       Oh my Immaculate Heart, my Beautiful Mother of Fair Love, and everything that is lovely. Your resplendence evermore exhibits the grace, elegance, and grandeur of Heaven. You who are so attentive to your children for their smallest act of love, only a few words or a sigh of love is enough to ignite your Beautiful Immaculate Love into a fountain of benevolence for Your children. Knowing this, we Your loving children implore You to obtain for us the graces and favor of this novena which are:                                       . Most gracious and Loving Mother of Mercy, and advocate of all, instill in us to the end, fidelity to the exquisite love in Your Immaculate Heart by continuing to reveal to us He who lies within that makes Life within Your Heart Beautiful. Blessed is His Holy and Seraphic Fare which is His Love that unites our hearts in Love, harmony, and peace in Your Immaculate Heart. Our hearts laden with Jesus’s Love are the breath of Life for the world, and a sign of Your all powerful intervention as Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love. My Lady of the Cathedral of Love obtain for me the request of this novena, and I promise an ardent adversity to sin, and an espousal to Jesus in Your Immaculate Heart.

       Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Our Lady of the Cathedral of Novena – Day 7

Oh Mary, a heart ignited by the celestial fire of Jesus’s Divine Love cannot find a better home than in Your Immaculate Heart. This is the great Mission of Love of your Immaculate Heart’s sovereign Cathedral of Love in whom dwells our Everlasting unto Everlasting. Our Precious Mother, You unfold your beautiful heart to present to us Your Holy Child within. What a beautiful gift to behold which awakens in us an unquenchable desire to dwell within Your Heart.

       Oh my Immaculate Heart, my Beautiful Mother of Fair Love, and everything that is lovely. Your resplendence evermore exhibits the grace, elegance, and grandeur of Heaven. You who are so attentive to your children for their smallest act of love, only a few words or a sigh of love is enough to ignite your Beautiful Immaculate Love into a fountain of benevolence for Your children. Knowing this, we Your loving children implore You to obtain for us the graces and favor of this novena which are:                                       . Most gracious and Loving Mother of Mercy, and advocate of all, instill in us to the end, fidelity to the exquisite love in Your Immaculate Heart by continuing to reveal to us He who lies within that makes Life within Your Heart Beautiful. Blessed is His Holy and Seraphic Fare which is His Love that unites our hearts in Love, harmony, and peace in Your Immaculate Heart. Our hearts laden with Jesus’s Love are the breath of Life for the world, and a sign of Your all powerful intervention as Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love. My Lady of the Cathedral of Love obtain for me the request of this novena, and I promise an ardent adversity to sin, and an espousal to Jesus in Your Immaculate Heart.

       Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Our Lady of the Cathedral of Novena – Day 8

Oh Mary, a heart ignited by the celestial fire of Jesus’s Divine Love cannot find a better home than in Your Immaculate Heart. This is the great Mission of Love of your Immaculate Heart’s sovereign Cathedral of Love in whom dwells our Everlasting unto Everlasting. Our Precious Mother, You unfold your beautiful heart to present to us Your Holy Child within. What a beautiful gift to behold which awakens in us an unquenchable desire to dwell within Your Heart.

       Oh my Immaculate Heart, my Beautiful Mother of Fair Love, and everything that is lovely. Your resplendence evermore exhibits the grace, elegance, and grandeur of Heaven. You who are so attentive to your children for their smallest act of love, only a few words or a sigh of love is enough to ignite your Beautiful Immaculate Love into a fountain of benevolence for Your children. Knowing this, we Your loving children implore You to obtain for us the graces and favor of this novena which are:                                       . Most gracious and Loving Mother of Mercy, and advocate of all, instill in us to the end, fidelity to the exquisite love in Your Immaculate Heart by continuing to reveal to us He who lies within that makes Life within Your Heart Beautiful. Blessed is His Holy and Seraphic Fare which is His Love that unites our hearts in Love, harmony, and peace in Your Immaculate Heart. Our hearts laden with Jesus’s Love are the breath of Life for the world, and a sign of Your all powerful intervention as Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love. My Lady of the Cathedral of Love obtain for me the request of this novena, and I promise an ardent adversity to sin, and an espousal to Jesus in Your Immaculate Heart.

       Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Our Lady of the Cathedral of Novena – Day 9

Oh Mary, a heart ignited by the celestial fire of Jesus’s Divine Love cannot find a better home than in Your Immaculate Heart. This is the great Mission of Love of your Immaculate Heart’s sovereign Cathedral of Love in whom dwells our Everlasting unto Everlasting. Our Precious Mother, You unfold your beautiful heart to present to us Your Holy Child within. What a beautiful gift to behold which awakens in us an unquenchable desire to dwell within Your Heart.

       Oh my Immaculate Heart, my Beautiful Mother of Fair Love, and everything that is lovely. Your resplendence evermore exhibits the grace, elegance, and grandeur of Heaven. You who are so attentive to your children for their smallest act of love, only a few words or a sigh of love is enough to ignite your Beautiful Immaculate Love into a fountain of benevolence for Your children. Knowing this, we Your loving children implore You to obtain for us the graces and favor of this novena which are:                                       . Most gracious and Loving Mother of Mercy, and advocate of all, instill in us to the end, fidelity to the exquisite love in Your Immaculate Heart by continuing to reveal to us He who lies within that makes Life within Your Heart Beautiful. Blessed is His Holy and Seraphic Fare which is His Love that unites our hearts in Love, harmony, and peace in Your Immaculate Heart. Our hearts laden with Jesus’s Love are the breath of Life for the world, and a sign of Your all powerful intervention as Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love. My Lady of the Cathedral of Love obtain for me the request of this novena, and I promise an ardent adversity to sin, and an espousal to Jesus in Your Immaculate Heart.

       Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.




My Dearest Mary,
You are Mother of the Holy Child within your Immaculate Heart,

and Mother of All.

You have announced that Jesus has built a home in Your Heart Immaculate,

for Your children and His Powerful Love;

thus prompting you to exclaim that Your Heart,

has become a Cathedral of Love.

My dearest Lady of the Cathedral of Love and most dear Mother,

I appeal to Your Heart Immaculate from the depths of my heart with confidence,

knowing that through your Heart miracles are promised for my every necessity.

Because this is so, I ask that you please grant:                                          .

I am so thankful for this privilege of approaching You, my beloved Mother,

and I thank You sincerely for Your tender compassion.

I promise to tell the world of all help received by You,

and it is my heart’s desire to sing Your praises in thanksgiving,

united to Jesus in the Cathedral of Love forever. Amen.

Our Precious Mother’s Love

Our Precious Mother’s Love is infinitely united to Jesus’s Love, and this is the Love that She chooses to Love each of us with. The Love of Our Holy Mother is exceedingly rich for it is where we encounter Jesus and His Love in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She wants all of Her children to live in Her Love always by placing themselves every day in Her Heart which is the Cathedral of Love. 

       Our Precious Mother’s Love originates from the Heart of the Father for the purpose of being a home for Jesus, and He is happiest in the Love of His Mother. Here is where Jesus, more than any other place, is most at home and more inclined to grant anything we ask for. Furthermore, it is Jesus and His Love is what makes Our Precious Mother’s Love even more exquisite and wonderful. Because Jesus is in Her Love, this makes Her love the love that we are most disposed to falling in love with, and the most sought after Love in the world. Furthermore, Jesus’s Love is what imparts His Life, and therefore Our Precious Mother’s Love, is also an instrument of Jesus’s Life. 

       When we fall in Love with Our Precious Mother, we fall in Love with everything that She loves. What She loves is establishing the highest degree of Life and Love in each of Her children. Jesus, who is the joy and satisfaction of Her Love, is the perfect model for all of her children, and it is His Love that they are to become. In Her Love, Jesus gives Himself fully in His Love. And we all are predestined to receive Jesus, whole and entire, in Her Love. This is why in Her Immaculate Heart we choose to remain in Her Love, because it is here that she feeds us Jesus’s Love. There is a no more beautiful Love than what is found in the Immaculate Heart of Mary (the Cathedral of Love). This is why devotion to Her is most widespread world wide. 

       What she enjoys most from Her children is when they tell Her, in all the many ways, that they love Her. This is something she never tires of. She loves every show of affection. She loves it when we kiss Her images, and make a big show of Her statues. She loves beautifully said prayers, and well sung praises; and she even loves it when we fumble over words of affection that we have said hundreds times before. Anything said from the heart is most enjoyable, and She wants our heart to give the whole of itself to Her. It is in this context that she gently presses Jesus’s Love into our heart so that when we speak to Her, our words are saturated with His Love. It is Jesus’s Love in the words that we use to address Her is what She Loves. Ultimately what both Jesus and Mary want from us is “the Love.” This is why practicing this devotion is the means par excellence by which we become filled with Jesus’s Love. 

       Our Precious Mother’s Love is affectionate and it is Her desire that all her children reside always in the Cathedral of Love, and in Her Love. She knows all Her children very well, and has a special Love for each of them. If any of Her children knew the love she has for them, they would instantly be brought to tears. Once aware of how much She loves us, we will immediately regret delaying and not pursuing a relationship with Her earlier in our lives. As each of Her children grows in Jesus’s Love they live closer to Her, and because of this She is diligently at work forming us in Jesus’s Love so that we remain within Her heart at all times.

        Our Holy Mother knows, what Her children are facing every day, but She is confident that every child will always respond to Her love. When our hearts have been ignited by Her Love, the fire in our heart never completely goes out regardless of the circumstances in our lives. If for some reason we are temporarily separated from the Immaculate Heart of Mary due to difficulties or sin, Our Precious Mother will go in search of Her child with full confidence that all She needs to do is draw near to Her child. It is in drawing near to the child that its heart will reignite in the splendor of its original love for Her. In this way, true children of the Immaculate Heart of Mary can never be lost and therefore are predestined. This is how powerful Her Love is.

        Furthermore, Our precious Mother is a loving mother who looks out for Her children. She will go the far reaches of the world, and exhaust every means to try to save one of Her children. Nothing matters to Her except that they spend eternity with Her. No expense is spared, She loves Her children that much. Our Spiritual welfare is something that She takes seriously, and She has objectives that She would like for us to meet. It is through our Dialogue of Love with Her that we find out what She would like for us to do. If we express a sincere desire to want to please Her, She will exhibit Her enormous ability to convey to us what She wants us to know. If we are not sure about what she is communicating to us, we only need to give it some time and the information we need will soon arrive. She is first and foremost our loving Mother, exhibiting inexhaustible clemency, and She is easy to understand and please.

        Our Precious Mother finds it difficult to bear a child of hers being sad, and She will go out of Her way to try to cheer him or her up. She, who always has a pleasing demeanor, will draw near with consolations of Jesus’s Love, so that Her child may be restored in Love. In the joy of Jesus’s Love Her child can now endure the full brunt of difficulties in everyday life. An unexpected attribute of Our Precious Mother’s Love is Her optimism. Optimism is what we base our Christian life upon and it is from Her optimism that we learn great confidence in Her Immaculate Heart. She is very optimistic in regard to the successes of Her children. Even though Her children struggle with themselves, She is confident that they will triumph. It is Her undying confidence that She has in us which makes us feel at ease, so that we may easily resign ourselves to remain in Her Heart and Her Love. 

        Another attribute of Our Precious Mother is Her protection and this is something She takes seriously. This is why She is wanting to be recognized as Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love as Lioness. The world today is a dangerous place. And, She becomes for us a Lioness whom we can call on at any moment, wherever we go, who will fearlessly deliver us from a threatening situation. There isn’t a complication massive enough that we will not receive Her powerful protection from. When Her children place themselves in Her heart every day, Her special protection makes Her heart a safe-haven for the welfare of Her children. When She is called upon under this title, She immediately intervenes and breaks the power of temptation or any other affliction that is assailing Her child. Call upon Her and say:

“Our Lady of the Cathedral of Love as Lioness protect me”

and She will immediately intervene and make Her presence felt. This protection is what maintains the flourishing of Jesus’s Life and Love, and God’s Goodness in the Cathedral of Love. 

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