St. Mary Magdalene: Our Second Mother of the Cathedral of Love

ST. MARY MAGDALENE: Our Second Mother of the Cathedral of Love

A Biography of St. Mary Magdalene

St. Mary Magdalene first appears in the Gospel at Simon’s house at the feet of Jesus being referred to as a woman “sinner” in the city. (Luke 7:37–50). Mary rushing in to kneel before Jesus’s feet was in response to previously experiencing Jesus’s Divine Love. She was overtaken by her experience and decided to repay Jesus by going to Simon’s house and weeping over Jesus’s feet. She was the one whom seven devils were driven out and it was at this time, that she experienced Jesus’s Love for the first time. It was His Love that set her free. It was after this time onward, she joined the company of women who ministered to Jesus (Luke 8:2). St. Mary Magdalene is mentioned again when Jesus visits Martha and Mary’s home in Bethany six days before the Passover. It was at this supper that Mary poured ointment upon His head and feet. Jesus said that this anointing for His burial and what she did will be told of memory of her (12; cf. Matthew 26 and Mark 14).

       Mary Magdalene appears again in the Gospels in the most dramatic moment of Jesus’s life, when she accompanies Him to Calvary along with, Jesus’s Mother, Mary (mother of James), and Salome (Mark 15:40). She remains to the end when Joseph of Arimathea places the body of Jesus in the sepulcher, which is closed with a stone. On the morning of the first day of the week, she returns to the tomb finding the stone rolled away. Then she runs to tell Peter and John that she has seen Jesus risen from the dead. They in turn hurry to the empty tomb and discover that the body of the Lord was missing.

       The two disciples return home but Mary Magdalene remains at the tomb in tears. Her initial disbelief gradually turns to faith when she sees two angels and asks them if they know where Jesus’s body has been taken. She then sees Jesus Himself, but fails to recognize Him. She thinks He is the gardener, and when He asks why she was crying and who she is looking for, she replies: “Sir, if you have taken Him away, tell me where you have put Him and I will go and remove Him.” But Jesus said “Mary,” and she then recognizes Him at once by saying “Rabbuni!,” which in Hebrew means “Master!” Jesus tells her: “Do not cling to me because I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go and tell my disciples that I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” Then Mary Magdalene goes to tell them that she has seen the Lord (cf. John 20).

       Mary Magdalene is the first follower of Jesus to proclaim Him as having risen from the dead. She is the first to announce the joyful message of Easter. And, she proved that she was among those who loved Him most when she stood at the foot of the Cross on Mount Calvary and by following Him to His tomb. 

My second Mother of the Cathedral of Love Prayer

My dearest second Mother Mary of the Cathedral of Love,

I love you immeasurably for making it known to me

that in your heart is a very great and beautiful love.

I will never fail to reflect on this wonderful gift that you are in possession of for me.

In return I give you my whole unworthy heart for the desires and purposes of your heart.

I promise to demonstrate an exceptional affection for your heart, adhering to its every wish.

My heart is moved, and wonderfully so, for the gifts that you have bestowed upon me

of purity, love, and protection against impurity.

And also, for the gift of empowering my heart with a special love

for Our beautiful Mother of the Cathedral of Love. Amen.

 The following are additional prayers that can be said at any time and especially in times of distress.

Lead the Way for Me to Jesus

Jesus was for you a Celestial Heaven on earth,

the “Finest Portion” that wasn’t to be taken from you.

 Overwhelmed by His Love,

which was pardoning beyond measure,

you followed Him everywhere,

even to where others would not go.

But my Precious Mother I do not want to be like the others.

Lead the way for me to Jesus and His Love.

I who am woefully sorrowful,

and in need of a victory over myself.

Ask Jesus to speak to my heart as He did to yours.

I want to weep copious tears over His feet,

asking for forgiveness,

while my heart is withstanding His beautiful Love.

Lead me to Jesus,

to the Heart that is responsible for the Love you received.

I want to give my life to Him,

 and never to turn away from my Promise. Amen.

My Second Mother to Whom I Cry

My anguish is beyond endurance,

I am assailed by that which I hate. 

I am powerless, and I feel the onset of defeat.

 I am not inclined to turn elsewhere,

thus, in my agony I cry to you.

I want to be good,

I want to be a Child of the Cathedral of Love.

But I cannot get beyond this contagion which I despise.

I give now into your care my sorrowful heart and mind,

with a plea for intervention.

Obtain for me the Power of He who is Celestial Love for a definitive victory,

and the Grace to remain as one forever promised to your Heart.

Lead me in the way of remittance, and Jesus’s merciful Love. Amen.

Presenting Our Sufferings to Our Second Mother of the Cathedral of Love

What is little known about St. Mary Magdalene: Our Precious Second Mother of the Cathedral of Love is that she has a very special love for Jesus Crucified. This love originates from her being at the foot of the cross, and personally witnessing Jesus’s Crucifixion. Her heart, similar to Our Blessed Mother’s Heart, was united to Jesus’s Heart on the Cross. In addition to this, after Jesus’s Resurrection she lived a solitary life contemplating Jesus’s suffering and the mysteries of His Passion. For the remainder of Her life she took up the practice of consoling the sufferings of Jesus Crucified. This union of her heart to Jesus’s sufferings and passion remains to this day. Her love for Jesus, and the heartfelt concern for his suffering is far beyond the ordinary—only surpassed by Our Holy Mother of the Cathedral of Love. As part of this union of her heart to Jesus’s sufferings, a special charism is attached whereby we, the children of the Cathedral of Love, can present our sufferings to her heart. All sufferings received by her will be presented to Jesus in a special way. When Our Precious Second Mother presents our sufferings to Jesus, she does so in a way where a special unction becomes attached. Jesus, being very pleased with this presentation, is greatly consoled. And, His Heart being moved with compassionate love, pours out sanctifying grace in abundance. Furthermore, we can present our sufferings to her with a specific intention, and from this special act we can anticipate, through her intercession, many extraordinary graces. From the depths of her heart, Our Second Mother would like for everyone to present to her their sufferings to console Jesus. The means by which we can present our sufferings to her is by saying the following prayer. She would like this prayer to be said every day, and also when suffering is at its worst. 

Prayer for Presenting Sufferings to the Heart of Our Second Mother

I present all my sufferings at this time

to the precious heart of the Second Mother of the Cathedral Love

to appease the sufferings of Jesus,

especially the sufferings of His Sacred Heart.

And, also to console the Heart full of sorrow,

of Our Precious Mother of the Cathedral of Love. Amen. 

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