The Child King

The Child King Who Reigns in the Cathedral of Love

JESUS INVITES EVERYONE TO PARTAKE of the Love that He holds out to each of us in His Precious Little Hand, represented below as honey and comb. The Love that he offers to us is the greatest Gift that any one of us could possibly want and everyone is in need of it. The difference of Jesus’s Love in our lives is that what we are fed is what we become. And it is in the Immaculate Heart of Mary that we grow in His Love and become it. When we are in possession of Jesus’s Love, we have laid claim to the entirety of a great treasure because Jesus is His love inside of us. His Love in our hearts is expressed in our devotion which gives us great joy. Furthermore, it is in Our Precious Mother’s Heart that our hearts give expression to Jesus’s Love in our relationships with Jesus and Mary, and our every word, prayer, and praise to them becomes saturated with Jesus’s Love, which is something that they thoroughly enjoy. 

     When we come to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Jesus presents to us His Gift. In this Gift we are greeted with an embrace of Jesus’s Beautiful Self. This is the honey that contains the powerful elixirs of His Love. When we partake of the honey, Jesus gives us a powerful experience of His Love. In this experience, He touches us with the heat of His Love which completely melts our heart. This is often an emotionally moving experience and this is how He brings about a surrendering of our heart to Him. As part of this experience, His Love replaces our sadness with His Peace, Joy, and Love. This is Jesus’s way of establishing straight away a bond of love and friendship. In His embrace, the horizons of His Love are established, and the horizons of His Love are Himself. He himself is Beautiful Life because He is all that is Beautiful. In Jesus’s Love is the highest excellence Life and we are invited to live it with Him, and to the fullest. His precious little Gift is most approachable in Our Mother’s Immaculate Heart, and it is true sustenance because it is Himself who is this celestial fare. Life in the Immaculate Heart of Mary is where we are all being called, to which is a Life of Love with Our Precious Mother and Her Child King. Use the prayers below to address the Child King and receive the Gift that He wants to give to each of us. 

The Precious Little Gift Prayer

My beloved Child King of the Cathedral of Love.

You have made known to me that Your Beautiful Love,

Is what you present to me in Your Little Hand,

But my Adorable One,

it seems to me something untouchable. 

Jesus, my Lord Jesus, open a way for me

to experience Your irresistible Love; 

this profound Love which is your Gift.

Make this Love that you present to me,

an experience of Your loving tenderness,

that will be most satisfying within me.

I love You my Child King.

And, I surrender my whole heart into your embrace.

Look beyond my sorrowfulness

for I have nothing else except my love for You, 

which is something that cannot be denied me.

So, I will say it again “I love You my Child King.”

And, I will cherish forever what You give me

which is your Celestial Self in Your Love

I promise to make known everywhere this Great Love.

And to live always in the Cathedral of Love,

offering praise unceasingly to my Child King.

This is the least I can do,

for receiving this precious gift,

from your little Hand. Amen.

I Exalt You My Beloved Child King

I exalt You my Beloved Child King,

in the Cathedral of Love.

Who is enthroned upon,

Our Lovely and Vernerated Mother. 

All exalted praise is due to You,

for Your exquisitely Powerful Love,

that with a gesture so beautiful,

offer to us from your dearly beloved little hand.

Give me my Child Jesus this precious Gift,

I want to encounter, 

Your Unforgettable Love that is so dear,

which will make permanent our Loving Embrace.

My heart bound to Your Heart,

My person enrapt in Your Person.

Oh, Great King I love and I praise you.

Lead me by Your Beautiful Love, 

to Love’s dominion which is Your Heart. 

Your Love is the reason for Our Espousal,

and the cause for my exalted praise and joy.

Forever I will exclaim the wonders of Your Love

and what it has done for me.

I find it unthinkable to restrain my praise;

And, it is my endmost desire

that the whole world know about this Love

that is found in the dominion of the Cathedral of Love. Amen.

My Heart’s Desire Prayer

Oh Child King, my heart’s desire.

Within Your Cathedral of Love, 

You have devised a Gift for me

And as part of Your presentation so sweet,

It found its mark,

Thus overwhelming my heart in Your Love,

And bringing me to my knees,

To voice affectionate praises of love.

As Your Love intensifies I contemplate:

To what beautiful end will this reach,

To what part of paradise will you carry me.

My Jesus, most adorable,

How can I return a love,

Nearly as beautiful as yours,

With a heart so poor as mine.

For in your Love, I have found You,

Whose name is The Most Beautiful. 

True Love and thus my Life has indeed arrived, 

All desire to return to what was has vanished.

I ask you now to keep me for yourself,

As a companion in Your Love,

So that I may experience,

Your unending forgiveness,

And endless fulfillment,

In the elixir of Your precious Gift. Amen.

My Forever Love

How precious are these beautiful moments,

That You have decided to Grace me with my Love;

When You thought that You would bestow upon me,

Your Inestimable Love.

A Love so Rich, so Kind,

So ultimately Gracious, and Perfect.

All I can say about this is:

It is “You” my Lord Jesus;

Who has decided to visit me with your Beautiful Self.

Oh how Beautiful You are my Jesus.

Oh how much I want to embrace you,

And call you “my Forever Love.” 

My Forever Love, mine to keep Forever,

I cannot entirely embrace you as I wish at this time,

As I walk on earth.

But this only inflames my heart even more so,

With an overpowering desire to embrace You more.

I cannot rest,

Until this is complete. 

And You, knowing this desire of mine,

Have had Compassion on me,

By pouring out more Love into my heart.

Oh how good You are to me my Love,

For Your desire is the same as mine. Amen.

As I Take Every Step with The Child King

My Dearest Child King of the Cathedral of Love,

I will Love, and I will worship you at every moment.

For the rest of my days, 

I shall contemplate your Majesty,

And experience your infinite Goodness and Love.

I will hold you so dear, 

So that I may experience,

The loveliness of your person, 

To treasure,

As I take every step. Amen.

Nothing Less than Forever Prayer

Nothing less than forever Jesus,

For you are the adoration of my eye,

The “everything” that I aways longed for.

Never can we be separated again.

Our hearts side by side in shared love,

Mine receiving from yours,

An expanse of Celestial Love.

I can do nothing now except exult in Your love.

And rejoice in your unbounded goodness,

And extol that: we must have eternity together,

A promise of my heart,

And a consolation until the end of my days,

A bond of love that will remain with me always.

For this is what You have disclosed in our embrace,

That nothing is acceptable to You,

Except being my forever Jesus. Amen.

Oh How My Will Should Be Loved

A Prayer from Our Heavenly Father

My Kingdom come. 

My Will be done.

Oh, how My Will should be loved, cherished, and adored;

because all goodness has come from my Will,

which proceeds from My Heart;

My Fatherly Heart;

which is here for you to enjoy and embrace,

and for you to be united to Me in Love.

This is why I created you,

which is, for my Fatherly affection,

for us to enjoy, 

so that we may be united together;

creature and creator in Love;

child following after its Father;

to be what my Will intended;

a child in love with its Father,

desiring to worship Him, to love Him, and to adore Him.

But most of all it is because of My Will,

that I Love you,

the one whom I created for Myself,

for Me to hold dear, and to lavish upon

by giving all, 

fulfilling the demands of My Love for you.

Draw close to me my child,

and know My Love,

My Fatherly Heart wishes to make you Mine forever. Amen.

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