Book and Overview

Eric Sawyer (author) and Carol Sawyer (illustrator)

ISBN: 979-8-9869744-0-8

Paperback: 192 pages. To Purchase the book go to the "Store" page on this website.


This book and website are thoroughly the work of our Holy Mother and Virgin. Everything that I am describing in this overview is explained in greater detail in the book Living in the Heart of Mary.

       It all started in April 2018 when I heard Our Lady’s voice for the first time while praying in front of a large image of Mary, holding in her hands, her Immaculate Heart like the one you see on the cover on the book above. Soon afterward she began communicating to me interiorly and even asked that I write a book. On December 6, 2020, she gave me (undeserving person that I am) her first message concerning the world: “Only those persons who are in relationship to my Immaculate Heart can be saved in these times.” This message, as you can imagine, completely changed the course of the book that I was writing. Since then she has spoken many times concerning her Immaculate Heart, Jesus living in her heart, His love, Salvation, and the Cathedral of Love which I will explain.

       What might be coming to your mind after hearing this for the first time is: Why is Our Lady speaking this way? Our Lady's primary concern, is that the world is embracing a Jesus that doesn’t match the one in holy Scripture. On November 27, 2021 she gave this message: “Approach and address Jesus only through my Immaculate Heart to safeguard your relationship with Him. Here you will find my Son for who He is.” Since it is her request to address Jesus through her Immaculate Heart, this makes her heart the place where we are to receive our salvation.

       The next major undertaking in the chain of events was putting together the “Taking My Place” devotion  which is described in detail in the book. In practicing this devotion, we take our place in the Immaculate Heart Mary every day by saying the “Taking My Place” prayer. The purpose of this devotion is to make Mary’s heart our permanent place of residence, which is necessary to retain our gift of salvation. Upon awakening every day we greet Our Lady and then say the “Taking My Place” prayer (see the The Devotion page on this site). Notice that in this prayer, when we place ourselves in her heart, we embrace Jesus because He lives in her heart in a special way. She informs us that this is so in the following message: “My Immaculate Heart is the way of the living and of goodness because Jesus lives here. He resides here in his fullness for people who wish to receive Him for their salvation” (February 10, 2021). Furthermore, when we recite this prayer, we are asking Mary to be our “continuous companion” throughout our busy day. As our companion we dialogue with her, and when the occasion arises, we ask for her assistance. It is Our Lady’s wish that we live our lives with her in this way, and perform all of our everyday activities from within her heart. The art of conversing with Our Lady is an essential feature of this devotion, and it is discussed at length in Living in the Heart of Mary.

      An next unexpected announcement in the course of events was the introduction of the Cathedral of Love. She gave this message on February 26, 2022: “My heart is a Cathedral that is on fire and does not burn. It is a Cathedral of Love. Come with your hearts full of devotion and be a part of my Cathedral of Love.”  She has since made many references to the Cathedral of Love in her messages which are also in the book. It’s because of the activity of Jesus’s love in her heart that she calls her heart a “Cathedral of Love.” Our Lady wants it to be known that she is not changing the name of her heart, but merely letting the world know what her heart has become.

       The rebuilding of Jesus’s Church in the Cathedral of Love is the work of His Love in the heart of His mother. On March 20, 2022, Our Blessed Mother made this announcement: “I am here. Be assured that my Heart will never fail you. Jesus is rebuilding His Church in my Immaculate Heart.” In another message she says: “My Heart is love upon love and help upon help. Jesus has built a Cathedral of Love in my heart for all to come and be saved.” (March 12, 2022). The Cathedral of Love has become the resting place for the Body of Christ where it is nourished by His Love. Our Lady has made it clear that everyone is invited to be a part of the Cathedral of Love, and it is here that Jesus reigns as Child King. In addition to being the home for His Body, it is also the great Cathedral of praises and worship. When taking our place in Mary’s Immaculate Heart every day and engaged in any act of love such as prayer, praise, or performing charitable works, we are doing so in the Cathedral of Love.

       The Cathedral of Love materialized because of the need for salvation in today’s world. Practicing the “taking my place” devotion gives everyone a chance to be saved by providing access to Mary’s Immaculate Heart anytime, anywhere, thus bypassing all obstacles to salvation. It is through our relationship with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which necessitates taking our place in her heart every day, conversing with her, confessing our sins to her, and receiving Jesus’s love, that our salvation becomes guaranteed. 

       When the children of the Cathedral of Love partake of Jesus’s love, they become the instruments of his love. We are all called to approach Mary’s heart at this time and experience his love. In Living in the Heart of Mary there are prayers and meditations to help us to experience his love. The Cathedral of Love is the Cathedral of Jesus’s powerful Love. It is here that the Body Christ is united in His love and given the power to conquer.

       Questions about the book can be addressed through the “Contact Us” page on our website. Or you may write us at: P. O. Box 2135, Wilton, NY 12831. Include your email address for a quick response. Copies of the book are now available. 

Relevance Statement

This website has relevance for those who are interested in: holy rosary, our lady of fatima, our lady queen of peace, immaculate heart of mary, our lady of lourdes, our lady of guadalupe, padre pio, rosary, first saturday devotion, our lady of la salette, flame of love, our lady of medjugorje, mother of god, devotion to mary, our lady of sorrows, devotion to the immaculate heart of mary, apparitions of the blessed virgin mary, shrines to the blessed virgin mary, children of mary, our lady of kibeho, sacred heart of jesus,

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